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XI International scientific conference “Ancient cultures of Mongolia, Southern Siberia and Northern China” (September 7 -11, 2020, Abakan)



South Siberian branch of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Buryat State University

Transbaikal State University

Institute of Archaeology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Institute of Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Humanities research and Indigenous studies of the North

Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

Irkutsk national research technical university

Irkutsk state university

Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Renmin University of China

Krasnoyarsk branch Russian Academy of education

National University of Mongolia

Inner Mongolia Museum

Northwestern University of the People's Republic of China

Siberian Federal University

Tuvan State University

Tuvan Institute for Humanitarian Studies

Ulanbaatar State Univrsity

Katanov State University of Khakassia

Jilin University of the People's Republic of China





XI International scientific conference

“Ancient cultures of Mongolia, Southern Siberia and Northern China”

(September 2021, Abakan)

Dedicated to the 90th birth anniversary of Gleb A. Maksimenkov



Dear colleagues!


We are honored to invite you  to participate in the forthcoming XI International Scientific Conference “Ancient Cultures of Mongolia, Southern Siberia and Northern China”, which is scheduled to take place at September 2021 on the premises of the South Siberian branch of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Abakan, Russian Federation) in the buildings of Katanov State University of Khakassia.

The first scientific conference of this series was held in September 2010 in Ulan-Ude, the second in May 2011 in Irkutsk, the third in September 2012 in Ulan-Bator, the fourth in September 2013 in the city of Chita, the fifth - in September 2014 in the city of Kyzyl, the sixth - in October 2015 in the city of Hohhot, the seventh - in October 2016 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, the eighth - in October 2017 in the city of Changchun, the ninth - in September 2018 in the city of Ulan-Ude, the tenth - in October 2019 in the city of Beijing.


During the conference, a field trip to archaeological sites and museums is planned.


The conference is supposed to be held in the following areas (if necessary, the directions could be adjusted):

  • The Stone Age of Central, East and North Asia;
  • The Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Central, East and North Asia;
  • Central, East and North Asia in the era of nomadic empires;
  • Ethnogenesis and culture genesis;
  • Paleogeography and paleoecology;
  • Natural science research methods in archeology.


Conditions for participation in the conference and publication of:

For all those wishing to participate in the conference, please fill out the application form .

In case the registration form does not work for some reason, write a letter to the conference address and we will send you a word file.

Texts of reports are accepted by email until February 28, 2020

An article written in English, Russian or Mongolian (Republic of Mongolia) should comply with the requirements of the “Sample article” form in Appendix 2.

An article written in Chinese, Russian or Mongolian (Republic of Mongolia) should be accompanied by a summary (Summary, abstract) in English, up to 1 thousand characters.

Official languages ​​of the conference: Chinese, Mongolian (Republic of Mongolia), Russian and English.


Registration fee for participation in the conference:

Conference participants cover on their own all the expenses for travel to Abakan and back, accommodation.

Other expenses (including the fees for the organization of the conference, accommodation, field trips, etc.) will be additionally reported in the second information letter.



International Organizing Committee of the XI International Scientific Conference

“Ancient cultures of Mongolia, Southern Siberia and Northern China”


Organizing committee co-chairs:


A.V. Polyakov, Ph.D., Director of the South Siberian Branch of the IHMC RAS (Russian Federation);


A.D. Tsybiktarov, Ph.D., chairman of the Permanent International Organizing Committee of the Conference “Ancient Cultures of Mongolia, Baikal Siberia and Northern China”, professor of Buryat State University (Russian Federation).


Organizing committee vice-chairs:


A.V. Kharinsky, Ph.D., professor of Department of History, Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Russian Federation);

Zhu Hong, professor, head of the Research Center for Archeology of Chinese Borders of Jilin University (People's Republic of China);

D. Erdeneebaatar, Ph. D., professor, head of the Department of Archeology, Ulaanbaatar State University (Mongolia).


Members of the organizing committee:


I.M. Berdnikov, Ph.D., scientific researcher of the Research Center “Baikal Region” of Irkutsk State University (Russian Federation);

N.E. Berdnikova, scientific researcher of the Research Center “Baikal Region” of Irkutsk State University (Russian Federation);

R.I. Bravina, Ph.D., head of the Archeology sector of the IHRISN SB RAS (Russian Federation);

Wei Jian, Professor, Director of the Institute of Northern Archeology of the Peoples of China People’s University (People’s Republic of China);

N.I. Drozdov, Ph.D., Professor, Director of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Russian Academy of Education (Russian Federation);

A.V. Konstantinov, Ph.D., professor of the Department of Russian History, Transbaikal State University (Russian Federation);

T.G. Krasnova, Ph.D., professor, Rector of Katanov State University of Khakassia (Russian Federation);

P.V. Mandryka, Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory of Archeology, Ethnography and History of Siberia, Siberian Federal University (Russian Federation);

E.A. Lipnina, Ph.D., director of the Research Center “Baikal Region” of Irkutsk State University (Russian Federation);

Ma Qian, Ph.D, professor, vice-director of the Institute of Cultural Heritage, Northwestern University of China (People’s Republis of China);

A.G. Sitdikov, Ph.D., corresponding member, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, director of the Tatarstan;

D.K. Tulush, Ph.D., scientific researcher of the Sector of archeology and ethnography of the Tuva Institute for Humanitarian Research (Russian Federation);

O.M. Khomushku, Ph.D., professor, rector of Tuva State University (Russian Federation);

Cao Jianen, Director of the Institute of Archeology of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (People’s Republic of China);

N.V. Tsydenova, scientific researcher Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (Russian Federation);

Zheng Yongzhi, director of the Museum of Inner Mongolia AWM (Peopl’s Republic of China);

M. Erdene, Ph.D., professor of Department of Anthropology and Archeology of Mongolian State University (Mongolia);

G. Eregzen, Ph.D, Director of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia (Mongolia).



Contact Information:


Organizing committee co-chair: Andrey V. Polyakov ().

Secretary of the organizing committee: Vera M. Lurie ().

Responsible for international contacts (China, Mongolia): Teerbaier Naga ().





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