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Вы здесь: Главная / Издания / Археологические вести / Annotations of issues / "Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 41. Аннотации

"Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 41. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Институт истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 41 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2023. — 382 c.: ил.



Очередной (41-й) выпуск «Археологических вестей» посвящен памяти известных ученых Е. И. Леви (1903– 1996) и А. Н. Щеглова (1933–2009), работавших в ЛОИА АН СССР / ИИМК РАН и внесших значительный вклад в изучение античной культуры Северного Причерноморья. В 2023 г. исполнилось 120 лет со дня рождения Е. И. Леви и 90 лет со дня рождения А. Н. Щеглова. Круг их научных интересов был широк, оба они вели многолетние, масштабные и успешные исследования античных памятников, существенно расширившие наши представления о жизни древних греков в регионе, особенностях их хозяйства и духовной культуры. Е. И. Леви мы помним, прежде всего, как исследовательницу Ольвии и знатока античного искусства. А. Н. Щеглов, занимавшийся изучением памятников Западного Крыма и поселений хоры Херсонеса Таврического, в результате комплексных исследований реконструировал облик сельской округи древнего города, внеся существенный вклад в изучение его экономического развития. В выпуск вошли статьи, посвященные памятникам Северного Причерноморья, новым находкам и открытиям от эпохи поздней бронзы до средневекового времени, а также общим вопросам развития античной культуры в регионе. Представлены также работы по истории отечественной науки.


The current (41st) issue of the Archaeological News is devoted to the memory of the prominent scholars Elena I. Levi (1903–1996) and Aleksandr N. Shcheglov (1933–2009) who worked at the LOIA AS USSSR / IHMC RAS and have largely contributed to the studies of the Classical culture of the Northern Black Sea Region. In 2023 we celebrate 120 years since the birth of E. I. Levi and 90 years since the birth of A. N. Shcheglov. The scope of their scientific interests was very wide. For many years they both have conducted large-scale and successful investigations of Classical sites having essentially enlarged our notions about the life of ancient Greeks in the region under study, the features of their economy and spiritual culture. We remember E. I. Levi firstly as a researcher of Olbia and a connoisseur of ancient art. A. N. Shcheglov who was occupied with investigations of archaeological sites of Western Crimea and settlements in the chora of Tauric Chersonesos has succeeded by interdisciplinary studies in a reconstruction of the character of the rural surroundings of this ancient city and contributed considerably to the knowledge about its economical development. The present collection comprises articles concerned with sites of the Northern Black Sea littoral, new finds and discoveries related with the chronological range from the Late Bronze Age until the Mediaeval era as well as with general questions of the evolution of the Classical culture in the considered region. Also several studies on the history of the national science are presented.


ВСПОМИНАЯ Е. И. ЛЕВИ (1903–1996) И А. Н. ЩЕГЛОВА (1933–2009)
REMEMBERING E. I. LEVI (1903–1996) AND A. N. SHCHEGLOV (1933–2009)


Виноградов Ю. А. Елена Ивановна Леви — выдающаяся исследовательница Ольвии

Vinogradov Yu. A. Elena Ivanovna Levi — a prominent researcher of Olbia


Медведева М. В. Елена Ивановна Леви. Фотозарисовки научной жизни

Аннотация. В статье публикуются фотографии из архивного собрания ИИМК РАН, отражающие научную деятельность известного специалиста по изучению античных памятников Северного Причерноморья Е. И. Леви. Серия снимков составляет своеобразную фотолетопись работы исследовательницы с момента прихода ее в ГАИМК и до 1980-х гг.

Ключевые слова: Е. И. Леви, археология, Ольвийская экспедиция, история науки, ГАИМК, фотографии, архивные документы.

Medvedeva M. V. Elena Ivanovna Levi. Photosketches of the scientific life

Annotation. The article publishes photographs from the archival collection of the IIMK RAS, reflecting the scientific activities of the famous specialist in the study of ancient monuments of the Northern Black Sea region E. I. Levi. A series of photographs makes up a kind of photographic chronicle of the researcher's work from the moment she joined the GAIMK until the 1980s.

Keywords: E. I. Levi, archaeology, Olbian Expedition, history of science, GAIMK (State Academy of the History of Material Culture), photographs, archive documents.


Всевиов Л. М. (Составитель) Библиография работ Е. И. Леви

Vseviov L. M. (Compiler) Bibliography of works by E. I. Levi


Вахтина М. Ю. К 90-летию со дня рождения Александра Николаевича Щеглова

Vakhtina M. Yu. To the 90th birthday anniversary of Aleksandr Nikolayevich Shcheglov


Всевиов Л. М. (Составитель) Дополнения к опубликованной библиографии работ А. Н. Щеглова

Vseviov L. M. (Compiler) Supplements to the published bibliography of works by A. N. Shcheglov




Чистов Д. Е. К оценке численности жителей архаического Березанского поселения

Аннотация. Статья посвящена оценке плотности населения и численности жителей архаического Березанского поселения (Борисфена) на протяжении VI — первой половины V в. до н. э. Приблизительное число жителей урбанизированной апойкии вычисляется исходя из параметров, предложенных М. Хансеном для греческих городов небольшой площади. Существующие методы оценки количества жителей для «кустовой» пространственной организации поселений ольвийской хоры применительно к догородскому периоду Березани показывают более низкий уровень достоверности.

Ключевые слова: Березань, Борисфен, историческая демография, урбанизм, греческая колонизация Северного Причерноморья.

Chistov D. E. Estimation of the population size at the archaic Berezan settlement

Annotation: A calculation of the density of buildings at the urbanized Berezan settlement of the 6th — first third of the 5th cen. BC shows that per one housing estate, taking in account the street net, there were, on average, 312 sq. m of the urban territory that amounts to ca 32 houses per hectare. The density of population of the archaic Borysthenes did not exceed 190 persons per hectare enabling us to estimate the community residing within the boundaries of the quarter buildings (Fig. 1) as 2,000–3,000 individuals in the second half of the 6th — first third of the 5th cen. BC. These numbers do not account for the territory of the urban houses occupying, along with the streets, the public spaces and installations. However this correction is of no significance where cities of a small area are concerned to which archaic Borysthenes belonged; besides, all the known public buildings at that site are comparable with residential plots in terms of the area occupied by them. No traces have been so far recorded of an expansion of the built-up urban area as a consequence of the natural population increase during the life span of three generations of colonists at Berezan. At the same time, the expansion of some housing estates may indicate the growth of families there residing. A comparison of the population density of the urbanized apoike with the precedent pit-house settlement is complicated by the fact that no common method can be applied to consider construction at them. The calculations presented in this paper show that per territory of each housing estate and the adjoining streets of the urbanistic period, there were in the pre-urban period, on average, at least 5–6 residential, economic or manufacturing complexes dug in the earth. The term of functioning of the pit-houses, however, yielded in time to any city’s house.

Keywords: Berezan, Borysthenes, historical demography, urbanism, Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea region.


Ильина Ю. И., Круглов А. В. Ольвийский псевдокурос: полуфигура у колодца

Аннотация. В статье критически пересматривается прежняя атрибуция известняковой полуфигуры юноши из помещения с колодцем ольвийской агоры как изображение куроса архаического периода и определяет ее как образ хтонического божества, связанный с элевсинской, дионисийско-орфической традицией, либо хтонического героя, легендарного местного прорицателя-целителя, в композиции анода; само помещение с нишей, скульптурой и источником воды характеризуется как сакральное, возможно, как место оракула и магии.

Ключевые слова: псевдокурос, полуфигура, скульптура из известняка, ольвийская агора, колодец, ниша, скульптура у источника, элевсинские боги, оракул, магия.

Ilyina Yu. I., Kruglov A. V. The Olbian Pseudo-Kouros — a Semi-Figure next to the Well

Annotation: This paper presents a critical revision of the previous attribution of the limestone semi-figure of a young man (Fig. 1) from the room with a well excavated in 1969 at the Olbian agora. This sculpture has been considered as a broken kouros statue of a Late Archaic date. Taking into account the absolute absence of life-size naked male statues executed from limestone in the Archaic epoch, as well as the contradiction with the iconography — the absence of the ears (concealed by long hair), the absence of a band in the hair and of the “enlightened” smile of the Archaic kouroi, along with the fact that this sculpture represents a youth with his clothes on rather than a naked young man, the sculpture cannot be designated as a kouros. The headdress, facial features and the type of the clothes find parallels in depictions of Scythians on the works of the so-called Greco-Scythian toreutics of the 4th cen. BC corresponding to the date of installation of the semi-figure in the niche of the room with the well (second half or the end of the 4thcen. BC). The author of the sculpture under consideration might have been a hellenized barbarian trained to stonedressing. Noteworthy is the ambivalence of the iconography of the monument (remembering the Dio Chrysostom’s mentioning the Scythian appearance of an Olbiopolite). The depiction of the semi-figure (as it was initially executed) is a scene of anodos encountered in representations of young male chtonic gods and heroes connected often with Eleusinian and Dionysian-Orphic worship — Eubouleos, Eumolpos, Iakchos and Dionysus. Perhaps, considering our sculpture in the context of folklore tradition, the Olbian Greeks focused their attention primarily on the essence of the depiction of anodos pertaining to the representation of chtonic gods/heroes including some local deified hero, a legendary sage, foreteller and healer, who might have turned out to be a hellenized Scythian. The room itself with the niche, the sculpture and a water source is characterised as a sacral area which may have been used as a place for an oracle and magic. The presented here analysis of the archaeological complex not only poses the question as to who was the customer of the sculpture but also returns us to a discussion raised in the past decades about the assimilation of the barbarian component, the presence of an ethnic formation of Helleno-Scythians and the culturo-religious symbiosis of the Scythian society with Hellenic Olbia.

Keywords: pseudo-kouros, semi-figure, limestone sculpture, Olbian agora, well, niche, sculpture at the source, Eleusinian gods, oracle, magic.


Алексинский Д. П., Ильина Ю. И., Боровикова М. Г. Два шлема из Ольвии (история находки, атрибуция, реставрация)

Аннотация. Среди многочисленных находок, происходящих из раскопок в Ольвии, особое место занимают два шлема, которые не имеют археологического контекста, так как один был куплен в 1908 г., а происхождение другого неизвестно. Шлемы к 2011 г. представляли собой множество крупных и мелких фрагментов. В 2011–2019 гг. была проведена сложная реставрация. Эти шлемы датируются IV в. до н. э. и являются редкими предметами вооружения не только для Северного Причерноморья.

Ключевые слова: шлем, халкидский шлем, Ольвия, история покупки, реставрация.

Alexinskiy D. P., Ilyina Yu. I., Borovikova M. G. Two helmets from Olbia (history of the find, attribution, restoration)

Annotation: Among the numerous finds from the excavations in Olbia, a special place is occupied by two helmets which miss the archaeological context: one was acquired by the Imperial Archaeological Commission in 1908 in the village of Parutino (it belonged to the tradesman I. Shapiro); the origin of the other one is not known. Since the 1930’s, both helmets are kept in the collection of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the State Hermitage Museum. The helmets are dated back to the 4th cen. BC; they are rarest examples of ancient Greek weaponry from the western regions of the Northern Black Sea region. For Olbia, where the imported Greek weapons are presented by single items, these finds should be considered unique. The Parutino helmet belongs to the group of helmets classified by the conventional term “The Chalcidian type V”; sometimes (according to a not entirely correct tradition that has developed in the historiography), it is designated as the “Attic type”. Throughout the 4th cen., such armor, the products of the Greek workshops, found a wide distribution on the Balkan Peninsula, Macedonia and Thrace. Only three times — a chance find in the foothills of Parnassus and two helmets from Olympia — this form was presented in the Balkan Greece, but never in the Greek West. In the Black Sea region, the finds are known in the Dnieper region, the Bosporus, the Trans-Kuban region, in Colchis. In the North-Western Caucasus, the area of settlement of the Meotios population, these helmets inspired the practice of local imitations. It is hard to establish the typology of the second helmet due to its considerable losses; it should be surely considered as a Greek work. By 2011, the helmets still consisted of many large and small fragments. In 2011–2019 a complex, filigree restoration was carried out, turning them, as far as possible, to their original appearance. During the restoration of the Parutino helmet, a previously undetected inscription was discovered, which was engraved on the back wall of the forehead: HNO. There is not yet enough comparative data for its confident interpretation.

Keywords: Helmet, chalcidian helmet, Olbia, history of buying, repair.


Четверкина Е. В. Местная кухонная керамика из Ольвии (по материалам раскопок Ольвийской экспедиции ЛОИА / ИИМК 1948–1991 гг.)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются находки гончарной кухонной керамики местного производства из раскопок античного городища Ольвия из коллекции ИИМК РАН. Автор статьи выделяет типы кухонной посуды и намечает тенденции их развития от архаического времени до римской эпохи. Представленные в приложении и иллюстрациях фрагменты кухонных сосудов публикуются впервые.

Ключевые слова: античные города Северного Причерноморья, Ольвия Понтийская, кухонная керамика.

Chetverkina E. V. Local cooking ware from Olbia (materials from excavations of 1948–1991 by the Olbian Expedition of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archaeology / IHMC RAS)

Annotation: This paper is devoted to a consideration of cooking ware of local manufacture found in the ancient Greek city of Olbia Pontica. In the course of the investigation, 235 fragments of kitchen vessels have been examined among the collection of finds kept at the Institute of the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS (Saint Petersburg) (Fig. 1). Chronological schemes have been developed for the most common types of cooking ware (chytrai, lopades, lids) (Fig. 3; 5; 6). The kitchen ware from Olbia of the Archaic and Classical periods, by contrast to other cities of the Northern Black Sea littoral, is peculiar in the presence of considerable mass of pottery of local production. The most popular forms in Olbia include pots of the “Classical” type (Fig. 2, 1, 2), casseroles with a two-ribbed body (Fig. 4, 1, 2, 4) as well as lopades with a trapezoid rim (Fig. 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13); the latter continued to be used also during the Hellenistic period (Fig. 4, 7, 9). A rather small group is presented by lekanai (Fig. 4, 33, 34, 38, 39, 43, 47, 48, 5456, 59). Of note among the most widely distributed types of Hellenistic cooking ware are lopades with a diagonal edge; of this type three variants are distinguishable: those from Myrmekion (Fig. 4, 20, 23), from Taman (Fig. 4, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22) and from Olbia (?) (Fig. 4, 14, 17, 21, 24). Also there is a small group of pots of the 3rd–2nd cen. BC possibly imitating vessels of Chytra Form 10 or Chytra Form 11 distinguished by S. Rotroff (Fig. 2, 713) as well as ware of the Phokaian type (Fig. 2, 22). To the Hellenistic epoch also a considerable number of lids and frying pans from the collection under consideration are datable. The cooking ware of the Roman time is represented mainly by imported manufactures; only three fragments of chytrai can be identified as pottery of local production of this period, of which one in terms of morphology continues the traditions of the Hellenistic period (Fig. 2, 14) while the other two belong to pots with a ribbed body and loopshaped handles (Fig. 2, 15) widely distributed over the entire ancient Greek oecumene in the 1st–3rd cen. AD, and as well a fragment of a frying pan (Fig. 4, 58) and several lids (Fig. 4, 29, 35, 40, 44). The set of the local cooking ware of Olbia comprises all the basic categories of vessels of this kind and, moreover, the local tradition of the manufacture of kitchen pottery manifests both the common trends and local features (the slip, decoration in the form of round appliqués). The majority of the types of cooking ware from Olbia have numerous parallels among the pottery from other Classical sites of the Northern Black Sea region.

Keywords: ancient Greek cities in the Northern Black Sea Littoral, Olbia Pontica, cooking ware.


Гиблова А. А., Четверкина Е. В., Клемешова М. Е., Медникова Е. Ю. К вопросу о технологии изготовления лепной керамики Ольвии и ее хоры

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты исследования технологии изготовления лепной керамики Ольвии из раскопок 1950–1960-х гг. и поселений ее сельской округи Козырка 2, Козырка 12 и Козырка 12-южная из работ 1980–1990-х гг. Нижнебугской экспедиции ЛОИА АН СССР. Выборка была изучена методами технико-технологического и поляризационного анализов. В ходе работы был исследован состав примесей к глинистому сырью сосудов, установлены рецепты формовочных масс, а также выявлены следы малоизученного и неизвестного ранее для Нижнего Побужья способа обработки внутренней и внешней поверхностей сосудов, предположительно, с помощью натирания их сухим измельченным навозом мелкого рогатого скота. Также в статье впервые приводятся результаты анализа технологии изготовления керамических пряслиц.

Ключевые слова: Ольвия, хора Ольвии, лепная керамика, керамические пряслица, технико-технологический анализ, поляризационный анализ.

Giblova A. A., Chetverkina E. V., Klemeshova M. E., Mednikova E. Yu. To the problem of the technology of manufacture of handmade pottery at Olbia and its chora

Annotation: In this work, using the technical and technological analysis by the A. A. Bobrinskiy’s method (Tables 1–3) and polarization analysis (Fig. 3), there were studied 49 samples of handmade pottery from excavations at Olbia and settlements at its chora (Kozyrka 2, Kozyrka 12-Southern and Staraya Bogdanovka 2). These samples include pots, bowls, cups on a foot, a strainer and lids, seven spindle-whorls and a votive loaf of bread (Fig. 1–3). The object of the investigation included the raw plastic material and the composition of the modelling pastes. Handmade ware was manufactured mainly from fat clays containing little sand and naturally tempered with quartz dust-like sand. Silt clays with natural admixture of shells were rarely used. Practically all the compositions of ceramic pastes are based on the mixture “clay + ground potsherd” (93.9 %) while almost all other formulae derive from this base. In the ceramic paste of 30.6 percent of ware there is an admixture of sheep and goat dung or its squeezes. Artificial tempers of quartz sand also have been recorded (6.1 % of the pottery). During investigations of methods of treatment of the surface of the ceramic objects, along with the standard techniques of smoothing and polishing, in 24.5 percent of cases, traces of its little studied variants have been revealed, i. e. numerous imprints of dry ground dung of sheep and goats on the internal and external surface of the vessels with its lack in the composition of the ceramic pastes (Fig. 4‒7). Presumably, this technique consisted in rubbing of wet surfaces of the vessels with dry pound dung before their drying. The majority of such samples belonged to pots close morphologically to manufactures from steppe Scythia. The ceramic pastes of spindle-whorls differ from those of pots. In the clay of whorls always admixtures of dung or its squeezes are found. The technology of wheelmade pottery differs from that observed at Bosporos. There, pottery manufactured from silty clays with natural admixtures of shells is predominating while the cases of the use of ground potsherd and dung are considerably less frequent. This fact allows us to state peculiarities of the local cultural environment in the Olbian region.

Keywords: Olbia, Olbia chora, molded ceramics, ceramic spindle whorls, technical and technological analysis, polarization analysis.


Батасова А. В., Гиблова А. А. Районирование округи Тиры и Никония в доримское время

Аннотация. В работе представлена попытка районирования округи Тиры и Никония в конце VI — первой половине III вв. до н. э. На основании оценки плотности размещения памятников выявлены особенности заселения берегов Днестровского лимана в доримское время. Также установлено, что основы районирования территории были заложены уже на первом этапе колонизации низовьев Днестра. Важным является вывод о высокой роли контактов местного греческого населения с варварской средой при формировании сети поселений по обоим берегам Днестровского лимана.

Ключевые слова: Нижнее Поднестровье, Тира, Никоний, сельские поселения, система расселения, доримское время.

Batasova A. V., Giblova A. A. Zoning of the surroundings of Tyras and Nikonion in the pre-Roman period

Annotation: Settlement of the Lower Dniester region by Ancient Greek colonists has been for a long time a subject of scientific researches. In this paper, an attempt is presented at revising the problem of the zoning of surroundings of Tyras and Nikonion within the chronological frame of the pre-Roman period. It is generally known that during the Late Archaic period, the rural settlements were founded only on the left bank of the Dnieper Liman (estuary) (Fig. 1, I). However it is of no small importance that among these settlements, two groups are distinguishable: in the immediate vicinity of Nikonion (southern group) and in the place of the Dniester flowing in the liman (northern group). The surroundings of Tyras were not settled in these times. In the 4th–3rd cen. BC the rural settlements propagate already over the both banks of the Dniester Liman (Fig. 1, II). Simultaneously, differences are observed not only in the numbers of the settlements but also in the settlement pattern (Fig. 2). Thus on the left bank of the Dniester Liman, two groups of settlements are again recordable. The southern one is represented by the chora of Nikonion while the northern group was apparently more closely linked with the barbarian periphery. In the surroundings of Tyras, a feature non-typical of the classical chora is in the absence of large agricultural settlements in the immediate closeness to the polis and the increase of the population density at the boundaries of the rural surroundings, i.e. in their maritime part near the estuary of the Dniester. All these facts indicate that trade connections with the barbarians were of great importance in the process of colonization and subsequent restoration of the chora of the Lower Dniester poleis. The basis of the settlement pattern had been laid already at the first stage of the colonization of the region by the Greeks.

Keywords: Lower Dniester region, Tyras, Nikonion, rural settlements, settlement system, pre-Roman period.


Рябкова Т. В. Сосуд царя Арианта: мифологические параллели и археологические реалии

Аннотация. Анализ сообщения Геродота о сосуде скифского царя Арианта (Hdt. IV. 81) демонстрирует легендарность сообщаемых сведений, которые основаны на общей для индоиранских народов мифологеме о первопредке и праведном царе Йиме-Яме, его необыкновенной стреле, расширяющей пространство и вносящей гармонию в мироздание, и связи с волшебным источником/сосудом. Связь с гигантским сосудом/котлом и/ или источником ставит Арианта в ряд обожествленных первопредков и владык загробного мира. Эти представления нашли отражение в фольклоре, зафиксированном Геродотом, в изобразительной традиции, а также в археологическом материале. В западной и восточной частях скифского мира отмечается использование «особой стрелы». Это может быть или выделенная из контекста, или более древняя, или единичная стрела.

Ключевые слова: Ариант, сосуд, Геродот, «особая стрела», скифские памятники.

Ryabkova T. V. The cauldron of the King Ariantas: mythological parallels and archaeological realities

Annotation: The critical analysis of Herodotus’ story about the bronze vessel of the King Ariantas proposed by A. N. Shcheglov and K. K. Marchenko showed that a cauldron of the specified dimensions cannot have existed and, consequently, we are dealing here rather with a local legend. The latter endows the King Ariantas with such attributes as the royal dignity, association with a vessel of enormous dimensions found in the vicinity of the Eksampeos fountain at the boundary of the lands of the Scythians and Alizonoi (Hdt. IV. 52), the right to dispose of the life and death of the people within his power. Of importance is also the mention about a certain arrowhead. Mythological parallels of Ariantas include the Ossetian Barastyr, Vedic Varunu-Yama, Avestan Yima and the archer Erekhsha, as well as the Celtic Dagdu and Bendigeida Vrana. The cauldron of Ariantas and the Eksampeos fountain have parallels in the miraculous cauldrons of abundance and reviving and also in the Nartamong beaker. The mythical vessel of Ariantas is in the centre of the organized Universe and occupies an important place in the festive ritual, reconstructing events of the “beginning of the World” and thus representing a prototype of an impressive series of Scythian kettles possessing not only a utilitarian but also a symbolic significance. The kettles were an embodiment of the idea of the collective’s unity, symbols of the family hearth and an attribute of the power. The arrows, from which, according to the legend, the vessel of Ariantas was made, symbolize each Scythian’s part in the common cause and his dignity. This mythologem found its reflection both in folklore and in the figurative tradition: the image of a sitting Persian with an arrow on the bezel of a gold fingering from the tomb on the Mt Mithridates in Kerch (Fig. 1, 1) must be treated within the context of the stories about Yima and Erekhsha, while the representation on the obverse of a stater from Tarsus proves that the arrow in a person’s hands is a symbol of power (Fig. 1, 2). Archaeological confirmations of the popularity of the mythologem involving a “miraculous” arrow have been noted both in the East (Fig. 2) and in the West of the Scythian world (Fig. 3). This may indicate an arrow specially distinguished in the context, or some single or ancient arrow. The wide distribution and lasting practice of these traditions demonstrate that they are based on a mythologem rooted in the times of the Indo-Iranian unity. The notions about the righteous pra-ancestor and king Yima-Ariantas and his marvellous arrow introducing harmony into the universe, as well as his connection with universal waters, their source and a miraculous vessel, have existed for millennia and survived until present days in the form of sagas about the Narts.

Keywords: Ariant, vessel, Herodotus, “special arrow”, Scythian monuments.


Вахтина М. Ю. О композиции на серебряных нащечниках из кургана Огуз (1902 г.)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена композиции на серебряных нащечниках, поступивших в Императорскую археологическую комиссию в 1902 г. из кургана Огуз, доследованного В. Н. Ротом. На нащечниках представлена сцена из трех персонажей. Рассматриваются аналогии элементам композиции и возможные варианты ее трактовки.

Ключевые слова: курган Огуз, серебряные нащечники, композиция, фракийское искусство.

Vakhtina M. Yu. Depiction on the silver cheekpieces from the Oguz barrow (1902)

Annotation: This paper is dedicated to the scene represented on the gilt silver cheekpieces of the Thracian type provenient from the Oguz barrow (Fig. 1–3). This depiction having no integral parallels is differently interpreted in literature. The present author has examined analogues of separate elements of such representations (Fig. 4–9) and current interpretations of the entire scene as a whole. Most probably, the representations on the cheekpieces must be related with the notions of adoration, initiation, sacred marriage of the hero and, more widely, with the idea of a “transition” to a different social status.

Keywords: Oguz barrow, silver cheekpieces, composition, Thracian art.


Букина А. Г. Сцены и символы брака: aттические полихромные краснофигурные вазы IV в. до н. э. на Боспоре

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы иконографии и семантики изображений на темы мифологических и реальных браков (супружеские пары, свадебные обряды), характерных для аттических краснофигурных ваз IV в. до н. э. (так называемых «керченских») с полихромными дополнениями из находок на Боспоре Киммерийском.

Ключевые слова: краснофигурные вазы, полихромные аттические вазы IV в. до н. э., боспорский контекст, хронология и система атрибуции аттических краснофигурных ваз IV в. до н. э., «керченские вазы», свадебная иконография, семантика свадебных изображений.

Bukina A. G. Marriage scenes and symbols: Attic red-figure polychrome vases of the 4th century BC in Cimmerian Bosporus

Annotation: The paper deals with the questions of iconography and semantic of the depictions of mythological and non-mythological weddings, i.e., divine and heroic spouses (fig. 1, 1, 2; 2; 3, 1) and wedding ceremonies (fig. 1, 3, 4; 3) typical of the Athenian red-figure vases of the 4th cen. BC (so-called Kerch vases) with polychrome additional paintings, deriving from the excavations on the territory of Bosporus Cimmerian. All of them have been found in burials, serving not only as just grave goods (fig. 1, 1, 3, 4; 3; 4, 1–3; 5; 6), but also as urns for ash or bones (fig. 1, 4; 2, 1–3). In comparison with the whole range of subjects possible in the Athenian red-figure vases of the period, the thematic circle of these vase-paintings is rather limited to several subjects. About 40 percent of the paintings on the specimens are connected to variable marriage subjects or wedding ceremonies. Apparently, the reason should be found in the symbolic parallelism of the funeral and the wedding as the ritual of transformation or rite de passage (at least from the point of view of the Bosporan inhabitants). This fact used to make these vases optimal items for becoming grave goods for men (even for brave warriors — cf. fig. 1, 3, 4), women both married or virgin (cf. fig. 6, 1, 2) and spouse couples (cf. fig. 3, 1). One more interesting fact is that in some of the archaeological complexes, excavated on Bosporus, we can witness significant difference in dating of these Athenian vases and other items placed into the grave as grave goods: from half a century or more (cf. fig. 5, 2–3; 6, 1). This fact claims for socio-cultural interpretation and sharpens the problem of not yet totally established chronological system of the Athenian red-figure vases of the 4th cen. BC with polychrome decoration.

Keywords: red-figure vases, Attic polychrome red-figure vases of the 4th cen. BC in Bosporan contexts, attribution of the Attic polychrome red-figure vases of the 4th cen. BC, chronology of the Attic polychrome red-figure vases of the 4th cen. BC, so-called Kerch vases, iconography of marriage, semantics of the marriage depictions.


Горончаровский В. А. Склеп Ульпиев и представители этого рода в эпиграфике Боспора

Аннотация. В статье публикуются архивные данные об открытии в 1860–1861 гг. близ Керчи семейного склепа Ульпиев и связанных с ним эпиграфических находках. Эти сведения позволяют рассмотреть вопрос о роли представителей этого рода в политической истории Боспора.

Ключевые слова: Боспорское царство, некрополь Пантикапея, склеп Ульпиев, эпиграфика.

Goroncharovskiy V. A. Tomb of Ulpii and mentions of this family in the epigraphy of Bosporos

Annotation: Among the sub-kurgan burials at the necropolis of Pantikapaion of the Roman period, an important place is occupied by the tomb of Ulpii of the 2nd–3rd cen. AD excavated by A. E. Lyutsenko in 1860–1861. Although these excavations had not been brought to completion the exhaustive information about them from the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS published in this paper is of undoubted interest. The epigraphic findings in the tomb and in the territory of Kerch supplemented with numismatic evidence allow the researchers to trace the ties of relationship of the Ulpii during almost two centuries and to arrive at certain conclusions concerning the role of representatives of this family in the political history of the Bosporan Kingdom. The reconstructed pedigree of a native of a Sarmatian milieu and his descendants who became members of the supreme aristocracy seems fairly typical of the formation of the Bosporan elite of the first centuries AD.

Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom, necropolis of Pantikapaion, tomb of Ulpii, epigraphy.


Бехтер А. П., Бутягин А. М. Надгробная стела Периандра, сына Мирмека

Аннотация. В статье публикуется новый памятник лапидарной эпиграфики, найденный в процессе раскопок на городище Мирмекий в 2022 г. Надгробие Периандра, сына Мирмека, относится к первой половине — середине IV в. до н. э. В надписи на нем содержится первое упоминание в Северном Причерноморье имени Периандр и это древнейшая находка с упоминанием имени Мирмек на городище.

Ключевые слова: античная эпиграфика, Боспор, Мирмекий, надгробная стела, эдикула.

Bekhter А. P., Butyagin A. M. Funeral stele of Periandros, son of Myrmex

Annotation: The article deals with a funeral stele with the inscription Περίανδρος Μύρμηκ̣̣ος found during excavations at the Myrmekion settlement in the 2022 season (Fig. 2). This is the oldest tombstone on Bosporus with an empty edicule. The stele dates from the first half to the middle of the 4th cen. BC. It contains the first mention of the name Περίανδρος in the Northern Black Sea region and the first find of an inscription with the mention of the name Μύρμηξ in the settlement. The monument was found in a pit of the Roman period on the site M (Fig. 1), where it could only get from the necropolis. The find suggests that, contrary to previously formed views, the necropolis site to the east of Myrmekion continued to function until at least until the end of the Classical period.

Keywords: Greek epigraphy, Bosporus, Myrmekion, funeral stele, palaeography, edicule.


Гурьева П. В., Журавлев Д. В., Коваленко Е. С., Терещенко Е. Ю., Яцишина Е. Б. Фигурный сосуд в виде пантеры из Пантикапея — взгляд вовнутрь

Аннотация. В Государственном Историческом музее в Москве хранится фигурный сосуд II–I вв. до н. э. в виде фигуры пантеры, происходящий, скорее всего, из некрополя Пантикапея и купленный музеем в 1895 г. у торговца древностями Е. Р. Запорожского. В рамках проекта изучения античных памятников из собрания ГИМ в НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» было проведено рентгенотомографическое исследование этого сосуда, позволившее уточнить технологию его изготовления. Тулово сосуда было изготовлено в двух формах, голова была сделана отдельно в третьей форме, дополнительно подработана инструментом при помощи насечек и скреплена с туловом. Цилиндрическое горло сосуда и ручка были также изготовлены отдельно.

Ключевые слова: фигурный сосуд, античность, эллинистическое время, рентгеновская томография.

Guryeva P. V., Zhuravlev D. V., Kovalenko E. S., Tereshchenko E. Yu., Yatsishina E. B. Figure vessel in the form of a panther from Pantikapaion — view inside

Annotation: At the State Historical Museum, Moscow, there is kept a figure vessel of the 2nd or 1st cen. BC in the form of a panther (Fig. 1) with an inscription on the bottom drawn on raw clay: Εὐλόγος ἐποίει (made by Eulogos). The vessel was acquired by the museum in 1895 from a dealer in antiquities E. R. Zaporozhskiy and originated most probably from the necropolis of Pantikapaion. According to the project of studies of ancient objects from the collection of the State Historical Museum, at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” there was conducted an X-ray tomographic investigation of the mentioned vessel using a commercial X-ray tomograph X5000 (NSI) allowing us to define more exactly the technology of the object’s manufacture. In zones of the concentration of construction elements of the vessel, characteristic elongated cavities are observable in the places of the attachment of the handle to the throat and at the upper body (Fig. 2, 2; 3, А1, 1, 3). The cylindrical throat of the vessel and the handle were modelled separately (Fig. 3). The body of the vessel was manufactured using two moulds; in the area of the junction, a clay appliqué is clearly discernible (Fig. 4, Д1, 1; 5, 1); the head was modelled separately in a third mould with incisions made with some tool and it was attached to the body (Fig. 4, Д1, 2; 5, А, 2; 7, А1, 1). In the mouth of the figure, athrough round-hole or ificeis punched from out side for pouring out of the liquid(Fig. 7, Б1). The paws are modelled in a single mould together with the upper body of the vessel (Fig. 6). The maximum volume of the liquid which the vessel is capable to hold is estimated as ≈2,2 l or about 2,1 l when it is filled up to the lower edge of the throat (Fig. 8).

Keywords: figure vessel, Classical period, Hellenistic era, X-ray tomography.


Трейстер М. Ю., Винокуров Н. И. Серьги из драгоценных металлов из слоя пожара 46–47 гг. н. э. ранней цитадели городища Артезиан в Восточном Крыму

Аннотация. Статья посвящена публикации серег из драгоценных металлов, обнаруженных в слое пожара ранней цитадели городища Артезиан в Восточном Крыму в 2013 г. Наряду с другими находками из слоя пожара ранней цитадели городища Артезиан публикуемые предметы имеют огромную научную ценность, происходя из тщательно зафиксированного археологического контекста, дающего их terminus ante quem 46–47 гг. н. э.

Ключевые слова: Восточный Крым, городище Артезиан, боспорско-римская война, украшения из драгоценных металлов, серьги.

Treister M. Yu., Vinokurov N. I. Earrings made of precious metals from the burnt layer of 46/47 AD of the early citadel of Artezian fortified site in Eastern Crimea

Annotation: The article is devoted to the publication of gold and silver earrings and lunula-pendant discovered in the fire layer of the early citadel of the Artezian fortified settlement in Eastern Crimea in 2013. Along with other finds from the fire layer of the early citadel of the Artesian fortified site, the objects under consideration are also of great scientific value, coming from a carefully recorded archaeological context, giving them a terminus ante quem of 46/47 AD. All the earrings under discussion have a round and oval shape and are equipped with a loop-and-hook clasp, however, they differ in the design of the hoop. Along with earrings made of plain wire of round cross-section, or twisted, which were widespread in the Northern Black Sea region, also rare types of gold earrings were found here: with hoops wound up from two plain and two beaded, or from individual interlaced links forming rows tied together. The materials presented make it possible to correct chronological observations on the dating of certain types of earrings and gives additional grounds in favor of the possibility of identifying local types of jewelry made in the Bosporus.

Keywords: Eastern Crimea, Artezian fortified site, Bosporan-Roman war, jewellery of precious metals, earrings.


Егорова Т. В., Сударев Н. И. Расписная и чернолаковая керамика из трех комплексов кургана 1 Юго-Восточного некрополя Фанагории

Аннотация. В статье публикуются находки расписной и чернолаковой керамики из трех погребений, совершенных по обряду кремации в северо-восточном секторе кургана 1 Юго-Восточного некрополя Фанагории. Подавляющее большинство сосудов датируется в пределах конца первой — второй четверти IV в. до н. э. и имеет близкие параллели в комплексах тризн и погребений некрополей Европейского Боспора (Пантикапея и Нимфея).

Ключевые слова: Боспорское царство, Фанагория, некрополь, кремация, расписная и чернолаковая керамика.

Egorova T. V., Sudarev N. I. Painted and black-figure ware from three complexes at kurgan 1 of the South-Eastern necropolis of Phanagoria

Annotation: At kurgan 1 at the south-eastern area of the necropolis of Phanagoria, three burial complexes (А, Б and В) with cremation rite have been discovered (Fig. 1). From complex А, five red-figure and 13 black-slipped vessels of Attic and pseudo-Attic manufacture were retrieved (Fig. 2; 3; 4, 1–3). Of most interest is a red-figure fish plate on the plane of which five large, two smaller fishes and a crab in the central depression are depicted (Fig. 2, 2). In terms of the style of the representation, the latter can be attributed to the circle of the “Upsala painter” and dated to the end of the first quarter of the 4th cen. BC. To the end of the first – second quarter of the 4th cen. BC are dated an askos with the figure of a running hare and Eros on the bezel (Fig. 2, 3), aryballic lekythoi (Fig. 2, 4, 5) and one-handled bowls (Fig. 3, 1–9). It is the most numerous group among the black-slipped ware under consideration. Of the two bowls with an outturned edge, one (Fig. 3, 11), judging through the similarity of the stamp, may have provenance from the same or a similar workshop where the vessels found at the necropolis of Apollonia had been manufactured. Of note is the find of a small black-slipped vessel (Fig. 4, 3) typologically close to the Attic mugs. While the classic variant of this ware was manufactured throughout the 5th cen., the mugs differing from it in the body flaring downwards and a massive rim come from horizons of the 360–350 BC. The composition of complex Б includes a red-figure oinochoe of the first quarter of the 4th cen. BC (Fig. 4, 4) with a depiction of a horse rider and a woman running to the right holding a torch and a tray. Datable to within a wider chronological range — from the first to third quarter of the 4th cen. BC — are askoi of a flattened shape with a tongue pattern (Fig. 4, 5), saltcellars (Fig. 5, 4–6), and a single one-handled bowl (Fig. 5, 1). From complex В, only a fish plate on a high outturned ring base of the first quarter of the 4th cen. BC (Fig. 5, 7) has been retrieved. Many of the black-slipped vessels have direct parallels from among necropoleis of Pantikapaion, Nymphaion and Pontic Apollonia.

Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom, Phanagoria, necropolis, cremation, painted and black-figure ware.


Лимберис Н. Ю. Комплекс чернолаковой керамики из Старотитаровского кургана на Таманском полуострове

Аннотация. Статья посвящена атрибуции и хронологии чернолаковой керамики из кургана, раскопанного в 1982 г. Комплекс включает кубковидные канфары, арибаллические лекифы, лекиф класса Талькот, краснофигурный аск, миниатюрные миски и солонки, рыбное блюдо, тарелку и часть краснофигурного кратера. Совокупная датировка сосудов не выходит за рамки второй четверти — середины IV в. до н. э. (за исключением рыбного блюда начала столетия), что в общем подтверждается хронологией амфорных клейм из кургана.

Ключевые слова: Северное Причерноморье, курган, чернолаковая керамика, атрибуция, хронология.

Limberis N. Yu. An assemblage of black-glazed pottery from the Starotitarovskaya mound on the Taman Peninsula

Annotation: In 1982 near the Starotitarovskaya village, a mound was excavated, in which there were found 14 artefacts (Fig. 1–4). The main burial was pillaged in antiquity; from the inlet burial and deposits of the funerary ritual feasts, black-glazed vessels belonging to different types of pottery were retrieved: used for drinking, for keeping oil and tableware. This assemblage includes two moulded rims of Cup-kantharoi, fragments of vessel foots, five squat lekythoi (with net-pattern and palmettes), a Talcott class lekythos, a red-figure shallow askos, three broad-bases of small echinus bowls and two concave walls of saltcellars, a fish plate, a rolled rim of a plate and part of a red-figure “Kerch style” bell-krater. In general, the set of vessels from the mound is typical of the sites in the Northern Black Sea region. Almost all types are widely represented both in Greek necropoleis and at burial grounds of the local population. An exception is a lekythos of the Talcott class, the only analogue of which in the area under consideration comes from a Maeotian burial in the Kuban region. The dating of the vessels (with the exception of the fish plate) does not go beyond the second quarter — middle of the 4th cen. BC, that is generally confirmed by the chronology of amphorae stamps from the tumulus.

Keywords: Northern Black Sea Coast, kurgan, black-glazed pottery, attribution, chronology.


Терещенко А. Е., Чистов Д. Е. Монеты из раскопок поселения Вестник-1

Аннотация. В статье опубликованы монетные находки с поселения Вестник-1 в Анапском районе Краснодарского края. Датировки монет позволяют уточнить хронологические рамки существования памятника, а их распределение на площади раскопанного участка может быть связано с функционированием общественного здания V–IV вв. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Синдика, Вестник-1, монеты.

Tereshchenko A. E., Chistov D. E. Coins from excavations at the settlement of “Vestnik-1”

Annotation: In the course of excavations of the settlement site of Vestnik-1 in 2010–2022 there was investigated a monumental public building of the 5th–4th cen. BC and the surrounding it area. During these works there were discovered nine coins of Bosporan minting of which seven were found in strata of the settlement and two were collected among the surface finds. The coins are dated to within the chronological range of the early 5th — second quarter of the 3rd cen. BC. Their chronological distribution coincides with the intensive use of the investigated area while the majority of the coins were found within a vacant space in front of the entrance to the building. The earliest coin, a silver Pantikapaion triobolos came from a rectangular depression, possibly an earth dwelling of a small Sindian settlement which had been occupying this place before construction of the Greek sanctuary.

Keywords: Sindike, Vestnik-1, coins.


Петракова А. Е., Топал Д. А. Аттическая краснофигурная пелика из скифского кургана близ молдавского села Манта: проблемы атрибуции и интерпретации изображения

Аннотация. Статья посвящена краснофигурной аттической пелике, найденной в 1990 г. во время проведения раскопок кургана близ села Манта в Молдове. Останки в погребении были определены как детские. Помимо пелики в нем находились пять стеклянных бусин, раковина Cypraea и лепной горшок. Тип организации захоронения характерен для скифской культуры конца V — IV в. до н. э. И атрибуция пелики, и интерпретация изображения на ней стали предметом дискуссии. Авторы статьи знакомят читателя с версиями предшественников и предлагают свой вариант.

Ключевые слова: аттические вазы, краснофигурные аттические пелики, аттические вазы в скифских погребениях, аттические краснофигурные вазы в Молдове, Мастер Йены, спящая Ариадна, сатиры, Эроты, фигуры в плащах, атрибуция и интерпретация вазовых росписей.

Petrakova A. E., Topal D. A. Athenian red-figure pelike from Scythian kurgan near Moldavian village Manta: problems of attribution and interpretation of the vase-painting

Annotation: The paper deals with an Athenian red-figure pelike, which is stored in the National Museum of History of Moldova. The pelike was excavated in 1990 in the burial of a child together with some other items (Fig. 1, 1–6): glass beads, sea-shell Cypraea and a clay pot. Athenian painted vases are rare in Scythian burials, what makes the pelike a subject of a particular interest. The pelike (Fig. 2, 1–6) has been published before by several scholars. According to the shape and painting, the pelike should be dated around 400 BC. The attribution was the question of discussion: there was an idea concerning the Painter of London F 128, but we joined the colleagues who were speaking on the analogies in the Jena Painter workshop (Fig. 4, 1–9; 5, 1–8; 7, 1–3). The side B is decorated with a standard composition consisting of three mantled figures (Fig. 2, 5; 5, 7). Side A presents a composition of five figures (Fig. 2, 3; 4, 1): a naked sleeping woman with Eros above her, two satyrs approaching her from the sides and a standing woman in chiton and himation on the left side of the composition. There were ideas concerning worshipping Aphrodite or sleeping maenad or nymph. But the most persuading is the idea that it is a rare iconographical variant of Ariadne on Naxos, right before the meeting with Dionysus (Fig. 8, 1–8). The fact that the pelike with the depiction of a kind of rite de passage is found in a Scythian grave is fascinating. It seems that the pelike was put there not only as a kind of “fancy” Athenian item but also the subject of the painting was apparent to the person who did it.

Keywords: Athenian vases, Athenian red-figure pelikae, Athenian vases in Scythian burials, Athenian red-figure vases in Moldova, the Jena Painter, sleeping Ariadne, satyrs, Eros, mantle figures, attribution and interpretation of vase-painting.


Шауб И. Ю. К интерпретации одной разновидности херсонесских терракот (Эрот или Танатос?)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена вопросам интерпретации одного из самых распространенных типов ранних херсонесских терракот (второй половины IV — ΙΙΙ в. до н. э.) в виде нагого юного крылатого мужского божества в распахнутом плаще и пóлосе (калафе) на голове. Автор анализирует все существующие интерпретации этого образа и приходит к выводу, что из всего разнообразия трактовок («крылатый гений», Эрот, Эрот-Танатос, Иакх, Танатос) наиболее адекватным для него в контексте домашнего культа является соответствующее его иконографии имя Эрот, а в погребальном — условное наименование «Эрот-Танатос».

Ключевые слова: Херсонес Таврический, терракоты, греческая религия, Эрот, Эрот-Танатос, Иакх, Танатос.

Schaub I. Yu. Interpretation of one group of Chersonesean terracottas (Eros or Thanatos?)

Annotation: Among the most widespread early Chersonesean terracottas (second half of the 4th – 3rd cen. BC) is a representation of a winged naked youth in a cloak thrown open; the polos (kalathos) on his head is an attribute of a chtonic deity which is interpreted as a “winged genius”, Iakchos, Eros, Eros-Thanatos, Thanatos. The majority of these Chersonesean statuettes come from burials or grave mounds whereas the analogous figurines from Western Crimea or, more widely, from the North-Western Black Sea area have been found mostly at settlement-sites. The figure under our consideration cannot be considered as a “winged genius” analogous to a Roman image in view of the absence of a lowered torch in hands — an unfailing attribute of the Roman genii. The opinion that the Pontic Greeks saw Iakchos in this winged personage is hardly acceptable because of the difference in the iconography of the two deities. The mentioned terracottas altogether cannot be considered as representations of Thanatos both in consequence of their essential iconographic distinction from the treatment of his image in the Classical art and because the God of Death was a figure exclusively from myth and folklore while his cult simply did not exist in the Greek religion. Since the deity of the abovementioned Chersonesean terracottas is represented in the iconography of Eros it is unproductive to look for some other name for it within the sphere of the domestic cult. As to the funerary context, the conditional designation as “Eros-Thanatos” seems to be the most adequate for setting off the chtonic aspect of Eros. Concerning the employment of representations of Eros in the mortuary ritual of the Chersonesites, it is necessary to stress that according to notions of the Greeks this god could have granted the bliss not only in somebody’s life but also after death.

Keywords: Tauric Chersonesos, terracottas, Greek religion, Eros, Eros-Thanatos, Iakchos, Thanatos.


Антонов Е. Е. Позднескифские «земляночные» горизонты в Керкинитиде и Калос Лимене

Аннотация. В статье пересматривается мнение о том, что в истории некоторых позднескифских поселений были особые «земляночные» этапы. Анализируется информация о стратиграфии и находках, содержащаяся в публикациях и отчетах, рассматриваются выводы исследователей, работавших на других позднескифских поселениях. Эти данные показывают, что позднескифские полуземлянки невозможно объединить в отдельные горизонты, они скорее всего лишь маркируют периферию поселений, как и смена некоторых из этих сооружений «наземными» постройками — последующее расширение населенных пунктов.

Ключевые слова: Крымская Скифия, Северо-Западный Крым, позднескифская археологическая культура, позднескифские полуземлянки, Керкинитида, Калос Лимен.

Antonov E. E. Late Scythian “pit-house” horizons at Kerkinitis and Kalos Limen

Annotation: The article is aimed at checking the arguments which induced some researchers to distinguish peculiar “pithouse” stages in the history of two Late Scythian settlements and also at an examination of such considerations in the context of studies at other sites. According to V. A. Kutaysov and V. B. Uzhentsev, who first discovered large areas of Late Scythian buildings at Kerkinitis and Kalos Limen, the barbarians having occupied these settlements, initially lived in temporal earth dwellings and had no “surface” buildings. These authors suppose that only with time the pit-houses were replaced with stone buildings built upon the ancient surface. To check this hypothesis, reviews and reports of the above researchers have been re-examined anew and a revision of the datings was attempted (taking in account studies of the chronology of the mass materials published after the discovery of Late Scythian earth dwellings at Kerkinitis and Kalos Limen). It has proved that the stratigraphy does not allow us to draw the conclusion about a simultaneous and universal replacement of pit-dwellings with “surface” houses; neither there is any information that all the pit-houses were synchronous with each other. The finds indicate that some of the buildings were apparently constructed and abandoned at different times. By contrast, some structures sunk in earth or built on the surface were used simultaneously. A survey of the literature over the last 25 years on Late Scythian pit-houses shows that most of the researchers now already do not consider them as residential dwellings. They may have been economic or cult buildings. Besides, at some settlements, the structures sunk in earth are located at waste grounds and outskirts. These observations allow us to suppose that, also at Kalos Limen and Kerkinitis, the earth-houses were marking plots without buildings or peripheral zones. The fact that certain such structures are covered over with “surface” houses is not evidence of a change in the character of construction at the scale of the entire settlement but represent traces of the latter’s expansion.

Keywords: Crimean Scythia, North-Western Crimea, Late Scythian archaeological culture, Late Scythian earth dwellings, Kerkinitis, Kalos Limen.


Ушаков С. В. Штампы на позднеантичной краснолаковой керамике из Северо-Восточного района Херсонеса: новые и извеcтные находки и их анализ

Аннотация. Статья посвящена новым или слабо изученным находкам краснолаковой керамики со штампами из Северо-Восточного района Херсонеса. С опорой на аналогии из Средиземноморья и Причерноморья представлены 24 штампа (18 фокейской сигиллаты, четыре — африканской, два — светлой позднеримской). Они позволяют уточнить хронологию базилики Крузе, отражают характер торговых связей Херсонеса V — середины VI в. Большинство штампов имеет христианскую символику (11 — кресты, по одному — лев, рыба).

Ключевые слова: Херсонес Таврический, базилика Крузе, хронология, краснолаковая керамика V–VI вв., штампы, христианская символика.

Ushakov S. V. Stamps on Late Classical red-slipped ware from the North-Eastern district of Chersonesos: new and unknown finds and new analysis

Annotation: This paper presents and analyses new or poorly studied finds of Late Classical (Early Byzantine) red-slipped stamped ceramic ware (in fragments) from recent excavations by the author in the North-Eastern district of Tauric Chersonesos. Twenty three their examples come from different areas of Kruze’s basilica and one — from quarter XCVII. Four specimens of stamps were found in the fill of the cistern beneath the floor of the central nave (Nos. 17–20). The majority of other fragments were retrieved from throughout the entire area of the basilica. Three items were uncovered in the lower (fourth) stratum of Room I attached to the main building of the temple. All of the finds are dated to within the middle/end of the 5th— beginning/first half of the 6th cen. With reference to parallels from the Mediterranean and Northern Black Sea regions (works by J. W. Hayes, K. Domżalski, V. N. Zalesskaya, A. V. Sazanov, A. I. Romanchuk, L. A. Golofast and other authors), in the text of the paper, Supplement and Table there are presented 18 stamps on Phocean red slip ware, four on the African sigillata and two on light coloured late Roman ware (relatively rare finds in Chersonesos) (Nos. 2, 15). Eleven items from among them are published here for the first time, and five do not have exact parallels (Nos. 5–7, 13, 16). The stamped ware allows us to confirm the date of the construction of Kruze’s basilica — not later than the beginning of the second half of the 6th cen. AD (rule of Justinian I), and to characterize the trade connections of Chersonesos in the 5th — mid-6th cen. The latter were oriented predominantly to the western part of Asia Minor (city of Phocea and its surroundings); the relations with North Africa (the region of Carthage) seem to have been considerably less intensive. The majority of the stamps bears Christian symbols (crosses — 11 items of several types after P. D. Diatroptov). There are one item of each types of lion (No. 5) and fish (No. 3). This fact marks the beginning of the new, Early Christian, epoch in the Northern Black Sea region including Tauric Chersonesos.

Keywords: Tauric Chersonesos, Kruze’s basilica, chronology, red slip ware of the 5th–6th cen., ceramic stamps, Christian symbols.




Снытко И. А. Территориальные владения Ольвийского полиса в архаическое, классическое и раннеэллинистическое время (современное состояние проблемы)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с определением официальных территориальных владений Ольвийского государства в VI–III вв. до н. э. Современные исследования свидетельствуют о том, что именно Нижнее Побужье было постоянной террриторией Ольвийской хоры и Ольвийского полиса. Концентрация памятников в этих географических рамках прямо указывает на неизменность границ Ольвийского государства в его тысячелетней истории. Рассмотрены спорные гипотезы, связанные с этим вопросом, а также возможные конфликтные ситуации на почве взаимных территориальных претензий между ольвиополитами и окружающими Ольвию варварскими народами на раннем этапе существования Ольвийского полиса.

Ключевые слова: Ольвия, полис, хора, границы, контактные зоны.

Snytko I. A. Territorial possessions of the Olbian polis in the Archaic, Classical and early Hellenistic period (current state of the problem)

Annotation: This paper discusses the questions related to the determination of the official territorial possessions of the Olbian state in the 6th–3rd centuries BC. The modern investigations suggest that exactly the Lower Bug region was a permanent territory of the Olbian chora and Olbian polis. In terms of geography, the official territorial possessions of the Olbian polis most probably were limited by the left bank of the Bug Liman on the east, the Dnieper-Bug estuary on the south including the Kinburn Peninsula (the western part of the historical Hyleia) as far as the salt lakes Rybalchanskoye, Pivniv, Odzhigol (a dry branch of the Dnieper River) and Tendra (Achilleios Dromos), and by the right bank of the Berezan Liman on the west. On the north, they were stretched as far as the latitude of the modern town of Mykolayiv (Nikolayev). The settlements on the right bank of the Bug Liman are the northernmost: Varvarovka-1 and the site of Nikolayev-6 situated in the northern part of the Nikolayev Peninsula in the mouth of the Ingul River. The concentration of the sites within these geographic boundaries suggests directly that the limits of the Olbian state had been unchanging over the latter’s millennial history. Here the arguable hypotheses concerned with this question are discussed as well as possible conflict situations owing to mutual territorial claims between the Olbiopolites and the barbarian peoples surrounding Olbia at the early stage of the existence of the Olbian polis.

Keywords: Olbia, polis, chora, borders, contact zones.


Кузнецова Т. М. Генезис зеркал «ольвийского» типа и их трансформация на северных берегах Понта

Аннотация. Анализируются бронзовые предметы, известные в литературе как «ольвийские» или «скифские» зеркала. Они уже неоднократно всесторонне рассматривались, но продолжают интересовать исследователей, вызывая много вопросов о месте производства, путях распространения и этнической принадлежности их создателей и пользователей. Самое большое количество целых форм сконцентрировано в некрополе Ольвии, что удачно соотносится с названием: зеркала «ольвийского» типа. Рассматривается происхождение этих предметов, динамика изменения изображений на их ручках и развитие в Северопонтийском регионе.

Ключевые слова: скифы, Северное Причерноморье, Северный Кавказ, степь, курганы, зеркала, Ольвия, некрополь.

Kuznetsova T. M. The genesis of mirrors of “Olbian” type and their transformation on the northern coasts of Pontus

Annotation: This work considers bronze objects represented by flat round disks with a high rim and lateral fluted handles (imitating the columns of classical temples). The top of the handles is in the form of an ellipse or hexagon (Fig. 1, 1, 2, 15, 16), at their end is a representation of a feline predator (Fig. 1, 1) or an aries head (Fig. 1, 2, 15, 16). Some examples have two animal figurines: on the top of the handle there is a lying ungulate (wild boar, deer) while a figurine of a feline predator (Fig. 1, 3, 4; 2) or a small ram’s head (Fig. 1, 5) is at the end. The greatest number of the complete forms is concentrated in Olbia determining their appellation — mirrors of the “Olbian” type. These artefacts are known since the middle of the 6th cen. BC in zones connected with activities of the Greeks: in North Africa and Europe (from the Danube River to as far as the rivers Volga and Ural). There are over 180 specimens of such objects. Most of the scholars believe that the artefacts under consideration are products of Greek manufacturers. However some researchers are certain about their Scythian provenance holding that they are executed in the “Scythian animal style”. Meanwhile, the small heads of rams, boars and lions decorating the handles of these objects are far from the “Scythian animal style” (Fig. 1, 2, 5, 12–20; 2, 1–8). Also the find of a handle with a small aries head from North Africa (Cyrene: temple of Artemis, sanctuary of Apollo) runs contrary to the relation with the Scythians. The present article traces the dynamics of the transformation of the images in the decoration of ‘Olbian’ mirrors enabling us to tell that the objects with realistic representations of a head of ram, boar or lion were brought to the Northern Black Sea region from the metropolis (Fig. 1, 12–14; 2, 1–6) and are the earliest examples of this type. All the other are products of their creative revision complying with the local “demand”. It has been supposed that the changes in the images followed a number of directions depending on the skills of the masters working in different regions (Fig. 1, 1–5; 2, 7–9; 3, 6–14). These directions were linked with the Caucasus and Forest-Steppe of the Northern Black Sea area (Fig. 4). The symbolism of images (lion, panther, boar, deer, aries) on different objects of the 6th–5th cen. BC in the areas of finds of mirrors of the “Olbian” type indicates possible activities of two religious centres connected with adoration of Apollo and Dionysus, i. e. Didyma and Delphi. In the context of the interpretation linking these objects with sacred vessels, it looks most probable that the artisans-manufacturers were working at temples or by their orders and, moreover, the number of these masters seems to have been not any large. The tendency to schematization and degradation indicates a loss of touch with the tradition practiced in the metropolis and that the major mass of the mirrors of the “Olbian” type were produced by Greek masters from the Northern Black Sea littoral.

Keywords: Scythians, Northern Black Sea Region, Northern Caucasus, steppe, kurgans, mirrors, Olbia, necropolis.


Бутягин А. М., Колосов В. П. К проблеме датировки восточной части оборонительной системы Мирмекия

Аннотация. В ходе раскопок оборонительной стены Б в восточной части городища Мирмекия были обнаружены котлованы двух ям, уходящих под стену. Анализ амфорных клейм из их заполнения доказывает, что кладка стены Б выполнена в конце III или на рубеже III–II вв. до н. э., а перекрывающая ее стена А построена еще позднее. Ранее строительство стены А относили ко времени от последней четверти V до конца первой половины IV в. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Мирмекий, эллинизм, фортификация, амфорные клейма.

Butyagin A. M., Kolosov V. P. To the problem of dating the eastern section of the defensive system of Myrmekion

Annotation: The fortification system of Myrmekion arisen in the 6th cen. BC initially defended only the western sector of the settlement. The later defensives were found near the northern and eastern boundaries of the site at areas “Б” and “М”. In 1937–1938, a wall and a tower of the 4th cen. BC were revealed at area “Б”. In 1957–1958, traces of defensive walls of two periods were recorded at area “М” — remains of an earlier wall (Б) and of a later wall (A). According to various estimates, wall Б was built in the period from the last quarter of the 5th cen. BC to the end of the first half of the 4th cen. BC. The southern curtain of wall Б is rather less carefully built. This fact suggested that it was reconstructed in ca 4th cen. BC. In the course of the explorations of 2017–2022, a section of wall Б with unexcavated earlier remains of the city’s gate was investigated. In the course of excavation of the southern curtain, two household pits (М-2/2019, М-9/2019) were investigated. They were continuing under the masonry of the wall (Fig. 1–3, 5). The fill of the pits contained numerous pottery of the 3rd cen. BC including several fragments of Sinopean amphorae with stamps of 215–190 BC (Fig. 4, 5, 6). It has been thus established that wall Б was built in the late 3rd or at the turn between the 3rd and 2nd cen. BC. The erection of wall А is datable to the period not earlier than the beginning of the 2nd cen. BC. The supposition about a later reconstruction of the southern curtain of wall Б was not corroborated in the course of the excavations: no traces of an earlier curtain have been discovered, while the carelessness of the masonry is probably explainable by the hastiness of the construction.

Keywords: Myrmekion, Hellenism, fortification, amphora stamps.


Коваленко А. Н. К вопросу о характере и хронологии эллинского святилища IV — начала III в. до н. э. на Елизаветовском городище

Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу материалов дома 36 — эллинского святилища IV — начала III в. до н. э., раскопанного в 2004–2013 гг. на территории Елизаветовского городища в дельте Дона. Акцентируются некоторые новые аспекты в изучении этого комплекса и приводятся ранее не публиковавшиеся данные, свидетельствующие о культовом характере данного сооружения. На основании результатов анализа стратиграфии и амфорных клейм уточняется время гибели святилища. В качестве наиболее вероятной даты этого события предлагается считать 80-е гг. III в. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Елизаветовское городище, Большая греческая колония, скифо-античное время, эллинское святилище, дом 36, культовый комплекс, хронология, стратиграфия, греческий керамический импорт.

Kovalenko A. N. To the question about the character and chronology of the Hellenic sanctuary of the 4th — early 3rd centuries BC at the Elizavetovskoye fortified site

Annotation: This paper is devoted to analysis of finds from house 36 (Fig. 1) of a Hellenic sanctuary of the 4th – early 3rd cen. BC excavated in 2004–2013 in the territory of the Elizavetovskoye fortified site in the delta of the Don. The house consisted of three rooms of which two constituted closed associations. The eastern room (no. 116) at the floor level under the collapsed walls contained numerous cult objects including a metal plate with a representation of Demeter (Fig. 2, 6) and five terracotta statuettes (Fig. 2, 1–5). The entire floor of the room was covered with a thin layer of soot produced by effect of a powerful fire. In the southern area of the room there were remains of a burnt human skeleton (Fig. 2, 10). Unfortunately, the objects found in room 116, including an amphora and black-slipped vessels (Fig. 2, 7–9), do not allow us to date narrowly the demolition of the complex. Therefore, in order to define the time of the destruction of house 36, materials from other rooms of the sanctuary are considered. This article attracts attention to some new aspects in the studies of house 36 and previously unpublished evidence is presented suggesting a cult character of the building. For the first time, the materials are here published related with a well revealed at the sanctuary (Fig. 3). The major volume of the well was densely packed with large stone blocks. Evidently, this well was filled with stones at a single time and on purpose. Of note are the skeletons of three young domestic dog individuals and a fragment of a human skull uncovered under the stones in the lower section of the fill of the well. The presence of these finds evidently indicates a sacral character of this object. Also of interest are terracottas broken in antiquity (Fig. 5) which were uncovered in the fill of rooms in house 36. These objects possibly occurred here already after the ruination of the sanctuary. The time of the destruction of the sanctuary can be established more precisely on the basis of the stratigraphic evidence obtained in the course of investigation of house 36 and detailed analysis of amphora stamps (Fig. 4). Most probably this event is datable to the 280s BC.

Keywords: Elizavetovskoye fortified site, Large Greek colony, Scythian Classical period, Hellenic sanctuary, house 36, cult complex, chronology, stratigraphy, Greek ceramic imports.


Рябкова Т. В., Саблин М. В., Любимов Н. А. Тарасова Балка, определение типа памятника по археологическим и фаунистическим данным

Аннотация. Находки очагов-жертвенников позволяют предположить, что Тарасова Балка была скорее святилищем, чем поселением. Об этом также свидетельствуют особенности остеологического материала. Почти полное отсутствие костей диких животных говорит о том, что охота для обитателей памятника не играла существенной роли.

Ключевые слова: Закубанье, Тарасова Балка, ранний железный век, обряд, жертвенник, остеологический материал, скотоводство.

Ryabkova T. V., Sablin M. V., Lyubimov N. A. Tarasova Balka, identification of the site type through archaeological and faunistic evidence

Annotation: Tarasova Balka is an archaeological site of the Early Scythian date discovered in the Trans-Kuban region near the well-known Razmenny burial mounds. In the course of an investigation started in 2012, there were revealed features unusual for a settlement site. Thus in the latter’s central part on the hill summit was discovered a gigantic accumulation of artefacts on the surface of an ancient horizon with an area of ca 600 sq. m (Fig. 1). The majority of finds from the thick cultural layer is constituted by fragments of morphologically fairly diverse handmade (Fig. 2) and Classical ware of southand north-Ionic manufacture (Fig. 3). Another feature uncommon at a settlement is in the quantity and diversity of the individual finds. Among them there are different arrowheads mainly of Scythian types (Fig. 4), fragments of knives and of a sword, armour scales, whetstones, belt hooks (Fig. 5), and broken items of horse harness (Fig. 6). Analysis of the metal of the arrowheads has demonstrated differing compositions of the alloys, the employment of different kinds of ore and technologies of their manufacture. The hypothesis about an everyday character of the site runs contrary to the presence of an early Maeotian burial found in the strata of the accumulation of artefacts and single cut human bones at its eastern boundary. The interpretation of the site as a place for practicing cult activities became possible after excavation of Complex 3 where fragments of a broken hearth/altar (?) with a drain (Fig. 7) were uncovered. Similar installations have been found also at other complexes northwards, westwards and southwards from the central concentration of artefacts (Fig. 1). Analysis of the faunistic remains (4,271 bones) (Table 1) from the sacrificial complexes (Table 2) and the accumulation of artefacts in the centre which resulted from utilization of the remains after performing the rituals (Table 3) has established that in all of the complexes, among the remains of large cattle, the most predominant are bones related with parts of carcasses of the highest nutritional value: probably the fore and/or hind extremities were preferred. Next in quantity are remains of small cattle. No regular immolation of horses was practiced as evidenced by the scattered osteological materials, almost total absence of complete skeletons and the absence of butchery marks on the majority of horse bones (by contrast to large cattle). More probable is frequent use of separate parts of horse carcasses (mostly extremities, like in the case of large cattle) as sacrificial food. Pig bones are splintered to the highest extent. This fact is explained by the use for food of practically all parts of these carcasses. There have been found canine maxillae and teeth. In the accumulation layers were collected fewer anatomic ligaments and a greater number of carcass parts possessing only slight nutritional value; the most of the skeletal remains bear traces of cooking thus confirming the supposition that the accumulation in the centre of the hill had resulted from dumping of remains of sacrifices.

Keywords: Trans-Kuban region, Tarasova Balka, Early Iron Age, rite, altar, osteological material, animal husbandry.




Кузнецова В. Н. «…и я всей душой хотел бы проводить раскопки именно там»: материалы В. Н. Ястребова по исследованиям в Херсонской губернии в рукописном отделе научного архива ИИМК РАН

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются материалы научного архива ИИМК РАН, отражающие исследования В. Н. Ястребова (1855–1898) в Херсонской губернии. Среди документов — отчеты, рисунки, фотографии и переписка исследователя с ИАК, особо стоит отметить письма к В. Г. Тизенгаузену и А. А. Бобринскому.

Ключевые слова: Ястребов, научный архив, Херсонская губерния, Причерноморье, история археологии.

Kuznetsova V. N. “…And with all my soul I would like to conduct excavations exactly there”: V. N. Yastrebov’s materials on the investigations in Kherson Province kept at the Manuscript Department of the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS

Annotation: In the collection of the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS there are kept V. N. Yastrebov’s materials related to examination of sites at the Land of the Don Army and in Tambov and Kherson provinces. V. N. Yastrebov (1855–1898) was a full member of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities and a professor of the Elisavetgrad non-classical secondary school; he also collaborated with the Imperial Archaeological Commission (IAC) and the Moscow Archaeological Society. Among the mentioned documents there are reports, drawings (Fig. 1), photographs and correspondence of the researcher with the IAC. The scope of the present paper is focused on the materials from Kherson Province with the investigations of which the entire scientific biography of V. N. Yastrebov was concerned. He studied materials of different scale — from stray finds to the Melgunov’s barrow in Olbia. In 1889, V. N. Yastrebov conducted investigations near the village of Martonosh, in 1891 in the village of Sergeyevka (Fig. 2), in 1892 he completed the investigation of the so-called “Melgunov’s barrow” (Fig. 3), and in 1894 he worked in Olbia. In 1895, V. N. Yastrebov received a proposal to continue the works at the Olbian necropolis but the researcher refused alleging his poor health (Fig. 4, 1). An important direction of V. N. Yastrebov’s activities comprised the studies of chance finds. The information accumulated by him is presented in the summarizing work Opyt topograficheskogo obozreniya drevnostey Khersonskoy gubernii (Experience of a topographical review of antiquities of Kherson Province; 1894). It is of note that for a number of sites, the information was gained exactly thanks to the efforts of V. N. Yastrebov and some finds were submitted to the Commission owing to his activities (Fig. 5). The materials from Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS related with V. N. Yastrebov’s investigations in Kherson Province are of great importance for the history of archaeological studies in Russia in the late 19th cen. They characterize the scientific biography of the researcher as well as different aspects of his personality — the live interest for archaeology, inquisitive mind and devotion.

Keywords: Yastrebov, Scientific Archives, Kherson Province, Black Sea region, history of archaeology.


Бочков А. В., Мандрик М. В. (вступительная заметка, подготовка текста и примечания) Протокол заседания Комиссии по чистке аппарата Государственного Эрмитажа 24 апреля 1931 г. (кадровая чистка М. И. Максимовой)

Аннотация. В начале 1930-х гг. в научных учреждениях Ленинграда прошла волна кадровых чисток, которая довольно сильно затронула сотрудников Государственного Эрмитажа и Государственной Академии истории материальной культуры. Часть научных сотрудников, в основном уже состоявшихся ученых, работала одновременно в обоих учреждениях и, таким образом, попала под двойной удар; в их числе была и М. И. Максимова. Публикация части протокола заседания по кадровой чистке М. И. Максимовой в Эрмитаже позволяет перенестись в те суровые дни, понять, как и чем жили ученые того времени. В приложении к протоколу приводятся документы о чистке М. И. Максимовой в ГАИМК и о реакции просоветской части Академии на события в Эрмитаже; также представлены краткие биографические заметки об участниках заседания 24 апреля 1931 г.

Ключевые слова: Государственный Эрмитаж, Государственная Академия истории материальной культуры, М. И. Максимова, кадровая чистка в Ленинграде, архивные документы.

Bochkov A. V., Mandrik M. V. (introductory note, preparation of the text and comments) Transcript of the Meeting of the Commission for the Staff Purge of the State Hermitage of April 24, 1931 (Staff purging of M. I. Maksimova)

Annotation: This publication is devoted to one of the tragic episodes in the life of scholars of Leningrad who turned to be in the late 1920s — early 1930s in the epicentre of the so-called “staff purges” sweeping over the Academy of Sciences, universities, museums and libraries in the USSR. The “tongue-lashing” of the worker of the State Hermitage Museum and GAIMK Mariya Ivanovna Maksimova (1885–1973) (Fig. 1) is a vivid example how the scholars of the “old school” were removed from research institutions changing thus the scientific and political atmosphere of the latter. The present publication is based on the transcript of the Meeting of the Commission for the Staff Purge of the State Hermitage of April 24, 1931. The first part of this transcript concerned with a staff purge of A. N. Kube has been earlier published in the collection “Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh. Muzeinye rasprodazhi 1930–1931 goda: arkhivnye dokumenty” (State Hermitage Museum sales. 1930–1931. Archival records. St. Petersburg, 2016). The transcript is provided with comments enabling the reader to understand better who and why put certain questions at the meeting and how the events discussed there were dealt with in other sources. When writing the comments also earlier unpublished documents from eleven Russian and foreign archives were used. Publication of new materials enables us to expand the source base on the history of science in the critical years (late 1920s — early 1930s) and once again it vividly demonstrates how the fates of talented scientists were broken through ideological directives.

Keywords: State Hermitage, State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK), M. I. Maksimova, staff purges in Leningrad, publication of archive documents.


Виноградов Ю. А. Отто Оскарович Крюгер. Эскиз к портрету ученого

Аннотация. Статья посвящена биографии О. О. Крюгера (1893–1967). Его вклад в науку об античности известен очень хорошо, но жизненный путь ученого изучен еще очень слабо. В ГАИМК он трудился с 1920 по 1937 г., с 1936 г. исполнял обязанности председателя Академии. В ноябре 1938 г. был арестован по обвинению в принадлежности к антисоветской меньшевистской организации и связи с немецким националистическим обществом «Ферейн». Решением суда О. О. Крюгер был выслан в Казахстан на пять лет, реабилитирован в феврале 1957 г. После этого его деятельность была связана с Институтом истории АН СССР и Ленинградским государственным университетом.

Ключевые слова: история науки, ГАИМК, античная археология, сталинские репрессии.

Vinogradov Yu. A. Otto Oskarovich Krüger. Sketch to the portrait of the scholar

Annotation: The importance of studies of the biographies of researchers who left a significant track in science is generally recognized. Meanwhile, only during recent time the possibility has appeared of throwing light upon the life course of the scientists who had suffered during the years of the Stalinist repressions. O. O. Krüger (1893–1967) belonged to their number (Fig. 1). His contribution to the Classical Studies is well known. O. O. Krüger was born in Moscow but received his secondary education in the Main German School at the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of St Peter (Petrischule) in St Petersburg. After school, the young man entered the Classical Department of the HistoricoPhilological faculty of the St. Petersburg University. Among his teachers were S. A. Zhebelyov, M. I. Rostovtsev, B. V. Farmakovskiy, G. F. Tsereteli et al. Already as a student, O. O. Krüger, under the guidance of G. F. Tsereteli, started his studies of ancient papyri. Later, together with his teacher P. V. Ernshtedt, he worked on publication of the papyri kept in collections from Russia and Georgia. In 1920, O. O. Krüger was accepted to the staff of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK). By the beginning of the 1930s, his relations with G. F. Tsereteli had significantly deteriorated. Possibly this was provoked by O. O. Krüger openly declaring himself a Marxist and entering the Communist party in 1932. His scientific activities at that time were aimed primarily at studies of slave mutinies in the Classical World, “revolutions of slaves” which shattered the Roman Empire, etc. At the same time, it was exactly O. O. Krüger (Fig. 2) who became the first head of the Bosporan Archaeological Expedition of GAIMK (1933, and then 1935), the contribution of which to the national archaeological science it is difficult to overestimate. In 1936, he was appointed to fulfil the duties of the President of the Academy. In November, 1938, O. O. Krüger was arrested on charges of the belonging to an anti-Soviet Menshevik’s organization and connections with the German nationalistic union “Verein”. He did not acknowledge his guilt but was condemned by the court to an exile to Kazakhstan for five years. However O. O. Krüger had spent entire 19 years in exile, the rehabilitation took place only in February, 1957. After this, his activities were linked with the Institute of History, AS USSR, and the Leningrad State University.

Keywords: history of science, GAIMK, Classic archaeology, Stalinist repressions.


Кожуховская Ю. В., Ланцов С. Б., Кашуба М. Т. Изучение древних поселений возле Новофёдоровки в Западном Крыму (известные и «забытые» материалы)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена истории почти столетних археологических обследований древних поселений, расположенных возле Новофёдоровки в Западном Крыму. Этноним «Новофёдоровка» в археологии Крыма известен в основном благодаря полевым работам на античных поселениях Новофёдоровка и Кизил-Яр. Однако еще в 1920-х гг. С. И. Забнин открыл здесь поселение позднего бронзового века, обозначенное им тогда как Ново-Фёдоровка, и впервые в археологии Крыма провел небольшие разведочные раскопки. В статье приведен обзор опубликованных материалов античного периода и дана общая характеристика коллекции находок 1924, 1926–1928 гг. из полевых работ С. И. Забнина, которая хранится в Центральном музее Тавриды.

Ключевые слова: Крым, Новофёдоровка, поздний бронзовый век, античность, поселение, история исследований.

Kozhukhovskaia Iu. V., Lantsov S. B., Kashuba M. T. Study of ancient settlements in the vicinities of Novofedorovka in the Western Crimea (well-known and “forgotten” materials)

Annotation: This paper is devoted to the history of almost cen.-long archaeological surveys of ancient settlements situated near the village of Novofedorovka (Novofeodorovka) in Western Crimea (Fig. 1). The toponym of “Novofedorovka” is known in the archaeology of Crimea mainly owing to the field investigations at the ancient sites of Novofedorovka and Kizil-Yar. Among the most known and investigated among them is now the settlement of Novofedorovka of the Classical period located in the west of the modern village of the same name (near the south-eastern bank of Lake Saki). It was discovered in 1972 by S. B. Lantsov. At the first stage of its occupation it belonged to the chora of Kerkinitis, further on it became part of the Chersonesean chora. Meanwhile, the exploration of this locality started as early as in the first half of the 20th cen. The chronological gap between the researches was due to the existence of a military air base here with its territory practically inaccessible for archaeological investigations. Thus the ancient site of Kizil-Yar was discovered in 1948 by P. N. Schultz during visual surveys in the north-western near-mouth area of the lake of the same name, but it was studied only as late as in the 1970s by S. B. Lantsov. At the first stage of its occupation there was an unfortified agricultural settlement at this site (far chora of Chersonesos), at the second stage it was part of the Scythian Kingdom. The first archaeological investigations at Novofedorovka are connected with the name of the student of local history and archaeologist S. I. Zabnin who, a century ago, identified and investigated a Bronze Age settlement of Novofedorovka in Western Crimea (Fig. 2). The materials obtained by him during the surveys and excavations have for a long time been considered as lost: the report on the works has not been preserved whereas any scientific publications of the finds were lacking. In this paper, a review of the published materials of the Classical period is presented as well as a general characterisation of the collection of finds from field explorations by S. I. Zabnin of 1924 and 1926–1928, which is kept in the Central Museum of Tauris.

Keywords: Crimea, Novofedorovka, Late Bronze Age, antiquity, settlement, history of research.


Список сокращений

List of abbriviations