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"Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 40. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 40 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2023. — 436 c.: ил.



В очередной выпуск 40 журнала «Археологические вести» включены статьи, посвященные новейшим исследованиям в области археологии, истории и культуры. В разделе «Новые открытия и исследования» впервые вводятся в научный оборот материалы археологических памятников от каменного века до Средневековья в широком географическом диапазоне, рассматриваются вопросы методики изучения, классификации и интерпретации различных категорий археологических находок. В специальный раздел сборника вошли работы по актуальным проблемам археологии, касающиеся как теоретических аспектов, так и широкого круга социально-исторических и культурно-хронологических вопросов на материалах памятников Евразии разных эпох. Кроме того, в одной из статей характеризуются работы ИИМК РАН по созданию трехмерного моделирования христианских ранневизантийских храмов Сирии, проводимые с целью сохранения объектов культурного наследия международного значения. В разделе «История науки» рассматривается история неопубликованной рукописи Г. Ф. Корзухиной (1969), хранящейся в научном архиве ИИМК РАН. Среди авторов журнала — ученые из Москвы, СанктПетербурга, Якутии, Курчатова, Тюмени, Екатеринбурга, Нижнего Тагила, Барнаула, Улаанбаатара (Монголия).

The current issue of the Archaeological News (No. 40) includes articles devoted to the most recent researches in the sphere of archaeology, history and culture. The series of articles “New discoveries and studies” considers archaeological antiquities dated from the Stone Age to the mediaeval period and covering a wide geographic range. Problems of the methods of investigation, classification and interpretation of different categories of archaeological finds are discussed. A special section of this collection of papers includes works on urgent problems of archaeology analysing both theoretical aspects and a wide circle of social-historical and cultural-chronological questions concerned with materials from sites of Eurasia of different epochs. In addition, one of the articles characterizes the efforts of IHMC RAS for development of 3D-modelling of early Byzantine Christian temples in Syria, realized with the purpose of the preservation of the cultural heritage of international importance. The section “History of science” presents the history of the unpublished manuscript by Gali F. Korzukhina (1969) kept at the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS. Among the authors of the yearbook there are scholars from Moscow, St Peterburg, Yakutia, Kurchatov, Tyumen, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Barnaul and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).




К 70-летию Валерия Павловича Никонорова

To the 70th anniversary of V. P. Nikonorov




Анисюткин Н. К. Бифасы раннепалеолитического облика палеолитического местонахождения Лысая гора из окрестностей города Алексина на Верхней Оке

Аннотация. В статье анализируются каменные орудия архаичного облика, которые были обнаружены в 2001–2002 гг. в центре Русской равнины, в бассейне Верхней Оки на местонахождении Лысая гора. Наибольший интерес представляют галечные бифасы, аналогии которым выявлены в коллекциях стратифицированных стоянок раннего и среднего палеолита на Северном Кавказе и юге Русской равнины. Эти бифасы с обушками можно рассматривать как более примитивный аналог орудий типа Keilmesser. Датировки данных стоянок варьируют от среднего до начала позднего плейстоцена, то есть 450–100 тыс. лет назад. Предполагаемый относительный возраст местонахождения Лысая гора, основанный на сопоставлении аналогичных форм бифасов стратифицированного местонахождения Хрящи на Северском Донце, может соответствовать концу среднего плейстоцена.

Ключевые слова: Русская равнина, верхнее течение Оки, местонахождение Лысая гора, ранний и средний палеолит, бифасы из галек.

Anisyutkin N. K. Bifaces of the Early Paleolithic appearance of the Paleolithic locality Lysaya Gora from the vicinity of the city Alexin on the Upper Oka

Annotation: The paper analyzes the stone tools of the Lysaya Gora locality, discovered by the author in 2001–2002 in the vicinity of the city Alexin, Tula region. These finds do not have reliable stratigraphy. They are compared on the basis of a combination of technical and morphological features with stratified complexes of the North Caucasus, Crimea and the south of the Russian Plain. The analysis is based on specific pebble bifaces found in the collections of these sites and Lysaya Gora. Artifacts of the Treugol’naya Cave (Northern Caucasus) and Khryashchi localities (Seversky Donets) belong to the Early Paleolithic. These objects are dated within 450–350 thousand years ago. Similar bifaces have been found in the Mykok collections of the Crimea and the south of the Russian Plain, including the Sukhaya Mechetka and Il’skaya sites. These tools from Sukhaya Mechetka and Il’skaya sites often have more perfect processing. The greatest similarity between the bifaces of Lysaya Gora is traced to similar tools from the Khryashchi locality. On this basis, it can be assumed that the Lysaya Gora complex belongs to the end of the Early Paleolithic. This conclusion is confirmed not only by the corresponding forms of bifaces, but also by the combination of technical and morphological features of the entire collection of stone tools.

Keywords: Russian Plain, upper river Oka, Lysaya Gora locality, Lower and Middle Paleolithic, pebble bifaces.


Идэрхангай Т.-О., Пластеева Н. А., Тишкин А. А. Кости лошадей в жертвенниках у херексуров на памятнике Моностойн нуга (Северная Монголия)

Аннотация. В статье приводятся некоторые итоги изучения херексуров на памятнике Моностойн нуга (Северная Монголия). Особое внимание уделено археозоологическим определениям обнаруженных конских костей, а также полученным AMS-датировкам. Рассматриваются перспективы палеогенетического исследования. Сделан вывод о возможности выделения как минимум двух этапов культуры херексуров и «оленных» камней Внутренней Азии.

Ключевые слова: Северная Монголия, Моностойн нуга, херексур, жертвенник, кости лошади, археозоологические определения, радиоуглеродное датирование.

Iderkhangai T.-O., Plasteeva N. A., Tishkin A. A. Bones of horses in the altars of the Khirgisuurs at the Monostoin Nuga Site (Northern Mongolia)

Annotation: Stone mounds, or khirigsuurs, have been the focus of archaeological research in Mongolia for many years. However, their contents are poorly studied. Horse remains preserved in khirigsuurs provide valuable information on husbandry and animal breeding in nomadic societies. The article presents the results of archaeological (Fig. 1), osteological and radiocarbon study of the horse remains from the Monostoyn Nuga site located in the Northern Mongolia. Sex and individual age were determined for the horses whose bones were extracted from the altars located by the khirigsuurs (Fig. 3). Three AMS dates are given and discussed (Fig. 2). The probable date of one khirigsuur was determined to be the second-fourth quarters of the 11th cen. BC. The further prospects of animal remains from khirigsuurs for paleogenetic research are considered. The mounds of the Monostoyn Nuga monument studied can be attributed to the khirigsuurs and “deer” stone culture, which has been identified conventionally, but to a certain extent reflects the existence of a large community in Inner Asia in the form of an archaic nomadic empire.

Keywords: Northern Mongolia, Monostoyn Nuga, khirigsuur, altar, horse remains, archaeozoology, radiocarbon dating.


Мурашкин А. И. Материалы каменного — раннего железного века со стоянки Дяланоя 2 на р. Кеми (Республика Карелия)

Аннотация. В статье приведены результаты исследования материалов каменного — раннего железного веков на стоянке Дяланоя 2 в среднем течении р. Кеми (Республика Карелия). В 2016 г. раскопками на стоянке вскрыта площадь 1851,5 кв. м. Коллекция памятника насчитывает 21 634 артефакта из камня, керамики, стекла, фарфора, фаянса, металла, датируемых от мезолита до Нового времени. Несмотря на отсутствие литологически выраженного культурного слоя, в ходе раскопок выявлено 14 объектов (ямы, очаги, остатки печей). Четыре из них относятся к среднему мезолиту, раннему неолиту и раннему железному веку. Атрибуция, выполненная на основании типологического анализа залегавших в объектах находок, подтверждается результатами радиоуглеродного анализа (всего для стоянки определено 12 радиоуглеродных дат).

Ключевые слова: Северная Карелия, мезолит, неолит, ранний железный век, стоянка, радиоуглеродное датирование.

Murashkin A. I. Assemblage of Stone Age — Early Iron Age finds from the Dyalanoya 2 site on the Kem’ River (Republic of Karelia)

Annotation: The Kem’ River is one of the largest waterways in Karelia, but until recent time only a few Stone Age sites in the river basin have been investigated. The Dyalanoya 2 site is located in its middle reaches. In 2016, the area of 1851,5 sq. m was excavated and the remains of 14 objects (pits, fireplaces, ovens) were found. The artefact assemblage (21 634 items) from the site includes a large amount of lithic material as well as ceramic, glass, porcelain and metal items dating from the Mesolithic (Fig. 2; 3) to modern times (Tables 1; 2). Nine objects (mainly dated to the 19th and 20th cen.) were excavated in the south-eastern part of the site, close to the Kem’ River bank. Most of the glass, porcelain, faience, ferrous and non-ferrous metal artefacts were found in this part of the excavated area. Only five objects were documented in the north-western part of the site, but the predominant number of quartz, flint and slate artefacts (Fig. 1) were found in this area. Four of these five objects are of Stone Age and Early Iron Age date. Object 6 is a partially destroyed fireplace measuring 0,55 × 0,55 m. It was constructed of boulders laid in a single course. Beneath the stones, there was a lens of grey sand with charcoal. It appears that several thin logs have been laid along the longer axis of the fireplace with boulders placed on top of them. A significant number of quartz flakes along with a narrow-butted ground adze made of slate, fragments of a sandstone grinding plate, flint blades and a scraper were found in the vicinity of the fireplace (Fig. 3). The chopping tools have direct parallels among Mesolithic types from the Onega Lake region. Charcoal sample collected from the fireplace yielded a radiocarbon date of 7799±70 BP (6830–6465 calBC) (SPb-2220). Object 9 was excavated in the north-eastern part of the site. It is an oval pit with steep sides and a flat bottom, measuring 1,3 × 0,5 m and 0,35–0,40 m deep. The pit was filled with grey sand. Fragments of ceramic relatively thin-walled (8–9 mm) vessel were found in the central part of the pit. The fragments are tempered with granite grus. The decoration consists solely of round pits with a conical profile and imprints of a natural two-part stamp arranged in horizontal belts, ingorporating three rows of pits or stamp imprints. Similar vessels have been found in the archaic Lyalovo. A concentration of slate flakes and preforms of chopping tools were found near the pit № 9. A single radiocarbon date was obtained from the charcoal sample collected from the pit, showing the age of 6249±70 BP (5367–5021 calBC) (SPb-2267–2268). Several objects found on the site suggests that it was occupied during the Early Iron Age. Object 10 is the concentration of fragments of a thin-walled flat-bottomed vessel tempered with asbestos (Fig. 7). It belongs to the Luukonsaari type pottery. Object 16 is a rectangular fireplace, measuring 1,6 × 0,5 m, constructed of rounded cobbles (Fig. 8). There was a layer of charcoal underneath the stones. The outlines of several logs laid along the long axis of fireplace could be recognized in the charcoal layer. Only non-diagnostic quartz artefacts were found around the fireplace № 16. Two radiocarbon dates of 1370±30 BP (SPb-2263) (608–689 calAD) and 1856±35 BP (SPb-2264) (76–238 calAD) were obtained from the charcoal samples procured from the fireplace. Apparently, for thousands of years the site attracted ancient people as a source of slate and quartz raw materials as well as the place where elks and reindeers crossed the Kem’ River. According radiocarbon dates (Table 3) and some objects, it is possible that this site was inhabited during the Late Iron Age and the Middle Ages, although no diagnostic artefacts from these periods have been recognized.

Keywords: Northern Karelia, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Early Iron Age, site, radiocarbon dating.


Киселёва А. М., Колпаков Е. М. Керамика Сяряйсниеми 1 на Кольском Севере?

Аннотация. В статье подробно рассмотрены история формирования понятия Сяряйсниеми 1 и проблемы, связанные с его использованием. Они продемонстрированы на примере керамических материалов Кольского Севера. Анализ сосудов с сохранившейся донной частью показал существование в раннем неолите региона как минимум двух групп керамической посуды (варианты/типы Варзина и Чаваньга). Сделан вывод, что создание новой типологии керамики Кольского Севера существенно расширит исследовательские возможности.

Ключевые слова: неолит, керамика, типология, Северная Фенноскандия, Кольский Север.

Kiseleva A. M., Kolpakov E. M. Säräisniemi 1 Ware in the Kola North?

Annotation: In modern archaeological literature, the Early Neolithic pottery of the Kola North is considered as belonging to the Säräisniemi 1 type (Sär 1). Ideas about this type were initially formed in Finnish and Norwegian archaeology. The main contributions were made by P. Simonsen, A. Siiriainen, M. Torvinen and M. Skandfer. Modern Norwegian scholars use a more “vague” term — Early Northern Comb Ware. Russian researchers emphasised the close resemblance of the finds from the Kola to the Sär 1 Ware, but they attributed them to a special Kola Neolithic culture according to a number of features. At the same time, the available publications either describe general trends of changes in pottery (works by N. N. Gurina and V. Y. Shumkin) or characterise the collections from separate sites. Properly speaking, typology of this ceramic group has not been developed. At present, fairly stable idea of the definition of Early Neolithic ware of Northern Fennoscandia has been formed. However, the problems in typology raise the question about correspondence between modern concept and the accumulated materials. Sär 1 has become a general term for the phenomenon of the earliest pottery in Northeastern Fennoscandia. It level possible regional, chronological and cultural differences. We have examined 452 vessels from 24 sites from the Kola North (Fig. 1). The frequency of occurrence of “typical” Sär 1 ornamental motifs (horizontal zigzag with pits and impressions of long stamps with pits at the ends), as well as the “ribbon” motif according to N. N. Gurina was calculated (Fig. 2). It has shown that only small part of the ceramics of the studied region is decorated with these motifs. Also it has been demonstrated that the flat bases of vessels from the Kola Peninsula are almost as common as rounded/tapered bottoms. Moreover, the shape of the body of flat-bottomed vessels is close to cylindro-conical or biconical rather than egg-shaped (Fig. 4, 1, 2). The analysis of vessels with preserved bottom part has shown the existence of at least two groups of pottery (variants/types Varzina and Chavan’ga) in the Early Neolithic of the Kola North. The differences are traced in the shape of vessels, ornamentation, decoration technique (table). It is concluded that the study of Early Neolithic pottery from the Kola North within the framework of several types/variants would significantly expand our research possibilities.

Keywords: Neolithic, ceramics, typology, Northern Fennoscandia, Kola North.


Кузнецова Т. М. Скифский комплекс периода архаики с Украины

Аннотация. Рассматривается комплекс бронзовых предметов из разрушенного скифского погребения в Украине: удила с рельефным орнаментом, пронизи-распределители в виде головок барана и зеркало (?). Место находки вещей неизвестно, поэтому они вводятся в научный оборот под именем людей, сохранивших их для науки (комплекс «Козыменко–Клочко»). В статье оценивается хронологическое сочетание вещей, определяющих дату этого комплекса (конец VІІ — VІ в. до н. э.), и определяется функция предмета, называемого зеркалом.

Ключевые слова: скифы, Северное Причерноморье, комплекс, степь, курганы, зеркало, патера, конская упряжь.

Kuznetsova T. M. A Scythian complex of the Archaic period from Ukraine

Annotation: This article considers a set of bronze objects from a disturbed Scythian burial in Ukraine: two-part horse bits with stirrup-like triangular external loops and rods with a relief decoration; buckles/beads in the form of ram’s heads and an object reminding a mirror of the “Peloponnesian” type (Fig. 1). The exact provenance of the set has remained unknown; therefore it is called “Kozymenko-Klochko” complex in order it had not remained unnamed and entered in the data bases of metal finds from the Scythian epoch under the name of the persons who have preserved it for science. The complex under consideration is unique for the steppe zone of the Northern Black Sea littoral since similar objects still have not been found in this region either in such a combination or separately. Comparison with finds from Scythian sites in the North Pontic forest steppe and Northern Caucasus suggests their links with the Scythians (Fig. 2). Similar bronze bits with stirrup-shaped external loops and rods with a relief decoration composed of transversal scars and oblique crosses so far have been revealed only at sites of the Scythian Archaic period in the North Caucasian regions (Fig. 2, 3–8). Neither exact analogues of the bronze beads/horse strap dividers in the form of “ram heads” have been recorded at Scythian steppe sites of the Northern Black Sea littoral and Caucasus. Spacerbeads the most similar in form and decoration come from forest-steppe barrows (Fig. 2, 9–12). The object from the set under consideration reminding a mirror of the “Peloponnesian” type suggests its similarity with the latter in its outlines and the presence of a geometric design. However they differ in the technique of the modelling of the metal because the “Peloponnesian” mirrors are hammered while the object under study is cast. The presence of a side ledge on our object also differs the latter from mirrors of the “Peloponnesian” type. At the same time, the outer form of the object from the “Kozymenko-Klochko” collection, its dimensions (Table) and the technique of its manufacture (casting) correspond well to a fragmentary find (lateral handle with part of a side ledge) from pit-house No. 1 at the Nemirovo fortified site (Fig. 3, 4). This paper considers the function of the mirror-like object and the chronological relation between the finds defining the date of the complex (Fig. 3; 4). The grave goods considered are dated to the 7th–6th cen. BC.

Keywords: Scythians, Northern Black Sea Region, association, steppe, kurgans, mirror, patera, horse gear.


Семёнов А. В. Погребальные сооружения озен-ала-белигского этапа уюкско-саглынской культуры (IIIII вв. до н. э.)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются разнообразные типы погребальных сооружений, распространенных на территории Тувы на завершающей стадии скифского времени, выделяемые как озен-ала-белигский этап уюкско-саглынской культуры (III–II вв. до н. э.). Многовариантность погребальных сооружений позволяет говорить об их синкретическом происхождении.

Ключевые слова: Тува, позднескифское время, уюкско-саглынская культура, озен-ала-белигский этап, курганы, срубы, курганы с дромосами, склепы.

Semenov A. V. Burial installations of the Ozen-Ala-Belig stage of the Uyuk-Sagly culture (3rd–2nd centuries BC)

Annotation: This article discusses the types of burial installations distributed throughout the territory of Tuva at the final stage of the Scythian period distinguished as the Ozen-Ala-Belig stage of the Uyuk-Sagly archaeological culture (3rd– 2nd cen. BC) (Fig. 1). The diversity of the surface structures is represented by unmounded depressions, flat flagstone pavements, and mounds of different size and complexity (Fig. 2). The internal grave installations contained collective interments in timber frames (Fig. 3), collective and individual tombs (Fig. 6) constructed of slabs after the principle of a “false vault” and stone cists containing predominantly individual interments (Fig. 7). Of special interest are barrows with entrances/dromoi (Fig. 4, 5) which occasionally adjoined the collective burials in timber frames and vaults. The vaults, stone cists and barrows with dromoi appear at the Ozen-Ala-Belig stage and coexisted together with the more traditional timber frames. The different variants of the funerary structures allow us to speak about their syncretic origin. In many cases, local traditions continue in the burial rite although partly they were borrowed from outside. The diversity of the funerary structures was combined with a uniformity of the grave goods represented by a definite set of ornaments, weaponry and domestic implements. Here we are dealing with an assemblage of objects of the Scythian type coexisting throughout the entire stage with the set of artefacts considered as markers of the Xiongnu influence.

Keywords: Tuva, late Scythian time, Uyuk-Sagly archaeological culture, Ozen-Ala-Belig stage, kurgans, timber frames, barrows with dromoi, vaults.


Яйленко В. П. Палеография надписей эллинистической Ольвии

Аннотация. В последние три десятилетия опубликовано полтора десятка наговоров и частных писем из северочерноморской Ольвии. Странным образом почти все они отнесены их издателями к IV в. до н. э. В статье исследуется палеография множества ольвийских лапидарных памятников и граффити, проводится сравнение с письмом эпиграфических документов Аттики и остальной Греции и выявляется эллинистический характер их палеографии. Следовательно, они относятся преимущественно к III‒II вв. до н. э. Столь подробного исследования письма лапидарных надписей и граффити Северного Причерноморья эллинистической эпохи в литературе еще не было. Также автор пересматривает письмо трех ольвийских наговоров и дает им более точную датировку.

Ключевые слова: эллинистическая Ольвия, надписи, палеография, датирование, наговоры.

Yaylenko V. P. Palaeography of inscriptions from Hellenistic Olbia

Annotation: This paper considers the palaeography of Olbian inscriptions from the Hellenistic period. During the last 30 years, over two dozen imprecations and private letters inscribed on lead plates and ceramic fragments have been found in Olbia. Almost all of them are dated by their publishers to the 4th cen. BC, although this date is hardly justified since their palaeography is certainly Hellenistic. This fact is explainable by the absence of a special investigation of palaeography of inscriptions from the Hellenistic Northern Black Sea region in the national archaeological literature. The present paper aims at filling this gap. Firstly the author considers the common Greek palaeographic situation based primarily on numerous reliably dated lapidary inscriptions from Attica of the 4th–1st cen. BC and, secondly, on dated papyri from Hellenistic Egypt. These sources manifest the main regularities of the development of the Hellenistic palaeography, i.e. the gradually growing tendency to decorating of the script. Basing on this common Greek picture, the author analyses the palaeography of numerous Olbian lapidary inscriptions and graffiti and demonstrates their Hellenistic character. This evidence suggests that they predominantly are dated from the 3rd–2nd cen. BC. For illustration, the author analyses the palaeography of three Olbian imprecation inscriptions and defines more precisely their date.

Keywords: Hellenistic Olbia Pontica, inscriptions, palaeography, dating, curse inscriptions.


Медникова Е. Ю., Аветиков А. А. Строительные растворы погребального комплекса римского времени на некрополе Херсонеса Таврического

Аннотация. В статье описывается обнаруженный на некрополе античного Херсонеса толос — погребальный комплекс круглой в плане формы, в прошлом имевший, предположительно, куполообразную крышу. Обнаруженный объект, датируемый II в. н. э., является уникальным сооружением для региона Северного Причерноморья. Анализируются строительные растворы, использованные для постройки окружающей комплекс стены и герметизации саркофага.

Ключевые слова: Херсонес Таврический, толос, саркофаг, строительные растворы.

Mednikova E. Yu., Avetikov A. A. Burial complex of the Roman period at the necropolis of Tauric Chersonesos. The content and features of the construction

Annotation: This paper describes a tholos discovered at the necropolis of the Ancient Greek Chersonesos — the burial complex of a round plan which presumably had sometime a cupola-shaped roof (Fig. 1). In its centre there was a rather small stone sarcophagus with a lead urn inside (Fig. 2–4). The discovered object is a unique installation for the region of the North Black Sea littoral. This complex is dated to the 2nd cen. AD. Here the plan and dimensions of the discovered construction are described. Building mortars used for construction of the wall surrounding the complex are analysed as well as the hermetic sealing of the sarcophagus (Fig. 5–8). Analysis has revealed a considerable increase of the organic component in the building mortar from the masonry by contrast to the mortar by which the lid of the sarcophagus was fixed.

Keywords: Tauric Chersonesos, tholos, sarcophagus, building mortars.


Макаров Н. А., Красникова А. М. Суздальские могильники XXII вв. в современной археологической картине средневековой Руси

Аннотация. В статье суммируются общие наблюдения, сделанные в результате работ по изучению могильников X–XII вв. в Суздальском Ополье. Новые полевые исследования позволили убедиться, что в своем современном состоянии часть некрополей, считавшихся полностью раскопанными в середине XIX в., остается информативными археологическими объектами, сохранившими планиграфическую структуру, значительное число нетронутых погребений и многочисленные средневековые артефакты.

Ключевые слова: Суздальское Ополье, средневековый некрополь, погребальный обряд, геофизика в археологии, курганы, грунтовые погребения, кремации, владимирские курганы.

Makarov N. A., Krasnikova A. M. Suzdal burial grounds of the 10th–12th centuries in the modern archaeological picture of mediaeval Rus

Annotation: Rediscovery and new investigations of necropoleis of the 10th–12th cen. in Suzdal Opolye to a great extent revise the established notions about their general appearance, initial dimensions, burial rite and cultural features. The localization of the places of previous excavations and their georeference with the modern map has enabled us to link the “invisible”, after the loss of their mounds, cemeteries with settlement sites of the 10th–12th cen. For a detailed examination, necropoleis of Shekshovo, Gnezdilovo and Seltso were selected since they are situated near large settlements and include along with inhumations also graves with cremations and finds considered as chrono-indicators of the 10th–12th cen. (Fig. 1). At three of the sites, large-scale geophysical investigations were conducted and surface materials were collected allowing the researchers to reveal the spatial structure of the sites and their dimensions, as well as to date them more precisely (Fig. 2; 3). In addition, these investigations allowed us to discern the extent of disturbance of the necropoleis caused by ploughing during several centuries. This tillage had levelled a considerable number of the mounds already by the mid-19th cen. The burial complexes discovered by large-scale excavations at Shekshovo and Gnezdilovo indicated the presence of two forms of burial rite at these sites: cremations of the 10th — early 11th cen. and inhumations with the western orientation arisen in the beginning of the 11th cen. These excavations enabled the researchers to investigate some complete burial complexes (Fig. 4; 5). The results of the new studies have enabled the researchers to document burials of the Early Russian elite of the 11th cen. Finds of battle axes in the ploughed layer and in undisturbed burials, including the graves containing instruments for weighing silver, as well as already known finds of ceremonious weapons, reveal the picture of the stationing of the military-administrative elite of the 11th cen. in large unfortified settlements outside the towns. Also the role of these settlements as the centres of the power and management has been understood (Fig. 6; 7).

Keywords: Suzdal Opolye, mediaeval necropolis, burial rite, geophysics in archaeology, barrows, flat-grave burials, cremations, Vladimir kurgans.


Плохов А. В. Находки посудного стекла с пестро-пятнистым декором в Великом Новгороде и на Рюриковом городище

Аннотация. Статья посвящена уникальным находкам стеклянных сосудов с пестро-пятнистым декором, полученным при археологических исследованиях Великого Новгорода и Рюрикова городища. В работе приводится описание их морфологии, декора, технологии изготовления. Рассмотрена датировка находок, а также аналогии представленному на них декору в древнем стеклоделии. На основе имеющихся данных высказаны предположения, объясняющие появление изделий с таким декором на памятниках Верхнего Поволховья.

Ключевые слова: Великий Новгород, Рюриково городище, средневековое стекло, стеклянные сосуды с пестро-пятнистым декором.

Plokhov A. V. Finds of glassware with dappled decoration from Veliky Novgorod and Ryurik Gorodishche

Annotation: In the course of archaeological investigations, numerous rare and unique finds have been retrieved. Their number certainly includes a glass bowl with a dappled decoration. Its fragments were found at the Troitsky Excavation in Novgorod (Fig. 2; 3). All these artefacts were discovered during excavation of a cultural layer of the second quarter — middle of the 12th cen. at a huge area urban property “E” (Fig. 1). The analysis of archaeological materials (wooden constructions, birch-bark documents) allows to suggest that in the period under question there was an administrative center of the town and the seat of the Novgorod joint judicial court of the Prince and the Posadnik (mayor). The ten fragments of the 18 pieces found are joinable together making it possible for us to conceive the general look and profile of the entire object. The vessel was manufactured by the method of free blowing while the dappled decoration was rendered in the technique of blobbing. Besides Veliky Novgorod, fragments of similarly decorated ware are found also among the materials from Ryurik Gorodishche which was the residence of Novgorod princes in the Middle Ages. Nine such fragments have been there discovered (Fig. 4). These fragments belonged to at least five vessels but they are too small to give any notion of the form of the latter. Almost all the fragments with dappled decoration were retrieved during investigation of a mixed dark-grey amorphous cultural layer and are not stratigraphically dated. The majority of the glass splinters were found in the area of one of the “large houses” (V) constituting the complex of buildings of the princely court (Fig. 5). Excepting one of the fragments, the finds from Gorodishche in outward appearance resemble very much the Novgorod bowl and apparently are datable also to the 12th cen. Glass objects with a dappled decoration are known already among materials from Egypt of the New Kingdom epoch. The ware decorated with coloured glass chips in the technique of blobbing is fairly widely represented among the antiquities of the 1st cen. AD from the territory of the Roman Empire, as well as among European objects of the early Modern Period, whereas findings of similar vessels from mediaeval sites are extremely rare. This circumstance does not allow the researchers to answer definitely the question as to from where the glassware with the dappled surface had been brought to the Novgorod Land. Results of the investigations of the chemical composition of the glass of the fragments of four vessels from Ryurik Gorodishche using optical emission spectrography allow us to speak only of the origin of these objects from the East Mediterranean region. These vessels were objects of luxury not intended for mass trade. The presence of glass finds under consideration at sites of the Upper Volkhov region only at residences of representatives of Novgorod government bodies suggests that the vessels with dappled decoration were diplomatic gifts or that they were brought by merchants as exclusive goods intended as gifts for representatives of the local administrative elite.

Keywords: Veliky Novgorod, Ryurik Gorodishche, medieval glass, glassware with dappled decoration.


Горлов К. В., Миненко В. В., Разумов И. Н. Методика описания и актуализация нумизматического материала из раскопок в Смоленске в 2005 г. (по материалам спасательных работ отдела охранных раскопок ИА РАН)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается коллекция из 191 единичной монеты XV — первой половины ХХ в., обнаруженная в 2005 г. отделом охранных раскопок Института археологии РАН в ходе проведения археологических работ в Смоленске.

Ключевые слова: Смоленск, археологические раскопки, монеты, пула, датировка, обращение, культурный слой.

Gorlov K. V., Minenko V. V., Razumov I. N. Methodology for describing and actualization of numismatic material from the excavations in Smolensk in 2005 (based on materials from the rescue archaeology work of the Department of Preservation of Rescue Excavations, IA RAS)

Annotation: The Department of Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of the Institute of Archaeology RAS conducted in 2005 rescue excavations in Smolensk within the area between the present-day streets Zhelyabova and Kashena. The cultural layer was investigated in two excavation pits (Fig. 1; 8). In the course of the excavations there was obtained a collection of 191 coins dated predominantly to the 16th century (Table 1–7; Fig. 2; 4–7; 9). These coins were retrieved both from the cultural layer and from the fill of different objects sunk into the virgin soil (pits and buildings). In the course of the investigations at Excavation 1, the earliest numismatic finds retrieved were represented by a Prague groschen of Vaclav IV and a pieniądz (denarius) of Prince Vytautas. Finds of coins of this type within the limits of Smolensk traditionally are connected with the “Lithuanian” period of the city’s history. The early Russian coinage includes a Muscovite pul with a representation of a double-headed eagle on the obverse. Such puls were issued from the end of the rule of Ivan III (Table 5, 5). Another group of puls consists of 15 large specimens issued in the middle of the 1530s from the Moscow mint with representations of an eagle or a winged siren on the obverse. The most numerous coin collection is represented by 67 small puls. Among the latter, the coinage of the Tver mint is significantly predominant — 43 examples. The Moscow minting includes 16 coins, that of Pskov — six, and the Novgorodian — two. The finds include seven “Smolensk puls” but these need a more exact attribution. The emission of Ivan IV includes 13 silver coins from the Moscow and Tver mints. To the Russian coin collection, a shilling of Eric XIV issued in Revel in 1565 is added. The numismatic finds of the 17th cen. are represented by three kopecks of Aleksey Mikhaylovich coined from silver and copper. The group of late coins includes small denominations of the Russian Empire of the 18th — early 20th cen. minted from copper. Investigations at Excavation 2 retrieved an early group of money including five large Moscow puls of the mid1530s. This is added by 20 small puls issued mostly also during the rule of Ivan IV. Tver and Moscow coinage predominates among them. Silver coins of the 16th cen. are represented by three dengas of Ivan IV from the Moscow mint. The period when Smolensk was part of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is marked by finds of two Riga solids of Sigismund III and Gustavus II Adolphus. Finds of three kopecks of Mikhail Fedorovich and Aleksey Mikhaylovich mark the return of the city into the Russian Tsardom in 1654. In addition to this money, the monetary circulation of the second half of the 17th cen. in the composition of the collection under consideration is reflected only by five copper solids of John II Kasimir Vasa. A considerable volume of coins retrieved from Excavation 2 is represented by copper coins of small denominations of the Russian Empire and USSR. Despite the close distance between Excavations 1 and 2, the numismatic collections retrieved from them possess their own specifics.

Keywords. Smolensk, archaeological excavations, coins, pul, dating, monetary circulation, cultural layer.




Бочкарёв В. С., Поляков А. В. Археологические памятники и источники

Аннотация. В статье представлена схема систематизации археологических памятников. Этот методологический вопрос пока крайне слабо исследован в научной литературе. Предлагается разделение всего массива археологических памятников на два основополагающих класса: профанные и сакральные. Первый распадается на четыре основные категории: поселенческие, производственные, инфраструктурные памятники и места случайного депонирования. В свою очередь сакральные памятники делятся на погребальные и ритуальные объекты, ритуальные изображения, стелы и изваяния, также в них выделяются вотивные депозиты. В каждой из этих категорий намечены наиболее важные и часто встречающиеся типы археологических памятников. Отдельно затронут вопрос формирования археологических памятников и особенностей процессов археологизации следов деятельности человека.

Ключевые слова: археология, систематизация, классификация типов памятников, археологические памятники, археологические источники, профанные памятники, сакральные памятники, археологизация культурных объектов.

Bochkaryov V. S., Polyakov A. V. Archaeological sites and sources

Annotation: The paper publishes a systematization scheme of archaeological cites. This methodological problem so far is poorly considered in scientific literature. Here it is proposed to divide the entire mass of archaeological sites into two basic classes: profane and sacral. The first can be subdivided into four main categories: settlement sites, manufacturing and infrastructural sites and places of occasional deposition. In their turn, the sacral sites are divided into burial and ritual objects, ritual representations, steles and sculptures; also votive depositions are distinguished in them. In each of the mentioned categories, the most important and frequently encountered types of archaeological sites are traced. Separately, the problem of the formation of archaeological sites and specifics of the processes of archaeologization of the traces of human activities are considered.

Keywords: archaeology, systematization, classification of site types, archaeological sites, archaeological sources, profane sites, sacral sites, archaeologization of cultural objects.


Кашуба М. Т., Кулькова М. А. Междисциплинарные исследования погребений ранних кочевников («киммерийцев») на западе «Великой степи» (обзор до 2020-х гг.)

Аннотация. В статье дан обзор изучения междисциплинарными методами погребений ранних кочевников («киммерийцев») Северного Причерноморья. Комплексные исследования (методы палеоантропологии и палеозоологии, радиоуглеродное датирование, экспериментально-трасологический метод, комплексные исследования металла, археометрические исследования керамики и др.) в целом проведены для менее половины из около 300 комплексов степной зоны Причерноморья. Отмечена необходимость формирования единой базы данных и создания ГИС-карты погребений ранних кочевников региона. Новые комплексные исследования с применением современных аналитических методов расширят представления о мире ранних кочевников степного Причерноморья, что может выявить ранее неизвестные аспекты в дискуссии о соответствии или несоответствии таких комплексов «киммерийцам».

Ключевые слова: степной пояс Евразии, Северное Причерноморье, ранний железный век, предскифский период, ранние кочевники («киммерийцы»), черногоровская и новочеркасская группы, междисциплинарные исследования.

Kashuba M. T., Kulkova M. A. Interdisciplinary investigations of burials of early nomads (“Cimmerians”) in the west of the “Great Steppe” (review up to the 2020s)

Annotation: The paper presents a review of interdisciplinary studies of burials of early nomads (“Cimmerians”) in the Northern Black Sea Littoral. A brief history of the accumulation of evidence on these complexes is described. Their total number amounts to ca 300 sites in the steppe zone of the Northern Black Sea region. The interdisciplinary investigations (palaeoanthropology, radiocarbon dating, experimental tracewear analysis, comprehensive studies of the metal, archaeometric investigations of the pottery etc.) have been conducted for less than half of the burials. All the available radiocarbon dates of the graves of early nomads in the steppe zone and Lower Volga region have been summarized and calibrated anew. The necessity to form a single database and compiling of a GIS map of the nomad burials in the region under study is manifested. New interdisciplinary studies with the application of modern analytical methods will expand our notions on the world of early nomads of the steppe Black Sea area. This can reveal the previously unknown aspects in the discussion about the relation or non-relation of these complexes with the “Cimmerians”.

Keywords: steppe belt of Eurasia, Northern Black Sea Region, Early Iron Age, pre-Scythian period, early nomads (“Cimmerians”), Chernogorovo and Novocherkassk groups, interdisciplinary investigations.


Куфтерин В. В., Дубова Н. А., Фрибус А. В. Еще раз о социальной стратификации на Гонур-депе в свете данных краниологии и типологии погребальных сооружений

Аннотация. На антропологических материалах Гонур-депе обсуждается связь между краниологическими особенностями и социальным «статусом» погребенных (типологией погребений). Была проведена статистическая обработка, включающая оценку изменчивости и внутригрупповых корреляций краниометрических признаков, однофакторный дисперсионный анализ с последующими апостериорными сравнениями, а также сопоставление выборок с применением T2-критерия Хотеллинга. По ряду признаков выявлены достоверные различия между выборками из разных типов погребальных сооружений.

Ключевые слова: краниометрия, социальный «статус», погребальный обряд, эпоха бронзы, БМАК / Цивилизация Окса, Туркменистан.

Kufterin V. V., Dubova N. A., Fribus A. V. Once again about social stratification at the Gonur Depe site as it is reflected in craniofacial morphological variation and grave typology

Annotation: This study examines the relationship between craniofacial morphological variation and social “status” reflected in grave typology of the Bronze Age population from Gonur Depe — an outstanding BMAC site (Southeastern Turkmenistan, 2300–1700 BC). The analyzed sample included 219 male crania, 113 of which were from the shaft tombs, 59 from ordinary pit graves and 47 from chambers and cists (Fig. 1). Statistical data processing included assessment of variability and intragroup correlations of craniometric characteristics in pooled samples from three grave types (chambers and cists, shaft tombs, pit graves). Craniometric differences between subsamples were compared using one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Scheffé’s and Tukey’s HSD tests, as well as using the Hotelling’s T-squared distribution. According to mean values of the craniometric variables, the pooled sample from the three grave types is characterized by the same morphological variant as the general male sample from Gonur Depe: low cranial index; sharply cuneiform, narrow and medium-high facial skeleton with a pronounced nasal bones protrusion and high nasal bridge. Analysis of the variance provides statistically significant differences between subsamples from different grave types in maximum cranial length, bizygomatic diameter, upper facial height, and nasal breadth (Table 3). The maximum values of the listed measurements are typical for crania from chamber tombs and cists, the minimum values — for crania from shaft tombs. The distance matrix of Hotelling’s T-squared values demonstrates that the subsample from the shaft tombs significantly differs from the other subsamples in absolute dimensions of the facial skeleton. On the one hand, the results of this study are consistent with earlier observations that the crania from chamber tombs and pit graves show the greatest similarity and that the crania from the cists have relatively large dimensions while the ones from the shaft tombs are relatively small. On the other hand, the conclusion made in our previous works that there is no relationship between the cranial characteristics of the buried and the grave type (i.e. social stratification) should be revised.

Keywords: craniometrics, social ‘status’, burial rite, Bronze Age, BMAC/Oxus Civilization, Turkmenistan.


Трубникова В. Б. Культурно-хронологическая интерпретация сяньбэйского могильника Чжалайнор (Внутренняя Монголия)

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы данные пяти лет раскопок (1959, 1960, 1984, 1986 и 1994 гг.) сяньбэйского могильника Чжалайнор Чжалайнор в городском округе Хулун-Буир, Внутренняя Монголия. В ходе исследования были выделены три территориальные группы, дана их характеристика и отмечены различия между ними, на основе которых стало возможным разделить их по хронологическому и/или социальному признаку.

Ключевые слова: сяньбэй, Чжалайнор, Внутренняя Монголия.

Trubnikova V. B. Cultural and chronological aspects of the interpretation of the cemetery of Zhalainor

Annotation: The article analyses the results of five years of investigations (1959, 1960, 1984, 1986 and 1994) of the Xianbei burial ground of Zhalainor in the Hulunbuir City Prefecture, Inner Mongolia. Three territorial groups were distinguished and characterized and the differences between these groups were described. Chronological markers have been identified only for materials from group I enabling us to date the entire complex to the first centuries of this era but not to solve the problem of the differences between the groups. Therefore an analysis of the burial rite and of the common composition of the material complex was attempted. 1) Burials of group I are compactly arranged; the burial rite is fairly unified. The plan of the burial field of group II looses the strict orientation to the north and the row order. In the burial rite, individual types appear. 2) In burials of group I, some finds are related with horse while the “horse component” is less frequent in group II. 3) In the material complex of group I, arms and weaponry is a representative category while in group II a decrease of the occurrence of weapons in the burials is recorded. The differences between the two groups can be explained in two ways. The first explanation is in the social and political nature of the groups where group I may be interpreted as a military cemetery of the Xianbei tribal union of the period of war raids while group II reflects the peaceful period of the Xianbei during their transition from the hunting and nomadic mode of life to the settled one. The second explanation may be in the chronological gap between the two groups where group I is the earliest and group II dated to a later period.

Keywords: Xianbei, Zhalainor, Inner Mongolia.


Килуновская М. Е., Альборова И. А., Бусова В. С., Семёнов Вл. А., Мустафин Х. Х., Учанева Е. Н. Памятники середины I тысячелетия до н. э. в урочище Эки-Оттуг (Центральная Тува): от типологии и хронологии к антропологии и генетике

Аннотация. В урочище Эки-Оттуг в среднем течении р. Ээрбек сосредоточены погребальные комплексы середины I тыс. до н. э., комплексное исследование которых проводится коллективом авторов в последние годы. Было исследовано и проанализировано 20 курганов с 82 могилами, в которых было обнаружено 128 скелетов и 1437 находок. В статье представлены результаты по типологии основных категорий инвентаря, приведены аналогии, а также привлечены данные антропологии и генетики, что позволило сделать вывод о многокомпонентности скифских культур на территории данного региона.

Ключевые слова: Тува, ранний железный век, алды-бельская культура, уюкско-саглынская культура, могильник, палеоантропология, палеоДНК, древние технологии.

Kilunovskaya M. E., Alborova I. A., Busova V. S., Semenov Vl. A., Mustafin Kh. Kh., Uchaneva E. N. Archaeological sites of the mid-1st millennium in the Urochishche Eki-Ottug (Central Tuva): from typology and chronology to anthropology and genetics

Annotation: The paper presents results of examination of finds from kurgans of the Scythian time excavated at the burial grounds of Eki-Ottug 1 and Eki-Ottug 2 (banks of the Eerbek River, Tuva). Here barrows of the mid-1st millennium BC are concentrated. During that period two cultures of a Scythian circle replace each other in this territory — Aldy-Bel and Uyuk-Sagly archaeological groups. The authors of the excavations have investigated totally 20 kurgans with 82 graves where 128 skeletons and 1437 artefacts have been found. The finds were studied using the typological and chronological method; also anthropological materials were examined, DNA analysis was conducted and a series of radiocarbon dates has been obtained. On the basis of the interdisciplinary studies of the burial sites in the Urochichche (islateded tract of land) Eki-Ottug, the group of the present authors has arrived at the following conclusions: 1) in the given microregion there are two types of burial sites differing in their surface and internal grave structures; within the first type, features of the Aldy-Bel culture predominate; the barrows of the second type belong to the earlier stage of the Uyuk-Sagly culture; 2) the grave goods at sites of the two types are of a mixed character — with Aldy-Bel and Uyuk-Sagly features; in the first type, artefacts characteristic of the Aldy-Bel culture predominate: earrings with a cone-shaped pendant, pectorals etc. (Fig. 2–13). In textile goods, a transition from one weaving tradition to the other is traceable; 3) the radiocarbon dates do not show a distinct boundary between the two types of the sites and indicate a period from the late 6th to early 4th cen. BC (Fig. 14); 4) the data of palaeoanthropology and palaeogenetics suggest that bearers of the cultures of the first and second type differed. The following haplogroups have been identified: R1a and Q1b (Table 2); 5) as it seems, in the territory of Eerbek there were coexisting different tribal groups during the formation of the Uyuk-Sagly culture. These groups practised different burial rites but, at the same time, knew and used the same specific set of artefacts. This fact indicates a multi-component character of Scythian cultures in the region under consideration raising the question of the correct identification of chronological indicators.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Ion Age, Aldy-Bel culture, Uyuk-Sagly culture, burial ground, palaeoanthropology, palaeoDNA, early technologies.


Блохин Е. К., Виноградов А. Ю., Ёлшин Д. Д., Соловьева Н. Ф. Спасение раннехристианских храмов Сирии

Аннотация. В статье описываются работы ИИМК РАН по трехмерному моделированию и архитектурному описанию доступных христианских храмов Сирии ранневизантийского периода. Работы по документации архитектурно-археологических памятников представлены в контексте истории их изучения в историографической традиции.

Ключевые слова: ранневизантийская архитектура, Сирия, цифровая археология, архитектурные обмеры, история науки, архитектурная археология.

Blokhin E. K., Vinogradov A. Yu., Yolshin D. D., Solovyova N. F. Rescue of Early Christian temples of Syria

Annotation: In the course of three expeditions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS in 2021, archaeological investigations at 16 Early Byzantine churches in eight populated areas of Syria have been carried out. The expeditions worked at Madrasa Halawiyah in Aleppo, churches in Apamea, complexes of Deir al-Salib, Qasr Ibn Wardan, the monastery in Burqush, temples of Eastern Hauran, Shaqra, Zora and Bosra. Materials for creation of three-dimensional models of the interiors and exteriors of the investigated temples have been collected. Important new evidence has been obtained for many sites. As we have attempted to demonstrate, the main task to be solved by a detailed modelling of the previously investigated, measured and described churches is in providing more exact data and documentation on these installations, which have not been documented in detail earlier, and supplementing the reported measurements with new data revealed during the period after the last surveys. In particular, this concerns the documents on the façades and masonries which had not been always carefully drawn (by contrast to plans) although they can correct our notions on the architectural history of the buildings. Apparently, the work of this type is an indispensable routine adding new information to already long ago established, as it seems, set of data familiar to researchers. The collected measurements expand and supplement the available information on the architecture of the sites under consideration. The data obtained are precisely georeferenced and possess intrinsic reliability. On the basis of the designed models, planigraphy, orthophotoplans of the façades and sections of the churches can be generated. Presently, the accumulated material is under treatment and within the course of the current year will be published in the form of digital three-dimensional models and graphic materials generated on their basis on a website of IHMC RAS.

Keywords: Early Byzantine architecture, Syria, digital archaeology, architectural measurements, history of science, architectural archaeology.




Лозовская О. В. К 50-летию экспериментально-трасологической лаборатории ИИМК РАН

Lozovskaya О. V. To the 50th anniversary of the experimental traceological laboratory IHMC RAS


Щелинский В. Е. Крупные режущие орудия раннеашельских стоянок Южного Приазовья: категории, функции, индикаторы видов деятельности древнейших людей и эволюции культуры

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты изучения крупных режущих орудий, наиболее важных технико-технологических индикаторов раннеашельских каменных индустрий, из ряда разновременных стоянок раннего ашеля Южного Приазовья. Анализ материалов позволяет проследить эволюционные изменения в составах орудий на стоянках. Материалы рассматриваются в хронологической последовательности от ранних, 2,1–2,0 млн лет назад (стоянка Кермек). к более поздним, 1,4–1,0 млн лет назад (стоянки Родники 1–4, Богатыри/Синяя Балка и Пересыпь).

Ключевые слова: ранний ашель, ранний плейстоцен, крупные режущие орудия, Южное Приазовье, Россия.

Shchelinskiy V. E. Large cutting tools from Early Acheulean sites of the South Azov Sea region: categories, functions, indicators of activities of the earliest people and the evolution of the culture

Annotation: The paper presents the results of studies of large cutting tools which are the most important technological markers of the Early Acheulean industries among a series of sites of different Early Acheulian stage in the southern Azov Sea area. Their description is presented and the division of these tools according to their technical and morphological features is grounded. Their possible functions are determined, as well as their relation with certain activities of early people. Analysis of this evidence allows us to trace evolutionary modifications in the composition of the tool collections from the sites. The materials are considered in the chronological sequence from the early, 2,1–2,0 million years BP (the site of Kermek), to the later, 1,4–1,0 million years BP (the sites of Rodniki 1–4, Bogatyri/Sinyaya Balka and Peresyp). Large cutting tools (totally 58 items), are divided into four technical and morphological categories on the basis of analysis of the total range of systematized morphologically distinctive and functionally significant structural elements (working and handle parts). These four groups of tools presumably had different functions: handaxes, picks (of two modifications — pear-shaped and elongated), cleavers and knives. Particular data on the functions of these tools were obtained through structural analysis of their morphology considering the functional potential of the instruments (operations for which they are better fit) and traces of wear from their use. Certain limits in the information capability of the marks of wear use (because of some obliteration of them by natural processes; on the surface of the tools the microtraces are most frequently blurred and difficultly identified) have allowed us to make only a general conclusion about the functions of the tools with indication of the operations where they can have been employed (cutting, chopping etc.) and about the relative hardness of the worked materials (soft, mediumhard, hard). Nevertheless even these simplified functional interpretations of the traces of wear in the work, in the context of the data of the structural analysis, allow us to differentiate large tools of different purpose. In particular, it has been established that handaxes were used mainly for cutting meat during butchering of the animal carcasses. Picks, most possibly, served for piercing, dissecting and shredding carcasses of large animals during their butchering. It cannot be excluded also that with these tools wounded animals were finished off, although this seems little probable. Cleavers were made and used as axes mostly for working wood. Knives served for cutting materials of different hardness. The presence of several categories of large cutting tools among the inventory of early Acheulian sites and their specialization indicate stable modes of activities of the inhabitants of these localities. Firstly it was hunting large mammals. However it demanded corresponding tools (weapons) which were represented, most probably, by wooden spears. The presence of cleavers intended for working wood among the large cutting tools indicates a high probability of systematic manufacture of wooden tools and their use by early Acheulian hunters. Another important and regular kind of activities was butchery of animal carcasses as is suggested by large cutting tools. Moreover, the large number of such special tools as picks among the lithic sets suggests butchery of large pachyderms. These mammals were probably southern elephants and Caucasian elasmotherium of which bones are found among the middens at the sites. Analysis of large cutting tools from early Acheulian localities in the South Azov region suggests a close relation between their morphology and functional purpose. However a reasonable question arises whether only the function determined the shape of these tools. It is difficult to resolve this question. However it is not possible to disregard the fact that functions of large cutting tools, at least partly, were the same. In other words, each of these tools, if necessary, could have been employed for different works. This circumstance is an indirect indication that in the manufacture of complicated tools, an important role was played not only by consideration of their functional purpose but also by some social norms and cultural traditions. Investigations have shown that large cutting tools are represented in different ratios at the sites. This fact can be explained by many reasons including the unequal areas of the excavations. However when comparing the composition of the tool sets at the earliest site of Kermek (2,1–2,0 million years BP) and at the localities of the later Taman industry (1,4–1,0 million years BP), a great difference is observed which hardly can be considered as a chance occurrence. In the lithic industry of the Kermek site there are only two categories of large cutting tools, i.e. picks and cleavers. At the sites of the Taman industry, these tools were more diverse and, moreover, among them, in addition to picks and cleavers, handaxes and knives are represented. Thus an evolution in the manufacture of the large cutting tools is traceable in stone industries of the early Acheulian of the southern Azov Sea region. At the initial stage of the early Acheulian (Kermek locality), picks and cleavers were the main categories of the large cutting tools. With the evolution of the early Acheulian, the associate group of these large cutting tools was expanded through the appearance of handaxes and knives among it.

Keywords: Early Acheulean, Early Pleistocene, large cutting tools, Southern Azov region, Russia.


Степанова К. Н. Следы от приготовления минеральной краски из железистых конкреций: сопоставление данных экспериментов с археологическими материалами верхнего палеолита

Аннотация. Приводятся результаты экспериментального получения красной и желтой минеральной красок из ожелезненных конкреций при помощи кварцитовых и песчаниковых терочных камней. В статье описан ход эксперимента, полученные эталонные следы на каменных орудиях, которые использованы для трасологического анализа находок из граветтийского комплекса Борщёво 5 (1). Результаты могут быть задействованы в работе с другими коллекциями терочных камней.

Ключевые слова: трасология, экспериментальная археология, древние технологии, следы использования, верхний палеолит, ударно-абразивные орудия, терочные камни, минеральные красители.

Stepanova K. N. Traces from preparation of mineral paint from ferrous concretions: comparison of experimental data with archaeological evidence of the Upper Palaeolithic

Annotation: The process of manufacture of colorants in the Upper Palaeolithic is rather irregularly studied. The identification of the function of stone tools as paint grinders usually is based only on the presence of remains of a colorant on the surface of the pebbles, while criteria of the tracewear distinguishing of paint grinders from other abrasive tools have not been earlier formulated. In order to fill this gap the Experimental Field Project of the IHMC RAS in 2022 comprised experiments for manufacture of mineral paint from ochreous and red iron-containing concretions (Fig. 1; 3). The process of making colorants included pulverizing of burnt or unbaked concretions using quartzite or sandstone grinders. In this study, the changes of the surface of the experimental grinding stones in the process (Fig. 2; 6) was described and demonstrated at a high-power / low-power magnification (Fig. 4; 5; 7; 8). In the course of the experiments it was noted that two main factors influence the use-wear formation during manufacture of mineral colorants: the properties of the processed material and the firmness of the rock materials of the tool against the dislodging and wear of the levelled surface formation. At the same time, the pair of the tools used together as the lower grinding stone and the active grinder acquire as a result somewhat different use-wear traces, so that it is impossible to assert that there is a universal standard of the usewear pattern resulting from mineral colorant grinding. However it is possible to draw a reasonable conclusion about the function of the ancient artefacts by comparison of the initial reference surfaces and their macro and micro use-wear traces development, as well as by the presence of residues of the worked material. Reference traces can be employed for identification of the functions of rubbing stones by the tracewear method as it has been fulfilled at the assemblage from Borshchyovo-5, layer 1 (Fig. 8–10). The conducted experimental studies also allow the researchers to establish more precisely the techniques of manufacture of colorants in Palaeolithic Kostyonki.

Keywords: traceology, experimental archaeology, early technologies, use traces, Upper Palaeolithic, blowing/ abrasive tools, rubbing stones, mineral colorants.


Ахметгалеева Н. Б., Протопопов А. В., Мащенко Е. Н., Павлов И. С., Боескоров Г. Г., Плотников В. В., Нестерова Е. А. Трасологическое исследование антропогенных повреждений на шкуре мамонта Юки (Якутия)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена единственному известному случаю экспериментально-трасологического исследования следов резания мягких тканей туши мамонта Юки древним человеком около 38 тыс. лет назад (северо-восток Якутии). Приведены результаты экспериментов по разрезанию шкур животных каменными и металлическими инструментами и их сравнение с характером выявленных антропогенных разрезов на шкуре мамонта Юки. Произведенное экспериментально-трасологическое исследование показало наличие целого комплекса действий по утилизации мамонта древним человеком.

Ключевые слова: верхний палеолит Якутии, мамонт Юка, экспериментально-трасологический анализ.

Akhmetgaleeva N. B., Protopopov A. V., Mashchenko E. N., Pavlov I. S., Boeskorov G. G., Plotnikov V. V., Nesterova E. A. The tracewear study of anthropogenic lesions on mammoth Yuka’s hide (Yakutia)

Annotation: This paper is devoted to studies of the single known case of carcass-processing by ancient man of a mammoth dated to ca 38 thousand years BP. We are dealing here with the carcass of the mammoth “Yuka” found in north-eastern Yakutia (Fig. 1; 5). A series of experiments have been conducted to study processing separate hide pieces from different animals including one mammoth individual. The processing was carried out by means of four types of lithic tools and by metal hunter’s knives. The first series of experiments was aimed at cutting a piece of mammoth hide with a thickness of 1,2 cm on the body similarly to the Yuka mammoth’s hide (Fig. 2, 1). The second series comprised experiments on cow’s hide using the most efficient stone tools nos. 1, 2 and 4 (Fig. 2) in order to compare the cutting traces with those on the mammoth Yuka’s hide 0,3 cm thick in the area near the eyes (Fig. 3, 7, 8, 10). The result was an understanding of the criteria for the difference between the cuts made by stone and metal tools (Fig. 2; 3; 4, 1, 2). After processing with stone tools, a relatively even edge line of cutting is observed although a smooth bend is traceable during magnifying the places of joining traces left by different movements. At the edge of the horn layer there are numerous burrs and some areas are swollen. The plane of the section is outturned; in its lower part, fibres of the derma are fluffed out (Fig. 3, 11). Working by metal tools produces a sharp linear edge of the cut with the lesion walls inclined to inside (Fig. 3, 9, 12; 4, 1, 2). On the plane of the cut sections, systems of even lengthwise and transversal structures are formed (Fig 3, 12). The fluffing of the derma fibres is absent and the burrs are extremely rare. The ends of the cuts are by far longer and sharper than after processing with stone tools. Where ripping of the tissues with an inclined position of the knife blade was made, sharp zigzag-like bends have been formed (Fig. 4, 1, 2). The article also presents a brief description of traces on the mammoth Yuka’s hide left by animals as a result of overexertion of the tissues (Fig. 4, 3–8). Tracewear indications of anthropogenic cuts on the hide of the mammoth and their difference from lesions inflicted by animals are described as confirmed by experiments (Fig. 3; 4). The necessity of carrying out of tracewear analysis of the presumed anthropogenic cut was prompted by a series of intentional injuries of the ribs, skull and tendons on the mammoth Yuka (Fig. 6; 7). Comparison of the experimental data and anthropogenic traces on mammoth Yuka’s carcass has shown that these marks can have been made only with stone instruments. An anthropogenic cut along the spinal column has been detected (Fig. 5; 8). This dissection could have been produced presumably with a large and broad shouldered flint blade. Slits made with angled stone tools like small blades have been found around the eyes of the animal (Fig. 9). Thus the described tracewear experimental investigation has demonstrated the presence of an entire complex of activities concerned with mammoth utilization by early humans.

Keywords: Upper Palaeolithic of Yakutia, mammoth Yuka, experimental tracewear analysis.


Сериков Ю. Б. Некоторые аспекты использования каменных изделий энеолитического поселения Кулунигый 5 (по данным трасологического анализа)

Аннотация. В статье публикуются результаты трасологического анализа поверхности некоторых категорий каменных орудий с энеолитического поселения Кулунигый 5. Для исследования применялся микроскоп МБС-10. В результате изучения были выявлены скребки, сверла малого и большого диаметра, струги. Анализ каменных орудий показал, что в качестве скребков на памятнике широко использовались не только предметы без вторичной обработки, но и фрагменты использованных орудий. Особенностью комплекса является наличие в нем шлифованных нуклеусов и шлифованных пластин, неизвестных пока на других памятниках.

Ключевые слова: Западносибирская равнина, энеолит, каменные орудия, трасологический анализ.

Serikov Yu. B. Some aspects of the use of stone tools at the Eneolithic settlement of Kulunigiy 5 (evidence of tracewear analysis)

Annotation: The lithic complex at the Eneolithic settlement of Kulunigiy 5 is represented by 8015 items. The conducted traceological analysis allowed us to deepen the knowledge of primitive technology and economy of the local population. It turned out that not only typologically pronounced scrapers were used for scraping skins. Tracewear analysis suggests that flakes without secondary processing, fragments, broken pebbles, shapeless pieces of stone, tiles (67,2 %) were often used as scrapers. Polished tools and their fragments, fragments of abrasives, arrowheads and grinding plates were also actively employed for scraping (Fig. 1, 1–4). In total, the scrapers detected under the microscope accounted for 79,8 % of all scraping tools. Unusual and rare specialized tools in the form of polished planes for processing wood (8 items) were found on the site (Fig. 1, 5; 3, 8; 4, 16–18). Drilling works at the settlement are evidenced by about 130 drilled pendants made of stone, bone and clay, drilled fragments of ceramics and stone drills of small diameter (Fig. 1, 6). An unusual tool for making large diameter holes with a length of 6,1 cm (Fig. 5, 3) proved to be an unexpected find. The two-pointed nozzle and its dimensions make it impossible to understand how it was attached to the working rod. But an analogy to this tool was found in far China (Fig. 5, 1), where, according to Chinese archaeologists, it served as a stone bearing at the base of the rotating table of an ancient drilling and milling machine (Fig. 5, 2). An unusual feature of primitive technology at the settlement is the production of polished plates from specially prepared polished nuclei. In some of the nuclei, the impact platform is also completely polished. Traces of grinding are sometimes recorded on the impact platforms of the plates. It should be noted that such a developed technology for the production and use of polished plates is so far known only at the Kulunigiy-5 settlement. The specialized technique of manufacture of polished nuclei and their standard morphology allow us to suggest a special purpose of these objects. Two jade objects are extremely rare finds — a flake and a sharp blade of a polished adze. They are among the northernmost objects not only in this territory, but also within its immediate vicinity. There are traces of grinding on the blade (Fig. 7, 2, 3) and traces of use (Fig. 7, 4, 5).

Keywords: West Siberian plain, Eneolithic, stone tools, tracological analysis.


Скочина С. Н. Варианты использования керамических брусков (экспериментально-трасологический анализ)

Аннотация. В статье приводятся результаты экспериментальных работ по определению функциональных возможностей керамических брусков. Подобные орудия встречаются в материалах памятников неолита, энеолита и ранней бронзы Западной Сибири. В связи с тем что обнаруженные керамические бруски обладают слабыми абразивными свойствами, непонятна степень их потенциального воздействия на обрабатываемый материал. В результате экспериментов по обработке поверхности камня, кости, дерева и металла был получен дифференцированный блок следов, характерный для каждого из обрабатываемых материалов.

Ключевые слова: Западная Сибирь, неолит, энеолит, бронзовый век, керамические бруски, экспериментальнотрасологический анализ, следы сработанности.

Skochina S. N. The possible use of ceramic bars (experimental tracewear analysis)

Annotation: Among materials from archaeological sites of the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods and the Early Bronze Age there are found ceramic bars with ground-off sides. The issue about their functional purpose has been touched upon not once. The variants of their use comprise a very broad range: it was suggested that these artefacts were abrasives, grinding tools, polishers for pottery, or hide scrapers. Experimental studies were conducted in order to clear out the extent of a potential action of the bars upon stone, bone, wood and metal. The studies comprised a series of four experiments including working of the surfaces of a ground-in chert tool, bone arrowheads, a bronze knife and a wooden knife. Grinding comprises several stages including a preliminary and finishing treatment. The abrasive working is necessary to render the intended shape, size evenness, smoothness and fineness to the surface of an object. Ceramic bars are not fit for this purpose. For the processes listed above, sandstone abrasives of different granularity can be employed. Such tools are occasionally found together with ceramic bars among materials from archaeological sites. The finishing/polishing procedure is characterized by very small removal of the material by means of finely granular abrasives and as such, in our opinion, ceramic bars could have been used. A bar of this type can have been employed for manual finishing of surfaces and cutting edges of stone, bone and, possibly, metal tools. The conducted investigations revealed different traces of wear on the working surfaces of the bars. The data experimentally obtained allow the researchers to apply in future the possibilities of trace-use analysis for establishing a particular function of the ceramic bars found among the materials from archaeological sites of the Neolithic period and Early Bronze Age in West Siberia.

Keywords: West Siberia, Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, ceramic bars, experimental tracewear analysis, traces of wear.


Жилин М. Г., Савченко С. Н., Юланов О. В. Экспериментальное изучение стрел с костяными наконечниками мезолитических типов

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований по изготовлению стрел с костяными наконечниками мезолитических типов и их использованию при стрельбе. Описаны последовательность изготовления наконечников и стрел, их поведение при попадании в мишень и следы использования на экспериментальных наконечниках. Они соответствуют следам на мезолитических наконечниках, выявленным в результате трасологического анализа, что подтверждает достоверность трасологических определений.

Ключевые слова: экспериментальная археология, мезолит, Восточная Европа, Зауралье, наконечники стрел.

Zhilin M. G., Savchenko S. N., Yulanov O. V. Experimental studies of bone arrowheads of Mesolithic types

Annotation: The authors of this paper made seven bone arrowheads of Mesolithic types used in East Europe and the TransUrals. Such arrowheads were mounted in a slot or a drilled socket at the butt of the arrow shaft depending on the shape of the haft and fixed with glue made from coniferous pitch mixed with bee wax and fine charcoal ash. The arrow tail consisted of two halves of a wood-grouse feather tightly tied to the shaft with a tendon thread. Shooting to a target in the form of a wild boar modelled of peat and covered with a fresh boar’s hide showed a high striking force of the arrows with bone arrowheads. Arrows with a narrow flat insert and a massive biconical arrowhead, in both cases with wedgeshaped butt fixed in the shaft slot, had twice pierced right through the target. The arrowheads with conical and pyramidal points, when hitting the target, were separated from the shafts and entered deep into its body. For a real animal each shooting would have been lethal. The technology of making bone arrowheads revealed through trace-use analysis has shown experimentally its efficiency. The form of the arrowhead tips corresponded to different manner of fixing the arrowhead in the arrow shaft. These techniques were simple, as well like the making of the arrows and their feathering, thus enabling manufacturing of arrows in mass quantities. Arrows with bone heads proved to be effective weapons for hunting large game. Depending on the technique of mounting and the composition of the gluing mass, the effect of the arrow points differed but in any case ensured the hunting of the animal. The penetrating effect of the bone arrowheads depended mostly on the force of the bow pulling, the weight of the arrow and the distance to the aim rather than on the shape of the point. The use traces detected on the experimental arrowheads correspond to those revealed by tracewear analysis on Mesolithic points confirming the reliability of the use-wear determinations.

Keywords: experimental archaeology, Mesolithic, East Europe, Trans-Urals, arrowheads.




Васильев С. А. Международная научная конференция «Бифасы в палеолите: методика изучения, географическая и культурная вариабельность» (Санкт-Петербург, 5–7 декабря 2022 г.)

Ключевые слова: бифасы, палеолит, ашель, восточный микок, Кавказ, Восточная Европа, Костёнки, Сибирь.

Vasiliev S. A. International scientific conference “Bifaces in the Paleolithic: study methodology, geographical and cultural variability” (St. Petersburg, December 5–7, 2022)

Keywords: bifaces, Paleolithic, Acheulian, Eastern Micoquian, Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Kostenki, Siberia.




Лапшин В. А. Анализ стратиграфии нижней части культурного слоя староладожского Земляного городища в исследованиях Г. Ф. Корзухиной и О. И. Давидан

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается история неопубликованной рукописи Г. Ф. Корзухиной (1969), хранящейся в научном архиве ИИМК РАН. Рукопись, посвященная анализу стратиграфии нижней части культурного слоя Земляного городища в Старой Ладоге по материалам раскопок экспедиции ЛГУ под руководством В. И. Равдоникаса, сравнивается со статьей О. И. Давидан (1976) на аналогичную тему. Обосновывается необходимость публикации и введения исследования Г. Ф. Корзухиной в научный оборот.

Ключевые слова: Старая Ладога, Земляное городище, стратиграфия, хронология, В. И. Равдоникас, Г. Ф. Корзухина, О. И. Давидан, научный архив ИИМК РАН.

Lapshin V. A. Analysis of the stratigraphy of the lower strata of Zemlyanoye Gorodishche in Staraya Ladoga after investigations of G. F. Korzukhina and O. I. Davidan

Annotation: This paper considers the history of the unpublished manuscript by Gali F. Korzukhina (1969) held in the Scientific Archives for the Institute of the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS. The manuscript is devoted to analysis of the stratigraphy of the lower cultural strata of Zemlyanoye Gorodishche (Earthen Hillfort) in Staraya Ladoga. This work basing on materials from excavations by the Leningrad State University under direction of Vladislav I. Ravdonikas is compared with a paper by Olga I. Davidan (1976) concerned with the same subject. The present article grounds the necessity of a scientific publication of the study by G. F. Korzukhina.

Keywords: Staraya Ladoga, Zemlyanoye Gorodishche, stratigraphy, chronology, V. I. Ravdonikas, G. F. Korzukhina, O. I. Davidan, Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS.




Степанова К. Н., Очередной А. К. Единство научного поиска и наставничества: к юбилею Валентины Ивановны Беляевой

Аннотация. Заметка посвящена юбилею Валентины Ивановны Беляевой, исследователя верхнего палеолита Восточной Европы, воспитавшей несколько поколений учеников в разных областях палеолитоведения. Многолетняя работа Валентины Ивановны по изучению типологии и структуры культурных слоев верхнепалеолитических комплексов Русской равнины, совмещенная с преподаванием на кафедре археологии ЛГУ/СПбГУ, обеспечила сохранение и приумножение традиций ленинградской–санкт­петербургской школы палеолитоведения.

Ключевые слова: палеолит, анализ каменного инвентаря, Пушкари, Санкт­Петербургский государственный университет, наставничество.

Stepanova K. N., Ocherednoy A. K. Unity of scientific research and mentoring: to the anniversary of Valentina Ivanovna Belyaeva

Annotation: This brief note is dedicated to the anniversary of Valentina Belyaeva, a researcher of the Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Europe, who brought up several generations of students in various fields of Paleolithic studies. Her long-term research on the lithic typology and structure of the Upper Paleolithic complexes, organically interlaced with teaching at the Department of Archeology of Leningrad / St. Petersburg State University, ensured the development of the local scientific school traditions.

Keywords: Paleolithic, lithic analysis, Pushkary, St Petersburg State University, mentoring.




Виноградов Ю. А., Крыкин С. М., Винокуров Н. И. Памяти Александра Михайловича Смирнова (27 апреля 1947 — 18 ноября 2022)

Vinogradov Yu. A., Krykin S. M., Vinokurov N. I. In memory of Alexander Mikhailovich Smirnov (April 27, 1947 — November 18, 2022)


Поляков А. В., Смирнов Н. Ю., Чугунов К. В. Дмитрий Глебович Савинов (20 марта 1941 — 24 августа 2023)

Polyakov A.V., Smirnov N. Y., Chugunov K. V. Dmitry Glebovich Savinov (March 20, 1941 — August 24, 2023)




Ткач Е. С. Институт истории материальной культуры РАН в 2022 г.

Tkach E. S. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2022


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