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Instructions for contributors



Instructions for contributors of "Archaeological News"


The basic principles of accepting manuscripts for publication


Only original works of authorship that have not been published before are accepted. When submitting a manuscript, one should adhere to the basic provisions of scientific ethics (authors are responsible for the scientific reliability of materials; publications that report new scientific results should provide an exhaustive description of the results and methods used; results that were published earlier should be repeated only to the extent necessary to understand the context; there should be The data confirming or questioning the presented results are presented; only those who have made a significant contribution to the development of a research or experimental plan, analysis and interpretation of data and preparation of the manuscript can be considered co-authors, they must also consent to its publication; the authors are jointly responsible for the content of the publication; the support provided by third parties should be mentioned in the note).

The manuscript is checked by the publishing department for compliance with its rules for submitting manuscripts. In case of non-compliance, it is returned to the author for revision.

After that, it is independently reviewed. The reviewer determines whether the article meets the scientific level of the journal, checks the validity and novelty of the authors' conclusions, and gives a conclusion on the possibility of publishing the article. In case of a negative review, it is returned to the author with a reasoned refusal (or suggestions for reworking the text). In case of a positive decision, a publication agreement is concluded with the author.

Then the manuscript is sent for scientific editing. The scientific editors are the staff of the IHMC RAS, who are recognized experts in the relevant field of science and have publications on these topics. In case of disputes, the editor-in-chief has the right to a decisive vote.

The work on the manuscript is confidential: neither reviewers nor scientific editors have the right to disclose its contents to third parties, as well as to use it in their own work.

The publication of articles and notes in the journal is free of charge.

The journal "Archaeological News" publishes theoretical and research papers on archaeology and related disciplines; archaeological materials of great interest; critical articles and reviews of new publications on archaeology (monographs and collections of articles).

Articles based on the analysis of materials collected in the field or obtained otherwise without the official permission of state bodies (open sheet) or not deposited in the State Museum Fund are not accepted for publication (an indication of the place of storage of materials is desirable).


Rules for submitting manuscripts


The materials sent to the journal must be designed in accordance with the following rules.

1. Manuscripts are submitted electronically to the editorial office: . The text is typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, in 1.5 intervals.

2. The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract (300 characters with spaces), keywords (no more than 10) and a short summary for translation into English.

3. On a separate page, information about the authors is provided (full name, place of work with postal address, email address, contact phone number, ORCID).

4. The total volume of the manuscript for the sections "New research and discoveries", "Current problems of archaeology", "History of Science" (including tables, references, captions and summaries) should not exceed 40,000 characters (with spaces). Page-by-page notes are given at the bottom of the corresponding page with solid numbering for the entire manuscript (1, 2, 3, ...).

5. No more than 8 illustrations (in color and/or black and white) are accepted for the article. Illustrations are numbered according to the order of references to them in the text. Images are provided in a resolution of at least 300 dpi with a size of 170 × 232 mm — for a full strip, 82.5× 232 mm — for a column. The position numbers in the illustrations are in Arial font, size 9 pt.

Images of objects in several projections are based on the following principle: the front side of the object en fas, profile, reverse side (if necessary) must have a sequential rotation of 90° (preferably to the right). The objects must be recognizable by the image, have an information load and the corresponding dimensions. It is better to combine small objects with small ones, large ones with large ones.

Geographical landmarks (seas, mountains, rivers, etc.) must be signed on the maps and the scale indicated.

Plans and drawings must be accompanied by symbols, the contents of which must be signed.

6. References to literature and sources in the text are given according to the following model: (Petrenko, 2006. p. 46, fig. 12); (НА ИИМК РАН. РО. Ф. 1. Оп. 1. 1892 г. Д. 33. Л. 10, 11 об.).

7. List of literature and sources — general, in alphabetical order, first works in Cyrillic, then in Latin. The works of one author are arranged in chronological order. If there are publications of one year, the letters a, b, c ... are affixed to them, including the first mention.


Design examples


1. Monograph [Author(s). Title. Place of publication: publishing house, year. The total number of pages. (If there is a series, it is indicated after the year of publication in parentheses.)].

Алексеев, 2003 — Алексеев А. Ю. Хронография Европейской Скифии VII–IV вв. до н. э. СПб.: Изд-во Гос. Эрмитажа, 2003. 416 с.

Lavento, 2001 — Lavento M. Textile Ceramics in Finland and on the Karelian Isthmus: Nine Variations and Fugue on a Theme of C. F. Meinander. Helsinki: Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys, 2001 (Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen aikakauskirja; Vol. 109). 410 S.


2. The collection (the responsible editor must be indicated).

Поверив алгеброй…, 2021 — Поверив алгеброй гармонию: Сб. ст. памяти Я. А. Шера / Отв. ред. Л. Б. Вишняцкий, К. В. Чугунов. СПб.: ИИМК РАН, 2021. 316 с.


3. Conference materials and similar publications.

Верхний палеолит…, 2021 — Верхний палеолит Европы: Время культурных новаций: Тезисы междунар. науч. конф. (6–8 декабря 2021 г., Санкт-Петербург) / Отв. ред. С. А. Васильев. СПб.: ИИМК РАН, 2021. 215 с.


4. An article in the journal [Author. The title of the article // The name of the journal. Year. Number. Pages of the article].

Медведская, 1992 — Медведская И. Н. Периодизация скифской архаики и Древний Восток // Российская археология. 1992. № 3. С. 86–107.

Tarasov, Nordqvist, 2022 — Tarasov A., Nordqvist K. Made for exchange: the Russian Karelian lithic industry and hunter-fisher-gatherer exchange networks in prehistoric north-eastern Europe // Antiquity. 2022. Vol. 96 (385). P. 34–50.


5. Archival materials (it is mandatory to indicate the total number of sheets in the file).

Field reports

Чернов, 1977 — Чернов С. З. Отчет об археологических разведках в бассейне р. Вори в 1977 г. // Научно-отраслевой архив ИА РАН. 1977. Р-1. № 6695. 108 л.

The link to the archive file is complete (for articles on the history of science).

Научный архив ИИМК РАН. Рукописный отдел. Ф. 1. Оп. 1. 1892 г. Д. 33: Дело ИАК о командировании г. Марра в Русскую Армению для производства там археологических розысканий. 240 л.


6. Materials published on the Internet.

Author(s). Title [Electronic resource] // URL: http.www...... (accessed: 00.00.0000).

Neri et al., 2018 — Neri E., Schibille N., Pellegrino M., Nuzzo D. A Byzantine connection: Eastern Mediterranean glasses in medieval Bari // Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2018 // URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.11.009 (accessed: 26.01.2019).