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Вы здесь: Главная / Издания / Археологические вести / Annotations of issues / "Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 39. Аннотации

"Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 39. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 39 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2023. — 332 c.: ил.






Очередной номер журнала «Археологические вести» посвящен памяти Александра Ивановича Саксы — известного ученого в области средневековой археологии Финляндии и сопредельных территорий, внесшего огромный научный и научно-организационный вклад в развитие российско-финляндского сотрудничества в области археологии. В мемориальной части собраны воспоминания друзей и коллег и библиография работ. В основные разделы включены статьи, связанные с широким кругом вопросов и проблем, разрабатываемых А. И. Саксой. Среди авторов журнала — исследователи из различных археологических центров России, а также из Финляндии и Франции.

The current issue of the “Archaeological News” is dedicated to the memory of Alexander Ivanovich Saksa — a wellknown scholar in mediaeval archaeology of Finland and neighboring territories, who made a great scientific and organizational contribution to the development of Russian-Finnish cooperation in the field of archаeology. The memorial section unites reminiscences of his friends and colleagues and a bibliography of his published works. The main sections include articles related to a wide range of issues and problems developed by A. I. Saksa. The authors are represented by researchers from different archaeological centers in Russia, as well as from Finland and France.


Хвощинская Н. В. Творил добро с любовью к людям

Khvoshchinskaya N. V. He did good with love for people




Шумкин В. Я. Наш друг и коллега Саша Сакса

Аннотация: Статья посвящена делам и поступкам Александра Ивановича Саксы, известного своим неизменным благородством и дружеским расположением к коллегам. Описывается жизненный и научный путь этого замечательного человека, всецело преданного своей ингерманландской родине. Помимо великолепных трудов по истории и археологии средневековой Карелии Александр Иванович внес, благодаря своим знаниям, обаянию и отзывчивости, решающий вклад в установление плодотворного научного сотрудничества между археологами России и Финляндии, организацию и проведение многочисленных российско-финских археологических семинаров (Ленинград/Санкт-Петербург — Хельсинки).

Ключевые слова: Петрозаводск, Ингерманландия, Карелия, Финдяндия, Куркийоки, Кольский полуостров, Выборг, Горки, Губаницы, Санкт-Петербург, Новгород.

Shumkin V. Ya. Our friend and colleague Sasha Saksa

Annotation: The article is devoted to the deeds and deeds of Alexander Ivanovich Saksa, known for his constant nobility and friendly disposition to colleagues. According to personal impressions, on the basis of long-term, almost kinship relationships, it is narrated what a life and scientific path this wonderful man passed, completely devoted to his Ingermanland homeland. In addition to his excellent works on the history and archeology of medieval Karelia, Alexander Ivanovich made, thanks to his knowledge, charm and responsiveness, an invaluable, fundamental contribution to the establishment of fruitful scientific cooperation between archaeologists of Russia and Finland, the organization and holding of numerous Russian-Finnish archaeological seminars (Leningrad/St. Petersburg — Helsinki).

Keywords: Petrozavodsk, Ingermanland, Karelia, Findyandia, Kurkijoki, Kola Peninsula, Vyborg, Gorki, Gubаnitsy, St. Petersburg, Novgorod.


Уйно П., Карпелан К. Александр Сакса — взгляд из Финляндии: добрый коллега, душа научного сотрудничества, дорогой друг

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается развитие научного сотрудничества между финскими и российскими учеными-археологами с конца 1970-х гг. по настоящее время. Ведущая роль в становлении и укреплении этих взаимоотношений принадлежала Александру Ивановичу Саксе, который стал для финских коллег добрым и надежным другом.

Ключевые слова: Финляндия и Россия, сотрудничество, археология, совместные проекты, роль А. И. Саксы.

Uino P., Carpelan C. Aleksandr Saksa from a Finnish perspective — good colleague, key person of the cooperation, dear friend

Annotation: Aleksandr Saksa was a key person in Finnish-Russian cooperation in the field of archaeology since the 1970s. He successfully promoted Finnish-Russian scientific relations for more than 40 years. The friendships with many Finns were firm and warm. The following text is — with minor additions — a compilation of two obituaries of Aleksandr Saksa, published in Finland (Uino, 2022; Uino et al., 2022).

Keywords: Finland and Russia, cooperation, archаeology, joint projects, the role of A. I. Saksa.


Выборнов А. А. О Саше

Аннотация: Публикация посвящена воспоминаниям о знакомстве с Александром Ивановичем Саксой, начиная со студенческих лет. Анализируется та роль, которую он сыграл в жизни автора. Характеризуются профессиональные и личностные качества Саши.

Ключевые слова: Карелия, Выборг, студенчество, профессионал.

Vybornov A. A. About Sasha

Annotation: The paper is dedicated to memories of acquaintance with Alexandr Ivanovich Saksa, starting from student years. The role he played in the author’s life is analyzed. Sasha’s professional and personal qualities are characterized.

Keywords: Karelia, Vyborg, student, professional.


Кочкуркина С. И., Петрова М. И. Светлой памяти Александра Ивановича Саксы посвящается

Аннотация: Заметка посвящена памяти А. И. Саксы и его вкладу в исследования по средневековой археологии Карелии.

Ключевые слова: А. И. Сакса, археология Карелии.

Kochkurkina S. I., Petrova M. I. In memory of Alexandr Ivanovich Saksa

Annotation: The note is dedicated to the memory of A. I. Saksa and his contribution to research on medieval archаeology in Karelia.

Keywords: A. I. Saksa, archаeology of Karelia.


Библиография работ А. И. Саксы (Составитель Л. М. Всевиов)

Bibliography of the works of A. I. Saksa (Сompiled by L. M. Vseviov)




Герасимов Д. В. Новейшая история полевых исследований каменного века Карельского перешейка: попытка анализа результатов

Аннотация: Анализ топографии 462 локализованных памятников каменного века Карельского перешейка показал, что она отражает не столько распределение населения в древности, сколько стратегию полевых работ в рамках научных проектов. Определены перспективные зоны для поиска новых памятников.

Ключевые слова: Карельский перешеек, мезолит, неолит, каменный век, археологические разведки, археологическая карта.

Gerasimov D. V. The modern history of Stone Age field studies in the Karelian Isthmus: an attempt to analyze the results

Annotation: This paper is an attempt to combine data about the last decades field investigations on Stone Age of the Karelian Isthmus, that were spread in numerous publications and field reports by different authors. During the last 25 years big amount of new Mesolithic and Neolithic sites was found, and many previously known sites were precisely localized. 462 Stone Age sites in the Karelian Isthmus and North-West Ladoga coast were taken in consideration for the study (Fig. 1). The performed analyses shows that up-to date archaeological map of the Stone Age sites reflects better the strategy and tactic of research projects aimed to the Mesolithic–Neolithic studies, then spatial distribution of population in the past. Distribution of the sites in the first hand shows the territories where intensive systematic archaeological surveys along the modeled ancient shorelines were conducted. Fieldworks within the conducted research projects were concentrated in nine microregions. It worth to mention that all the Stone Age sites that were found during archaeological surveys for construction projects and listed in this study locate within the microregions, which were defined by systematic research Stone Age field surveys. Potential of the region for discovering new Stone Age sites is obviously huge. Realization of new programs of systematic field Stone Age surveys in the Karelian Isthmus, based on the obtained experience, will change the existing view on peopling of this territory in the prehistoric past.

Keywords: Karelian Isthmus, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Stone Age, archaeological survey, archaeological map.


Таавитсайнен Ю.-П., Сакса А. И. (†) Керамика эпохи раннего металла из Тиверского городка

Аннотация: Статья посвящена изучению фрагментов керамических сосудов, относящихся к периоду раннего металла (рубеж I и II тыс. н. э. — первая половина II тыс. н. э.), найденных при раскопках Тиверского городка на р. Вуоксе. Вполне вероятно, что на острове на рубеже I и II тыс. н. э. существовало поселение. Возможно, это была стоянка рыбаков, поскольку речные пороги, окружавшие остров, были очень удобны для ловли лосося и других пород рыб. Примеры подобного рода памятников известны и в других местах на современной территории Финляндии.

Ключевые слова: эпоха раннего металла, Тиверский городок, керамика, радиоуглеродное датирование.

Taavitsainen Ju.-P., Saksa A. I. (†) Pottery of the Early Metal Age from Tiversky Gorodok

Annotation: This article is devoted to studies of fragmentary ceramic ware dating from the Early Metal Age (boundary between the 1st and 2nd millennium AD and the first half of the 1st millennium AD) discovered during the excavations of Tiversky Gorodok (Finnish Tiurinlinna) on the Vuoksi River (Fig. 1; 4). This site is located near the modern urban settlement of Melnikovo (Finnish Räisälä), Priozersk District, Leningrad Oblast. As a historical monument, it played an important role in the development of the national self-consciousness of the people of Finland. The well-known writer and officer Aarno Karimo devoted in 1929 to Tiversky Gorodok a special chapter in his work “Nights on the islands” (Kumpujen yöstä) (Fig. 2; 3). This is a popular series of books concerned with the history of Finland. It was a bestseller in the 1930s; in 1945–1948, this writing was prohibited and extracted from libraries. Since the late 20th until the early 21st cen., archaeological investigations not once were carried out in the area of Tiversky Gorodok (Fig. 5). However many questions so far remain open. In particular, of importance is the problem of the presence of the initial settlement on the island surviving until the time of building of the early mediaeval fortifications. The smooth pottery containing organic substances in the clay and with a decorated upper body was discovered during Hjalmar Appelgreen’s excavations in 1889. The clay mass included organics which vanished during the baking having left voids after it. The edge of the rim is rounded and the rim itself is of a gentle S-formed profile; the walls of the vessels are rounded. No fragments suggesting the shape of the bottom are preserved. The surface is polished, perhaps, initially to lustre. The colour is partly light brown and partly dark brown in the break. The decoration, initially applied probably only on the upper body of the ware, was executed using two appliances: a horizontal row of impressions was made with a trident tool and three rows of impressions were applied at an angle beneath it by means of a stamp with nine dents. The prongs of the combs were rectangular. The examined fragments reminded the pottery from Luukonsaari known from excavation of sites in Southern Karelia. The presumable age of the site on the island of Tiuri was defined through the results of radiocarbon dating using a sample (charcoal) from a 1996 test pit from a layer under the bank of the fortified settlement: date 2040 ± 50 ВР (SU-3356), after calibration — 179 ВС (95,4 %) 63 AD (Fig. 6; 7). However it is not related with the pottery proper and so far there are no dates identified from the charcoal crust on the vessel walls. Nevertheless it is clear that there existed a settlement on the island at the turn between the 1st and 2nd millennium AD. Possibly, it was a temporary fishing station since the river rapids surrounding the island were very convenient for fishing of salmon and other fishes. Examples of sites of this kind are known in other places in the territory of modern Finland.

Keywords: Early Metal Age, Tiversky Gorodok, pottery, radiocarbon dating.


Казанский М. М. Скандинавские находки эпохи Великого переселения народов с острова Большой Тютерс

Аннотация: На острове Большой Тютерс в восточной части Финского залива были обнаружены скандинавские вещи (фибула и детали ременной гарнитуры), относящиеся к первой половине VI в. Эти предметы имеют параллели в Средней Швеции и, вероятно, были изготовлены в мастерских Хельгё. Находка этих вещей на Тютерсе свидетельствует о проникновении скандинавов в восточную часть Финского залива в эпоху переселения народов.

Ключевые слова: эпоха переселения народов, остров Большой Тютерс, скандинавские вещи.

Kazanski M. M. Scandinavian finds of the Great Migration Period from Bolshoy Tyuters Island

Annotation: This work is devoted to the traces of the presence of Scandinavians at the eastern area of the Gulf of Finland during the later phase of the Great Migration Period. Penetration by the Scandinavians of the eastern area of the Gulf of Finland, from where the system of riverine routes in East Europe begins, is recorded archaeologically since the first half of the 6th cen. Firstly, notable are finds from the island of Bolshoy Tyuters (Tytärsaari) which held an important strategic position on communications of the Gulf of Finland. These finds include primarily a silver symmetric fibula in the first Germanic animal style. It belongs to a rather considerable series of the first variant relief “equal-arm” clasps from the Great Migration Period with elongated tongue-like plates rounded at the ends and with the maximum expansion near the bow. These artefacts are dating from the period within the first half — middle of the 6th cen. The equal-arm fibulae are widely distributed in Svealand, Norrland and Ostrobothnia. They are particularly concentrated in Middle Sweden and in the southern part of Norrland. The widely known workshops of Helgö in Middle Sweden were possibly the place of their manufacture. The other artefacts found on Tyuters — buckles, mounts and a three-part bronze element of belt fittings in the first animal style, also belong to the Scandinavian tradition having parallels in Middle Sweden. In the opinion of some researchers, the Scandinavian objects demonstrate that Bolshoy Tyuters during the Great Migration Period, not later than the first half of the 6th cen., became a base of merchants or pirates, possibly of Scandinavian origin. However, also another interpretation of the finds from Tyuters has been proposed. It is of significance that in Kaunismäki, handmade pottery has been found of the Finnish type usual both for Estonia and Finland in the Bronze and Iron Ages. These finds suggest a Baltic-Finnic character of the insular population being at variance with the latter’s Scandinavian provenance. Anyway, the appearance of Scandinavian objects on Bolshoy Tyuters indicates contacts between Scandinavia and the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland where the water routes via the northern region of East Europe began. It is apparently from that moment that we can speak about the Scandinavian presence on East-European riverine routes.

Keywords: Great Migration Period, Tyuters Island, Scandinavian objects.


Кузнецова В. Н. Пермский орнитоморфный след в землях Восточно-Балтийского региона в эпоху средневековья

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются орнитоморфные изделия Прикамья, обнаруженные на территории Северо-Запада России и Финляндии: единичные находки блях пермского звериного стиля VIII–IX вв. и более массовые — полых подвесок X–XIII вв. Находки маркируют контакты между Восточно-Балтийским регионом и уральскими землями, а также симбиоз изобразительных традиций в эпоху средневековья. На основе импортных блях и подвесок возникли новые разновидности изделий.

Ключевые слова: орнитоморфные изделия, зооморфные подвески, пермский звериный стиль, Древняя Русь, финно-угры, импорт.

Kuznetsova V. N. The Perm ornitomorphic trace in the lands of the East Baltic region of the Mediaeval Age

Annotation: In the area of the North-Western Russia and Finland, diverse objects have been encountered marking contacts with the Kama region. Among these artefacts, of special note are examples of zoomorphic plastic art, namely: single finds of plaques in the Perm animal style of the 8th–9th cen. and more numerous hollow pendants of the 10th–13thcen. These finds illustrate not only the connections between the East Baltic region and Ural areas but also a symbiosis of the visual arts traditions in the Mediaeval Age. Basing on imported plaques and pendants, new varieties of objects arose. The reconsidering of the ornitomorphic plaques manifested itself in the appearance of single unique objects. By now, two finds of this kind provenient from Uhtua on the Karelian Isthmus are known. Their specific features with the practically planar body and a relief head are serious grounds to connect their representations with the traditions of the Ural-Siberian metalloplastics. However the decorative design of the objects provokes associations also with North-Western ornaments. The earliest variant of hollow pendants from the Kama region in North-Western Russia is represented by a find from the site of Ileksa V. It is worth to consider the hollow pendants with a squat elongated body and a rather small hooked head. The chronological frame of the use of this variety is defined as the second half of the 10th — early 11th cen. This variant was believed to have been concentrated in the South-Eastern Ladoga region. Now, the number of finds of this type has increased throughout the Volga-Kama region and West Siberia. Possibly, they turned to be found in Rus’ as imports from the territory of the Urals along with the double-horse ornaments and pendantsriders. The form of the hollow pendants was adapted to the local north-western traditions and had served as the basis for the emergence of diverse Old-Russian hollow ornitomorphic ornaments.

Keywords: ornitomorphic objects, zoomorphic pendants, Perm animal style, Early Rus’, Finno-Ugrians, import.


Кононович А. Ю. Металлические нательные кресты с растительными мотивами в древнерусской культуре

Аннотация: В работе анализируются древнерусские металлические нательные кресты, украшенные растительным мотивом в виде крина. Отобранные по этому признаку предметы разделены на группы, выделены типы по форме окончания лопастей. Также в статье представлены хронология рассматриваемых крестов, территория их распространения, археологический контекст наиболее информативных находок.

Ключевые слова: древняя Русь, нательные кресты, растительный декор, крин.

Kononovich A. Yu. Metal cross-pendants with plant motifs in the Old-Russian culture

Annotation: This paper analyses the cast sheet crosses decorated with a plant motif. In terms of the shape of the arms, they are subdivided into krin-ended crosses with triangular terminals of the arms, crosses with the arms in the form of a heart-like figure and oval-armed crosses. The crosses of different types are united by the presence of a vegetative motif while through their technological features they are subdivided into two groups. Mapping of the findspots showed that the majority of crosses with a plant motif were reported from the territory of mediaeval Rus, however the mentioned groups are distributed over an expansive area and are found also beyond its limits — in the Baltic region (crosses of the first and second group) and in the Balkan-Danubian area (crosses of the first group). The first group is the most numerous; crosses of this type were used predominantly in the 11th–12th cen., partly also in the 13th cen.; crosses from the second group are dated mostly to the 12th–13th cen. not excluding their appearance in the late 11th cen.

Keywords: Old Rus, cross-pendants, plant decoration, lily (krin) ornament.


Щедрина А. Ю. Деталь меча с карельского городища Паасонвуори (Паасо)

Аннотация: Статья посвящена головке навершия меча с древнекарельского городища Паасонвуори (Паасо). Уточнена типологическая принадлежность предмета: он относится к финско-эстонскому типу мечей с посеребренными рукоятями эпохи крестовых походов. Рассмотрены география распространения, хронология, орнаментальные и технологические особенности мечей данного типа.

Ключевые слова: Карелия, раннее средневековье, эпоха крестовых походов, меч.

Shchedrina A. Yu. A sword fragment from the Karelian fortified site of Paasonvuori (Paaso)

Annotation: The fortified site of Paasonvuori (Paaso) near the town of Sortavala in Karelia is a classic settlement of mediaeval Karelia. It was investigated by S. I. Kochkurkina in the 1970–1980s and 2000s. The main finds from the site are dated to the 12th–13th cen., however older objects, presumably from the 10th–11th cen., were found in the redeposited layers (Fig. 1). Of these, the most notable and well-dated is a sword pommel (Fig. 2). It is made of iron and has a poorly preserved silver ornamental plating (Fig. 4). A detailed examination of the pommel showed that it had been subjected to repairs. During the secondary mounting onto the new blade, the inner cavity was filled with a tin-lead alloy (Fig. 3). It has been established that this part belongs to a sword of the silver-plated type (Fig. 5) instead of type “S” after Jan Petersen as had been believed before. The geography of finds of this type is fairly narrow (Fig. 6): it comprises an area in south-western Finland where at least 18 complete swords and their fragments have been found (Fig. 7) and also the northern part of Estonia and the Saaremaa island which have yielded 25 items (Fig. 8). In addition, two swords were found in Turaida Pūteļi in Latvia (Fig. 9, 1, 2) and still another was far beyond the limits of the area of their use — in West Siberia in Russia (Fig. 9, 3). The handles of the swords of this type include an iron grip tube. The details of the grips are completely plated with silver and decorated with an engraved niello-filled pattern in the Urnes style. On some swords, the silver plating is partly gilded. These swords differ somewhat from each other in the shape of the grip and the type of the ornamentation. The latter occurs sometimes with an animal guilloche pattern and sometimes with plant palmettes (Fig. 5). Judging from the remains of the decoration, the sword pommel from Paaso was decorated with a pattern in the form of braided ribbons (Fig. 10). Swords of the silver-plated type are dated to the second half of the 11th — first half of the 12th cen. Thus the find from Paaso really belongs to the Crusades Age and does not deviate from the general dating of the site.

Keywords: Karelia, Early Middle Ages, Crusades Age, sword.


Кочкуркина С. И., Тарасов А. Ю. Средневековые ювелирные изделия в Северной Карелии (местонахождение Кумсручей)

Аннотация: Археологические памятники средневековья представлены в Карелии поселениями, могильниками, кладами, курганами, селищами, расположенными в южной части региона, в то время как на северных территориях они почти неизвестны. В статье рассмотрены результаты исследования открытого в 2022 г. в Северной Карелии местонахождения Кумсручей. В нем выявлены 12 ювелирных украшений XII– XIII вв., характерных для прибалтийско-финского населения Северо-Запада России. Находки ценны как археологические маркеры продвижения средневекового населения в северном направлении.

Ключевые слова: Карелия, местонахождение, средневековый комплекс, датировка, ареалы, культурная принадлежность.

Kochkurkina S. I., Tarasov A. Yu. Medieval jewellery in northern Karelia (location of Kumsruchey “hoard“)

Annotation: Archaeological monuments of the Middle Ages in Karelia are represented by settlements, burial grounds, treasures, mounds, settlements located in the southern part of the region, while they are almost unknown in the northern territories. The article presets the finds from the Kumsruchey “hoard” discovered in 2022 in Northern Karelia. It contained 12 ornaments of the 12th–13th cen., typical of the Baltic-Finnish population of the North-West of Russia. Artifacts are significant as archaeological markers of the advance of the medieval population deep into the northern direction.

Keywords: Karelia, hoard, medieval complex, dating, areas, cultural affiliation.


Курбатов А. В. Карельский след в продукции новгородских кожевников

Аннотация: В археологических памятниках эпохи расцвета древней Карелии в XII–XIV вв. есть группа специфичных чехлов для ножей, относящихся к комплексу вещей «карельского типа». В Новгороде встречаются металлические оковки ножен «карельского типа». Здесь же имеется серия кожаных чехлов для ножей с расшивкой металлической вальцованной нитью по боковой стороне, которые можно считать упрощенным декором вещей «карельского типа».

Ключевые слова: кожаные ножны с прошивкой бронзовой проволокой, новгородское ремесло, торговля древнерусских городов.

Kurbatov A. V. The Karelian trace in products of Novgorod leatherworkers

Annotation: In the material culture of the mediaeval people Korela, archaeologists distinguish a complex of ethno-cultural features of the 12th–14th cen. Inter alia, it includes peculiar knife cases which constituted a characteristic and indispensible item of the female decoration. Their peculiarity is in broad bronze ornamented bindings covering the entire surface of the cases. On the leather surface free of the bindings, a figure stitching was made with a rolled bronze wire repeating in its form the engravings on the bindings. In the opinion of A. I. Saksa, the formation of the entire complex of distinctive Karelian manufactured articles was taking place in the 12th cen. not without the influence of the Novgorod handicraft tradition. Metal bindings on sheaths of the “Karelian type” do indeed occur in Novgorod. Yet here, there is something in common with the serial in Novgorod “Karelian” ornamentation on the leather knife cases embroidered in S-like lines with a rolled metal thread on the lateral side. The group of leathern sheaths stitched with bronze threads and similar in form metal needle cases can be justly considered as Novgorod handicrafts demonstrating a certain “Karelian” trace in their decorative treatment. Their spread in East Europe reflects the wide character of the trade connections of Veliky Novgorod in the 12th–14th cen.

Keywords: leathern sheaths stitched with bronze wire, Novgorod handicraft, trade in Early Russian towns.


Плохов А. В. Стеклянные сосуды «группы Алдревандино» из раскопок в Великом Новгороде

Аннотация: Статья посвящена двум сосудам, украшенным разноцветными эмалями, известным как кубки «группы Алдревандино». Обломки этих сосудов были найдены при археологических исследованиях Великого Новгорода в культурных слоях конца XIII — первой половины XIV в. на Неревском и Дубошином раскопах. Рассматриваются морфология, декор и социальный контекст находок.

Ключевые слова: Великий Новгород, XIII–XIV вв., кубки, расписанные эмалью сосуды, «группа Алдревандино».

Plokhov A. V. Glass ware of the “Aldrevandin Group” from excavations in Veliky Novgorod

Annotation: The unique finds yielded by archaeological excavations in Veliky Novgorod include fragments of two mediaeval European beakers of the so-called Aldrevandin group decorated with an enamelled painting. The parts of the first vessel (three rather small fragments, Fig. 1, 1–3) were uncovered in 1955 at the Nereva excavation site in the deposits dated to the last decades of the 13th — beginning of the 14th cen. Of the second vessel found in 1978 at the Duboshin excavation site, 10 fragments are preserved (Fig. 1, 4–13). They were retrieved from layers of the first half/middle of the 14th cen. The available parallels have allowed the researchers to produce a partial reconstruction of the beaker from the Duboshin excavation. Apparently, it was of a cone-like shape, common for the ‘Aldrevandin group’, with a fairly wide base and funnel-shaped expansion in the upper part (Fig. 2). On the fragments of this vessel, there are discernible a cross and parts of several capital Gothic letters which can be read as “MAGISTER” (Fig. 2; 3, 1). In terms of the shape of the letters, this inscription is the most similar to the texts found on beakers from Mainz (Germany) and Tartu (Estonia) “signed” by Magister Petrus (Fig. 3, 2–4). The decoration of the beaker from the Duboshin excavation site probably included also a heraldic shield with a black bird wing against a yellow (golden) background (Fig. 1, 11; 2) and a representation of one or two beasts (hind leg and tail?) (Fig. 1, 12, 13). Aldrevandin beakers, as like as other non-standard objects of West-European provenance, have been encountered in Veliky Novgorod only at properties of rich boyars or merchants. The finding of fragments of only two enamelled beakers is very insignificant for such a large centre of international trade as mediaeval Novgorod. These vessels came to Rus’ evidently via German towns of the southern Baltic coast. In the late Middle Ages, West European glass ware was beyond the trade interests of the Hanseatic and Novgorodian merchants. Quite possibly, the small quantity of fragmentary glass beakers among the archaeological finds is explained not solely through the high price and difficulty of transporting of these fragile vessels but also through the absence of the demand for them by the Novgorod population. Indeed, this form of tableware was related with another culture of meals oriented to consuming of wine. It may be supposed that the Aldrevandin group beakers were brought to Novgorod by overseas ambassadors or traders as presents or bribes for representatives of the local elite.

Keywords: Veliky Novgorod, 13th–14th centuries; beakers, enamelled glass vessels, “Aldrevandin group”.


Городилов А. Ю., Кононович Е. Ю. Коллекция фибул из погребений грунтового могильника с каменными обкладками у деревни Коваши

Аннотация: В статье приведен обзор коллекции фибул, полученных в ходе раскопок грунтового могильника у дер. Коваши. Некрополь датируется по найденным в погребениях монетам, сопроводительному инвентарю и радиоуглеродным датировкам первой половиной XV — началом XVI в. Присутствие фибул в захоронениях XV–XVI вв. свидетельствует об устойчивости традиций, сформировавшихся на северо-западе Новгородской земли, в пределах Ижорского плато и сопредельных территориях в более ранний период как в характерном костюме, так и в сопроводительном погребальном инвентаре. В работе рассмотрены хронология, типология, способы производства, декор этой категории украшений.

Ключевые слова: Приморская низменность, грунтовый могильник с каменными обкладками, река Коваша, фибулы, Ижора.

Gorodilov A. Yu., Kononovich E. Yu. Collection of brooches from interments of the flat-grave cemetery with stone fences near the village of Kovashi

Annotation: The cemetery of Kovashi with flat graves fenced with stones is situated on the high right bank of the Kovasha River within the area of the Lebyazhinskoye urban settlement in the Lomonosov District of Leningrad Oblast. This site was discovered and partly excavated in 2019 by the 1st Team of the Leningrad Oblast Archaeological Expedition of IHMC RAS in the course of investigations at the object of cultural heritage “The Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and burials in the church territory”. Totally, at least 97 graves have been investigated. The revealed burials and the grave inventory accompanying them allow us to define the date of the functioning of the cemetery as the time span from the 14th to 16th cen. The earliest interments in the cemetery were performed according to the cremation rite inside stone fences; the majority of them however were made according to the inhumation rite: in graves of a rectangular form oriented to south-west with stone fences on the top of the burial pits. It is difficult to define the total number of the burials at the cemetery but, judging from the area of the hill and the density of the graves, it can be equal to three hundreds. Among the accompanying grave goods, of note are items of weaponry and horseshoe brooches of the Karelian type. Through coins found in the graves and the results of radiocarbon dating, the period of functioning of the cemetery is datable to the 15th–16th cen. The necropolis under consideration was left by Finno-Ugric population — the Izhora. The Kovasha River basin was inhabited by the Heva group of the Izhorians. The presence of brooches in the burials of the 15th–16th cen., considering both the peculiar costume and the grave inventory, bears evidence of the stability of the traditions established in the precedent period in the north-west of the Novgorod Land within the limits of the Primorskaya Lowland and adjacent territories. This work presents a review of the brooches, considers their chronology and typology, the techniques of their manufacture and their ornamentation.

Keywords: Primorskaya (Coastal) Lowland, cemetery with flat graves with stone fences, Kovasha River, fibulae, Izhora.


Бельский С. В. Результаты археологических исследований в восточной части позднесредневекового Выборга: к истории одного городского квартала

Аннотация: В статье обобщены результаты археологических исследований культурного слоя Выборга на территории одного квартала. Раскопки проводились в 2000–2001 и 2019 гг. Суммарная изученная площадь составила 731 кв. м. Точная локализация раскопов разных лет относительно друг друга позволила выделить единые ярусы застройки, а на исторических планах города XVIIXVIII вв. в контексте результатов археологических раскопок — выявить ключевые элементы структуры городского поселения в конце XVXVIII в.

Ключевые слова: Выборг, культурный слой, городская стена, уличное мощение, усадьба.

Belskiy S. V. Results of archaeological investigations in the eastern part of Late Mediaeval Vyborg: the history of one urban block

Annotation: This article summarizes the results of archaeological investigations of the ancient cultural layer of Vyborg within the limits of a single urban block. The excavations were conducted in 2000–2001 and in 2019. The total area investigated is 731 sq. m. The excavations under consideration were carried out within the area of a single urban block limited on the east by a fragment of the city’s wall between the Town Hall tower and St Andreas tower (Fig. 1). A street passed along the wall where the paved area was uncovered in the excavation pit of 2019 (Fig. 4, 3). Probably, this street had existed until the total replanning of the city in the middle — last quarter of the 17th cen. On the north and north-west, the block was limited by a mediaeval street passing in the south-western direction from a certain expansion near the Andreas Tower up to the church of the Dominican cloister (Fig. 1; 2; 5, 2000 and 2001). Possibly, it is the area of the paving of this street with stones and logs that was uncovered in the excavations of the early 2000s. The street itself completely vanished in the second half of the 17th cen. In the excavation pit of 2019, a section of a stone foundation was unearthed. Probably it belonged to a dwelling building situated to the east–south-east from this street (Fig. 3, 2019; 5). To the south-east from this building, a household yard begins (Fig. 6). It was intended for stalled keeping of domestic cattle (Fig. 6, 1). On the east, this courtyard was limited by the remains of the stone city’s wall, which had quickly lost its defensive significance, or by the street pavement passing along the wall. The entire assemblage of finds, particularly the numismatic material, indicates that the active occupation of this area began not earlier than the mid-16th cen., or most probably not earlier than the very end of that century. The paper, in addition, considers the modern state of the problem of the “precedent settlement” in the territory of Vyborg. The results of the excavations of 2019 suggest that until the mid-16th cen. or even later, the internal space of the city remained unbuilt-up in front of the wall constructed in the 1470–1490s. No material evidence about the existence of an earlier settlement here has been revealed.

Keywords: Vyborg, cultural layer, city’s wall, street paving, urban property.


Сингх В. К., Степанов А. М. Западноевропейская текстильная пломба XVI в. из раскопок в Новгороде

Аннотация: В статье представлены результаты анализа западноевропейской текстильной пломбы XVI в. Предмет найден в 2006 г. в ходе археологических исследований на Троицком раскопе в Великом Новгороде. Привлечены материалы исследований аналогичных свинцовых пломб с территории России и Западной Европы. Рассмотрен вопрос об их происхождении и вариантах использования.

Ключевые слова: Великий Новгород, Людин конец, Троицкий раскоп, текстильная пломба, международная торговля, XVI в.

Singkh V. K., Stepanov A. M. West European textile seal of the 16th century from excavations in Novgorod

Annotation: In the mediaeval times, textiles were marked with special leaden seals guaranteeing the integrity and quality of the goods, the grade of the cloth and allowing the purchaser to identify their producer. Several seals can have been attached to the cloth. Some of them (sign of the weaver or dyer, etc.) were applied to the textile after the completion of certain operations which made up a single technological process. Others were attached after the customs examination of the merchandise intended for export. In 2006, a 16th cen. textile seal of quite another character was discovered at the Troitsky Excavation in Novgorod. It represents the heraldic symbol of the royal house in England — Tudors’ Rose surrounded with a legend “GVILHELMVS ALMANDETE” (“Wilhelm the German”) bearing an indication of the year — 1583. During examination of the seal, a series of analogues were noted originating both from the territory of Russia and from countries of Western and Northern Europe. The fact that the two elements (English and German) are both combined in a single seal, possibly, can suggest that the undyed English textile was sold to Germany for dying to a certain Wilhelm who then (after dying) sold it in a European market. The woollen cloth produced in England was packed into large bags (bales) weighing up to 165 kg. Probably, exactly with seals of this type large bales of cloth were marked. These seals can have been suspended immediately on the bag itself but for strength they were additionally sewn to it, as is suggested by the holes specially born in the objects. Finds of West European textile seals of the 16th cen. bear evidence on supplying the territory of Russia with English woollen cloth and retaining by Novgorod the important role as a centre of international trade.

Keywords: Veliky Novgorod, Lyudin Konets, Troitsky Excavation, textile seal, international trade, 16th century.


Салмин С. А., Салмина Е. В. Археологическое изучение Немецкого-Шведского гостиного двора на Завеличье Пскова в 2019–2020 гг.

Аннотация: В 2019–2020 гг. при охранных раскопках на Завеличье Пскова выявлены руины каменной постройки, входившей в комплекс гостиных иноземных дворов XVI–XVII вв. Получена коллекция находок западноевропейского происхождения, характеризующая быт Немецкого-Шведского гостиного двора. Продолжение работ на этом участке возможно после изменения проекта новой трассы — с целью сохранения выявленных объектов.

Ключевые слова: Псков, Завеличье, Немецкий-Шведский гостиный двор, каменные постройки.

Salmin S. A., Salmina E. V. Archaeological investigation of the German-Swedish Gostiny Dvor at Pskov Zavelichye in 2019–2020

Annotation: In the course of 2019–2020 investigations at the Olginsky-9 Excavation (city of Pskov), some objects interpreted as a complex of foreign trading courtyards of the 16th–17th cen. were revealed. These were the Lyubsky and Nemetsky (German) properties (neighbouring each other although independent) known from documentary sources and historical plans of Pskov. There were found ruins of an arched stone building and the border of a ravine shown in historical plans was defined. This find allowed the researchers to link the discovered architectural object with the structures of the German-Swedish Gostiny Dvor (Trading Courtyard) situated in the northern section of the complex. This trading mission was organized in the late 16th cen. and ceased to exist not later than in the first quarter of the 18th cen. The structures uncovered in the excavation yielded a distinctive collection of finds characterizing the mode of life of the Gostiny Dvor. It includes ornamented tiles which are similar to examples from Vyborg and Nyen in terms of the subjects of their representations and the features of the glaze; fragments of ceramic vessels of a West European provenance; and fragments of white clay smoking pipes fairly common in towns of North-Western Russia. Generally, the composition of this collection confirms the concentrated deposition of objects of the West European circle in cultural strata of the considered area of the city. The external outlines of the uncovered stone structures were recorded but, in order not to disturb the relatively stable current state of the site, no careful clearing or removal of the earth were done. On the basis of the results of archaeological studies at the Olginsky-9 Excavation, it was proposed to make change in the designed project of a communication line. It seems that the return to this question must take place already after the works for the determining and recording of the spot of the complex of foreign courtyards at Pskov Zavelichye (town quarter on the opposite bank of the Velikaya River).

Keywords: Pskov, Zavelichye, German-Swedish Gostiny Dvor, stone buildings.


Васильев Ст. А., Григорьева Н. В., Семенов С. А. Культурный слой крепости Корела в исследованиях А. Н. Кирпичникова и А. И. Саксы

Аннотация: В статье представлены результаты историко-архивного изучения материалов раскопок А. Н. Кирпичникова (1972–1973, 1975–1976 гг.) и А. И. Саксы (1989–1990, 1992 гг.) в крепости Корела. Выявлены некоторые недостатки источниковедческой базы, затрудняющие создание современной реконструкции ранней застройки поселения, несмотря на сходство стратиграфии культурных напластований в разных частях крепостного двора.

Ключевые слова: Северо-Запад, крепость Корела, фортификация, культурный слой.

Vasilyev St. A., Grigoreva N. V., Semenov S. A. The cultural layer of the fortress of Korela in investigations by A. N. Kirpichnikov and A. I. Saksa

Annotation: In 2022, the researchers from the Leningrad Oblast Expedition of IHMC RAS conducted a visual examination of the territory of the Korela fortress and compiled a general textual description of the landscape situation and technical condition of the site area. Photographic recording of the archaeological objects was fulfilled, the topographic plan of the territory was drawn (Fig. 1), and a digital model of the relief of the fortress and the surrounding territory was created (Fig. 2). In addition, the boundary of the site area was defined with the coordinates of the turning points. In the course of the preparatory archive-historiographic studies, information on the results of archaeological investigations at the area of the fortress was collected and analysed. Firstly all the excavation areas were combined into a single plan (Fig. 3; 6). The work carried out has allowed the researchers to gain a satisfying notion of the conducted archaeological investigations, as well as to define controversial points in the interpretation of the obtained data which, in view of present-day approaches, require a re-consideration by experts in history and archaeology. Among the most important problems is the loss of the single altitude reference not allowing the researchers to compare reliably the horizons of the excavated wooden structures found in different sections of the site (Fig. 3–7) and to gain a notion of the features of the original island’s relief. Of no small importance is the inadequate registration of the course of the excavations and the fragmentary character of the published results that complicates the study of the materials recovered from the site.

Keywords: North-West, fortress of Korela, fortification, cultural layer.




Городилов А. Ю. За миг до шнуровой: гребенчатая керамика юго-восточного берега Финского залива в конце IV тыс. до н. э.

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются керамические традиции, бытовавшие на юго-восточном берегу Финского залива в конце IV тыс. до н. э. Дается обзор как уже известных керамических традиций поздней гребенчатой керамики, так и выявленных в последние годы памятников, содержащих сосуды гребенчатой керамики с органической примесью и сосуды ромбоямочной керамики. Также в статье рассматривается хронология указанных керамических традиций и аналогии на сопредельных территориях.

Ключевые слова: неолит, поздняя гребенчатая керамика, гребенчатая керамика с комбинированной примесью, ромбоямочная керамика, Финский залив.

Gorodilov A. Yu. At a moment before the Corded ware: comb ware from the south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland in the late 4th millennium BC

Annotation: Traditionally, it is believed that the vast forest spaces in the maritime zone of the Gulf of Finland were populated in the late 4th — early 3rd millennium BC by bearers of the culture of the late comb ware (porous pottery or combstamped ware with organic admixtures in the clay). At the sites of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, the antiquities of this type were first described by L. Jaanits and later studied by N. N. Gurina, A. Kriiska, M. A. Kholkina et al. Presently, in the south-eastern littoral of the Gulf of Finland there are recorded 17 sites where pottery of such type has been encountered (Fig. 1). Along with the late comb ware, also other ceramic traditions existed on the south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland in the 4th millennium BC. They were identified through the conduction of regular archaeological investigations. One of these traditions is characterized by comb ware with combined tempers. Pottery of this type was found at the sites of Kurovitsy 3 and Kurovitsy 4, Koskolovo 14–15, Sista 2 and Novoye Ustye 1. The main feature of the comb ware with combined tempers is the addition of feathers, plant materials and crushed shells to the clay mass, as well as weak profiles of the vessels, П-shaped rims and decoration of the vessels with imprints of a comb stamp applied both parallel to each other or producing geometric patterns in the form of criss-cross combing (Fig. 2). The comb ware with combined admixtures found at sites on the south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland differs from the late comb ware of group I in a number of such features as the composition of the clay mass, shape of the vessels and the use of predominantly comb stamps. This fact has direct analogies in the territory of the central and eastern parts of Leningrad Oblast: the Neva region (Okhta I), southern Ladoga area (Podolye I), as well as in the more eastern regions — the area of the Volosovo culture. The time of the use of the pottery of this type can be preliminarily defined within the broad limits of the 4th millennium BC. Still another archaeological culture of the late 4th millennium BC on the south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland is represented by the culture of rhomb-pit pottery. Sites with the ware of this type have been found throughout the vast territory of North-Western Russia including the basin of Lake Onega and Lake Ladoga, south-western part of the White Sea basin, the basin of lakes Vozhe and Lache, but until recent time they have been unknown in the south-eastern littoral of the Gulf of Finland. During last years it has been proved possible to find a series of sites where the rhomb-pit ware is represented: Kurovitsy 4, 6 and 9, Koskolovo 14–15, while at the settlement of Kurovitsy 9 a homogeneous complex of this culture has been successfully investigated (Fig. 2). Through radiocarbon dating, the time of the use of the rhomb-pit pottery is identifiable as the late 4th — early 3rd millennium BC.

Keywords: Neolithic, late comb ware, comb ware with combined tempers, rhomb-pit pottery, Gulf of Finland.


Хвощинская Н. В. Этногенез и историческая судьба води

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются этногенез и историческая судьба небольшого прибалтийского племени, известного в русских летописях под именем водь, занимающего компактную территорию от бассейна Нарвы до окрестностей Копорья. Делается вывод, что водь являлась автохтонными обитателями края, близкими по языку северным эстам и отделившимися от них на рубеже I–II тыс. н. э.

Ключевые слова: южное побережье Финского залива, культура прибалтийских финнов, племя водь и его историческая судьба.

Khvoshchinskaya N. V. Ethnogenesis and the historical fate of the Vod’

Annotation: This paper considers the ethnogenesis and the historical fate of a small Baltic tribe known from Russian chronicles under the name of Vod’. After information of historical and ethnographic sources, these people occupied a compact territory from the basin of the Narva River to as far as the surroundings of Koporye. Archaeological investigations of last decades show that this territory, along with other areas of the Baltic region, was settled during the Stone Age. In the 1st millennium BC, Estonia, southern Finland and north-eastern Latvia are marked in the archaeological map of East Europe by the spread of peculiar monumental funerary installations — stone burial grounds. Their emergence manifested the process of the consolidation and distinguishing from the common conglomeration of west Finnic peoples who were ancestors of Ests and Livs. The area of stone cemeteries encompasses, inter alia, also a small district in the east situated along the Gulf of Finland eastwards from the Narva. Further on, in the first half of the 1st millennium BC, the consolidation of the ancient Ests proper as an integrated people was taking place inside the Finnic world as reflected in the unification of the material culture and appearance of stone burial grounds with grave fences. However, inside this agglomeration, also their own local zones arose with a certain difference in their material culture. In the late 1st — early 2nd millennium AD, also a process of the cultural separation of the population eastward from the Narva is occurring. Basing on the culture of stone cemeteries, a material culture relatively differing from the original one founded on the commonness with the Estonian tribes started to form itself while the linguistic proximity to the northern Ests was preserved. It is exactly this group of people that, in my opinion, appears at the historical arena under the name of the Vod’ occupying a compact territory from the northern region of Lake Chudskoye in the West to as far as the basin of the Kovashi River in the east where it actually was recorded in the 18th cen. In the Modern Period, the tribe of Izhora migrating from the basin of the Neva River to the lands occupied by the Vodians, began to assimilate the latter due to their numerical superiority. After the ethnographic evidence, the Izhorian language gradually began to dominate over the Vodian language so that as early as by the mid-20th cen. all the Vodians knew to speak Izhorian. The native tongue was used only in the family circle although commonly they spoke in the mixture of Vodian, Izhorian and Russian. The integration of the two Finnic peoples is observed also in the material culture. The intensive Russification of the native residents of the region under consideration began in the 19th cen. and in fact had been accomplished by the middle of the 20th cen.

Keywords: Southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, culture of the Baltic Finns, tribe of the Vod, its historical fate.


Стасюк И. В. Могильники с кремациями эпохи викингов между Нарвой и Волховом (к вопросу о предкурганной культуре XXI вв. и происхождении води)

Аннотация: В статье обобщены данные о погребальных памятниках на западе Ленинградской области, содержащих кремационные захоронения X–XI вв. и расположенных на территории к югу от Финского залива вне ареалов сопок и длинных курганов. Обосновано существование самостоятельного культурно-хронологического горизонта, выделены типы-индикаторы и хронологические группы древностей. Сделан вывод о принадлежности рассматриваемых памятников к единому культурному пространству восточной части Финского залива.

Ключевые слова: эпоха викингов, погребальные памятники, кремации, Северо-Запад России, Прибалтика, Фенноскандия, прибалтийско-финские народы.

Stasyuk I. V. Burial grounds with cremations of the Viking Age between the Narva and Volkhov Rivers (to the question of the pre-Kurgan culture of the 10th–11th centuries and the origin of the Vod)

Annotation: In the last quarter of the 1st — beginning of the 2nd millennium AD, three expansive groups of burial antiquities are recorded in North-Western Russia: culture of the Pskov Long Barrows, Novgorod sopki and kurgans of the south-eastern Ladoga region. When mapping their areas, the space encircled by them becomes more distinct. The mediaeval antiquities from this region still have received no commonly accepted cultural and chronological attribution. The region under consideration encompasses the areas to the south of the Gulf of Finland and Neva, between the Narva and Volkhov Rivers, northwards from the middle reaches of the Luga River. Of note is the presence of a separate horizon of antiquities here. Its significant archaeological features have been distinguished (burial rite, material culture) and the regularities of their development have been traced including the dynamics of the rite and the set of grave goods, as well as the continuity from the precedent and subsequent antiquities. By now, about fifteen sites with cremation burials of the Viking Age are known in this area. They are concentrated in the Narva River region, at the outskirts of the Izhora Plateau, and two sites are found in the southern Neva region. In all the cases registered, the cremation was performed aside from the place of interment, the condition of the bones and partly melted metal objects corresponds to the 4th–5th degrees of burning (650–960 °C or greater). It was soft-tissue bodies that were cremated, apparently, soon after the death of the individual. The interment of the cremated remains was performed close to the surface: either in shallow ground pits or immediately on the surface horizon. Burials scattered on the surface also are found. A characteristic feature of the rite is the ritual spoiling of the items of the grave offerings: weapons, sickles and scythes. The set of weaponry is typical for North Europe; the ornaments have parallels among antiquities from Estonia, Karelia, Finland and south-eastern Ladoga region. The horizon of cremations was dated to within the 10th — first half of the 11th cen. In the middle of the 11th cen., a transition to the inhumation rite is recorded, and from the 11th–12th cen., the spread of the tumulus rite is observable. It is concluded that the horizon under study is related with the origin of the mediaeval Vods.

Keywords: Viking Age, burial sites, cremations, North-Western Russia, Baltic region, Fennoscandia, BalticFinnic peoples.


Михайлов К. А. Археология катастрофы: реконструкция штурма и гибели древнерусского города XIII в. (по материалам исследований М. К. Каргера Большого Шепетовского городища)

Аннотация: На основе полевых материалов раскопок, полученных экспедицией М. К. Каргера на Большом Шепетовском городище, анализируются массовые санитарные захоронения, оборонительные сооружения, топография предметов вооружения. Хорошо сохранившиеся материалы этого памятника позволяют сравнить его с другими древнерусскими городами, погибшими во время монгольских походов 1237–1241 гг., и подробно реконструировать картину штурма и гибели жителей города.

Ключевые слова: Древняя Русь, Большое Шепетовское городище, Волынь, 1237–1241 гг., монгольское нашествие, массовые санитарные захоронения, топография предметов вооружения, стрелы, оборонительные укрепления, реконструкция штурма города.

Mikhaylov K. A. An archaeology of catastrophe: Reconstruction of the assault and fall of an Old-Russian town of the 13th century (after the results of M. K. Karger’s investigations of the Large Shepetovka fortified settlement)

Annotation: Bolshoye Shepetovskoye Gorodishche (Large Shepetovka fortified settlement) is an Early Russian town of the late 12th and 13th cen. which was completely investigated in 1957–1964 by the expedition under M. K. Karger’s direction. This site is a rare archaeological complex where a layer of assault, a fire with remains of wooden buildings and fortifications and numerous skeletal remains of humans and animals were preserved in situ up to the 20th cen. The present publication analyses different categories of finds related with the assault and the moment of the destruction of the settlement: mass ‘sanitary’ interments of the killed citizens, the topography of items of armament and rider’s equipment; topography and type of the fortifications and characteristic details concerned with the demolishing of the city. In addition, it proved possible to identify sets of armament found together with the skeletons of the killed defenders of the city. The data obtained allow the archaeologists to compare the archaeological evidence on the storm of the Shepetovskoye fortified settlement with other Early Russian sites which perished in the mid-13th cen. The characteristic archaeological evidence on the destruction of the town similar to that discovered at other cities and the year season when the storm took place (autumn/winter) suggest that its demolishing was related with the Mongolian raid of 1240–1241 AD.

Keywords: Old Rus, Bolshoye Shepetovskoye Gorodishche (Shepetovka fortified settlement), Volhynia, 1237– 1241, Mongol invasion, mass sanitary interments, topography of weaponry items, arrows, fortifications, reconstruction of the city assault.




Зозуля С. С., Седых В. Н. История исследования курганного могильника у деревни Большое Тимерёво. К 150-летию изучения памятника

Аннотация: В статье представлены результаты исследований могильника Большое Тимерёво, ставшего за 150 лет исследований одним из основных памятников для решения ключевых вопросов по истории и археологии зарождающегося Древнерусского государства. В данной работе приводится наиболее точная количественная оценка изученных комплексов.

Ключевые слова: Большое Тимерёво, Древнерусское государство, курганные могильники.

Zozulya S. S., Sedykh V. N. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo. To the 150th anniversary of the studies at the site

Annotation: The history of the investigation of the burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo in Yaroslavl Oblast begins on May 25, 1972, with excavations of the Finnish researcher Johannes Reinhold Aspelin who uncovered two mounds (Fig. 1). By the 150th anniversary of the first archaeological explorations it seems necessary to sum up some results of the investigations of the necropolis. Following J. Aspelin, a search for Merya skulls was conducted in the beginning of the august of 1878 by A. I. Kelsiyev for the Anthropological Exhibition expected in Moscow. He excavated 34 burials (Fig. 2, 1). Fairly scarce information is available about two interments near the western edge of the cemetery excavated on August 15, 1887, by participants of the VII Archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (Fig. 2, 2). Fourteen kurgans were explored on August 22–25 of 1900 by the prominent Yaroslavl researcher I. A. Tikhomirov (Fig. 3, 1). The mounds of two burials were excavated in 1908 by I. S. Abramov (Fig. 3, 2); one burial was investigated by the lieutenant colonel I. M. Novitskiy on September 2, 1912, and two other kurgans — on May 3 of 1913 (Fig. 3, 3). The last pre-war works were investigations by Ya. V. Stankevich who excavated 26 burials in 1938–1939 (Fig. 4, 1). Two stages of the explorations by an expedition headed by M. V. Fechner from the State Historical Museum (Moscow) came to be the most extensive works over the entire history of the studies of the necropolis: 282 mounds were excavated in 1959–1961 and still other 96 in 1974–1978 (Fig. 4, 2). In 1973, 1976 and 1984–1990, the investigations in the territory of the burial ground were conducted by an expedition of the Leningrad State University under the direction of I. V. Dubov, later under V. N. Sedykh (Fig. 5, 1, 2). In total, 17 burials had been excavated including the kurgans disturbed by tillage (Fig. 6). Thus by now we possess data on 480 kurgans investigated over the entire history of the excavations of the cemetery near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo (Table 1). The absolute majority of the mounds are localized in the plan drawn in 1959 and supplemented during the subsequent years (Fig. 7). Despite the so long history of the studies at the necropolis, the large-scale excavations of 1960–1970s, the inclusion of the site into the administrative area of the modern city of Yaroslavl and the active economic development of this territory, the burial ground near the former village of Bolshoye Timerevo still has good perspectives for archaeological exploration.

Keywords: Bolshoye Timerevo, early Russian state, kurgan burial grounds.


Мурашкин А. И. Исследование средневековых и постсредневековых древностей на Кольском Севере: современное состояние

Аннотация: На территории Кольского Севера зафиксировано около 190 археологических памятников средневековья и нового времени: поселения, клады, ямы-ловушки, каменные выкладки, курганы, грунтовые могильники. Многие имеют прямые аналогии в древностях Скандинавии и Финляндии, что облегчает их культурно-хронологическую и этническую атрибуцию.

Ключевые слова: Северная Фенноскандия, Мурманская область, средневековье, новое время, поселение, могильник, клад, саамы, поморы.

Murashkin A. I. Studies of mediaeval and post-mediaeval antiquities on the Kola North: current status

Annotation: The study of medieval antiquities in the Kola North begins with the discovery in 1839 of the Aatservainen hoard. As of March 2023, the Kola archaeological expedition database stores information on 192 archaeological sites containing objects or materials from the Middle Ages or Modern period in the Murmansk region. Nearly twenty of them have been excavated (Fig. 1). Most of the sites are settlements with house remains. They were recorded on the sea coast (Dvorovaya 1, Nerpichya Guba 2, Ponoy, Jokonga) (Fig. 2; 3) but also known in the central part of the Kola Peninsula (Northern Salma 3) (Fig. 4). Depending on construction, two types of houses can be distinguished, the so called Dvorovaya and Jokanga. In addition, hearth row sites (Liva 1, Kintshemlukht 1, Gusiny 7) and one multi-room house site (Soimvakhk) are known. Other categories of archaeological sites are rare. Among them are ground burials (Kuzomen 1 and 2), burial mounds or cairns (Gusiny 4, Mertvetsky 13, Eastern Litsa 3) (Fig. 5), hoards (Aatservainen, Varzuga mouth, Kuzomen), pitfall systems for reindeer trapping (Chevessuolo 1, Sergevan, Chervyanaya 5) (Fig. 6), “circular offering sites” built of stone (Kegor) (Fig. 7) and other constructions (for example labyrinths). Cultural and chronological attribution of many of these objects is relative. Unexcavated house remains of the Early Iron Age, Middle Ages and Modern period differ slightly. One gets the impression that constructive features of houses have not changed for centuries. Supposedly, the houses of the Dvorovaya type were left by Pomors while those of the Jokanga type were built by Sámi. The hearth row sites also related with Sámi. Wide circulation of imported metal tools and ornaments in the Saami area allow us to correlate these sites with Novgorodian, Central European and North European chronological time-scales. These diagnostic artefacts and their associations not only determine the dates of the sites, but also reveal the directions of contacts, social relations and character of interaction of the different groups of medieval population in the Kola North.

Keywords: Northern Fennoscandia, Murmansk Oblast, Middle Ages, Modern Period, settlement, burial, hoard, Sámi, Pomors.


Застрожнова Е. Г., Тихонов И. Л., Тихомиров И. С. С. Н. Быковский: от красного командира до заместителя председателя ГАИМК (новые материалы к биографии)

Аннотация: В статье на основе неизвестных ранее документальных и изобразительных источников из государственных и личных архивов реконструируется жизненный путь и научная деятельность историка Сергея Николаевича Быковского (1896–1936) — участника Гражданской войны, бывшего сотрудника ЧК. В 1930 г. он по приглашению Н. Я. Марра стал заместителем председателя Государственной академии истории материальной культуры и развернул активную борьбу с «буржуазной археологией» за внедрение марксизма в методологию этой науки. Приводятся анализ и оценка его деятельности в отечественной археологии.

Ключевые слова: С. Н. Быковский, ГАИМК, марксизм, 1930-е гг., репрессии, история археологической науки в СССР.

Zastrozhnova E. G., Tikhonov I. L., Tikhomirov I. S. Sergey N. Bykovskiy: from a red commander to the assistant chairman of GAIMK (new material for the biography)

Annotation: This paper reconstructs the life and scientific activities of the historian S. N. Bykovskiy (1896–1936) on the basis of unknown before documentary and graphic sources from the public archives in St Petersburg and the family archives of Bykovskiys-Tikhomirovs. Son of a lawyer, he graduated from gymnasium in 1915 with a golden medal and entered the Physico-Mathematic Faculty of the Moscow University. Having studied less than two years he was called up for the army and assigned to a school of ensigns. In the army, he joined the Bolsheviks and participated in the Civil War as a red officer and an agent of the Extraordinary Commission. He applied for shooting of his own father as a counterrevolutionary. Later, he participated in the party’s activities and taught history in the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute. In 1930, on N. Ya. Marr’s invitation, he became the assistant chairman of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK) and expanded an active struggle against the bourgeois archaeology for introduction of the Marxism into the methodology of this science. He published a series of articles of a journalistic character negating the independent nature of archaeology as a scientific discipline. In the spirit of the Marr’s new doctrine of language, he attempted to argue that the Cimmerians were the ancestors of the East Slavs. S. N. Bykovskiy became one of the most notorious representatives of the vulgar sociologism and abstract theorization in archaeology and ethnography torn away from real researches in these sciences. In 1934, S. N. Bykovskiy, because of conflicts with the party colleagues in the management of GAIMK, left the Academy and became the director of the Archaeological Sector of the Institute of Anthropology of AS USSR and the head of the Chair of the History of the Primitive Classless Society at the Leningrad Institute of Philosophy, Linguistics and History. In 1936, he was arrested and shot together with the chairman of GAIMK F. V. Kiparisov. His scientific career and fate proved to be very typical of representatives of the first generation of Marxist historians and of the dramatic period of that time in the development of archaeology in the USSR.

Keywords: S. N. Bykovskiy, GAIMK, Marxism, 1930s, persecutions, history of archaeological science in the USSR.


Медведева М. В., Соболев В. Ю. Новгородское (Рюриково) городище и Сиверсов канал

Аннотация: Исторически сложившийся ландшафт Новгородского (Рюрикова) городища и его окрестностей не сохранился до нашего времени в своем изначальном виде. Вновь выявленные архивные документы позволили определить степень воздействия строительства и хозяйственного использования Сиверсова канала на топографию и сохранность культурного слоя археологического памятника.

Ключевые слова: Рюриково городище, культурный слой, деревянные конструкции, Сиверсов канал, история строительства канала, ремонт канала, археология, топография, архивные документы.

Medvedeva M. V., Sobolev V. Yu. Novgorod fortified site (Ryurik Gorodishche) and Siversov Channel

Annotation: The historically established landscape of the Novgorod fortified site (Ryurik Gorodishche) and its surroundings was essentially disturbed by the construction of the Siversov Channel at the boundary between the 18th and 19th cen. and building of the railway bank in the years of the World War I. Owing to analysis of an assemblage of recently discovered archive documents, it has proved possible to trace the extent of the influence of the works concerned with the construction and exploitation of the Siversov Channel on the topography of a unique mediaeval settlement (Ryurik Gorodishche). The initial plan of the channel did not stipulate its bed to run over the southern section of the Gorodishche hill. The reasons for changing of the project causing disturbance of the most of the cultural layer of this archaeological site still remain unknown. During the 19th cen., the banks of the channel suffered numerous washouts and repairs. The most considerable strengthening of the northern bank took place in 1887 and its traces (remains of piles and granite facing) are discernible until now. It is then that the first mention of the presence of ancient structures in the layer on the northern bank of the Siversov Channel appeared in the documents. The remains of wood which are exposed along the edge of the water at its greatest retreat are not related with the repairing works on the channel but originate from the ancient fortifications uncovered by excavations of the Novgorod Archaeological Expedition.

Keywords: Rurik settlement, cultural layer, wooden structures, Siversov Canal, canal construction history, canal repair, archeology, topography, archival documents.


Список сокращений

List of abbriviations