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Вы здесь: Главная / Издания / Археологические вести / Annotations of issues / "Археологические вести". Спб., 2022. Выпуск 36. Аннотации

"Археологические вести". Спб., 2022. Выпуск 36. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 36 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2022. — 292 c.: ил.



Очередной выпуск журнала «Археологические вести» посвящен памяти Анатолия Николаевича Кирпичникова — крупнейшего специалиста в области археологии, истории и культуры Древней Руси. Особое место в его исследованиях занимала тема военного дела в эпоху средневековья, поэтому неслучайно в значительной части статей рассматриваются вопросы оружиеведения и крепостного строительства. Долгие годы А. Н. Кирпичников был руководителем Староладожской экспедиции ИИМК, в этой связи в журнале представлены результаты современных ландшафтно-археологических наблюдений на Земляном городище, а также дается анализ керамического комплекса горизонта Е3-3. В ряде статей обсуждаются различные аспекты изучения памятников Восточной Европы и отдельные категории археологических древностей. В разделе «История науки» к публикации подготовлен фотоматериал из семейного архива известных советских археологов Г. Ф. Корзухиной и Н. Н. Воронина. Среди авторов журнала — ученые из различных центров России, Беларуси и Украины.

The present issue of “Archaeological News” is dedicated to the memory of Anatoly Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov — the largest specialist in the field of archeology, history and culture of Ancient Russia. A special place in his research was occupied by the topic of military affairs in the Middle Ages, so it is no coincidence that in a significant part of the articles the issues of weapons science and fortification are considered. For many years, A. N. Kirpichnikov was the head of the Staraya Ladoga expedition of the IHMC, in this regard, the journal presents the results of modern landscape and archaeological observations on the Zemlyanoy settlement, and also analyzes the ceramic complex of the E3-3 horizon. A number of articles discuss various aspects of the study of the monuments of Eastern Europe and certain categories of archaeological antiquities. In the “History of Science” section, photographic material from the family archive of famous Soviet archaeologists G. F. Korzukhina and N. N. Voronin has been prepared for publication. Among the authors of the journal are scientists from various centers in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.




Лапшин В. А. А. Н. Кирпичников — историк военного дела средневековой Руси

Аннотация. Статья посвящена научному вкладу крупнейшего отечественного исследователя-оружиеведа Анатолия Николаевича Кирпичникова (1929–2020) в изучение военного дела средневековой Руси. В его работах можно выделить несколько важнейших направлений: историю формирования холодного наступательного и защитного вооружения, включая снаряжение всадника; военное искусство — тактика ведения боя и осадная техника; клинковую эпиграфику; крепостное зодчество Северо-Запада Руси. Все эти темы получили глубокое осмысление в его фундаментальных трудах, в результате чего была создана оригинальная концепция развития русского военного дела эпохи средневековья.

Ключевые слова: средневековая Русь, оружие, клинковая эпиграфика, крепостное зодчество, Новгородская земля, Кирпичников.

Lapshin V. A. A. N. Kirpichnikov — a historian of military science in mediaeval rus

Annotation: This paper is devoted to the scientific contribution of the most prominent national researcher and connoisseur of arms Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov (1929–2020) to the studies of the military science in mediaeval Rus. In his works, several most important directions can be distinguished: history of the formation of the cold offensive and defensive arms including rider’s equipment, military science — the tactics of fighting and siege matériel, blade epigraphy, fortification architecture in North-Western Rus. All these subjects have received a deep interpretation in his fundamental works resulting in the creation of an original concept on the development of Russian military science in the Middle Ages.

Keywords: mediaeval Rus, arms, blade epigraphy, fortification architecture, Novgorod Land, Kirpichnikov.


А. Н. Кирпичников. Фотографии разных лет

A. N. Kirpichnikov. Photos from different years


Толочко П. П. Кирпичников и Украина

Аннотация. Автор статьи делится своими воспоминаниями и впечатлениями об Анатолии Николаевиче Кирпичникове, с которым он познакомился в 1969 г., и с тех пор они стали большими друзьями на долгие годы. Становление А. Н. Кирпичникова как ученого началось в 1949 г. именно на Украине в составе экспедиции М. К. Каргера, и он на всю жизнь сохранил особую привязанность к украинскому научному сообществу и археологическим памятникам Украины.

Ключевые слова: военное дело Руси, Старая Ладога, выдающийся оружиевед.

Tolochko P. P. Kirpichnikov and Ukraine

Annotation: The author of this paper shares his reminiscences about Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov of whom he made the acquaintance in 1969. They became close friends for many years. A. N. Kirpichnikov’s formation as a scientist began in 1949 precisely in Ukraine among the staff of M. K. Karger’s expedition and for all his life he retained a special attachment towards the Ukrainian scientific community and the archaeological monuments of Ukraine.

Keywords: military science in Rus, Staraya Ladoga, prominent connoisseur of arms.




Курбатов А. В. Кожаные предметы воинского снаряжения и вооружения эпохи раннего железа и римского времени в Европе

Аннотация. Необычайная широта использования кожевенного материала в древности и средневековье находит свое отражение в применении его в военном деле. Прошлые и будущие археологические раскопки, а также специальные технологические анализы находок позволят в дальнейшем лучше представить эту сторону материального оснащения воинов в древности. Также это поможет прояснить вопросы развития и совершенствования технических приемов выделки кожи у разных народов в эпоху железа и во времена Римской империи.

Ключевые слова: кожаные изделия, выделка кож, ранний железный век, Римская империя, воинская амуниция, оружие.

Kurbatov A. V. Leather objects of military equipment and arms of the early Iron Age and Roman period in Europe

Annotation: Leather is a peculiar material in terms of its physico-mechanical and chemical properties. Suffice it to note its elasticity, its tensile strength, the ability to retain any imparted form, applicability for its treatment by easily accessible techniques using raw materials and minerals available in any locality. In addition, leathern objects reliably protect the human organism against undesirable effects of the surrounding environment, have a fine appearance and small weight. A well stuffed greased leather is able to be preserved for a long time losing no its qualities and without decaying in a moist environment. These facts determined its use as waterproof clothes for sailors and fishers, containers for ship cargos, and as strong ropes and belts. After a special treatment, leather can also become a very hard material suitable for making protective armour, helmets and shields. The spectrum of leather articles found in archaeological complexes seems much narrower. Moreover, such specific items as objects of military equipment and armament now are represented only by single examples. This work considers some known finds of leather objects related to arms, equipment and outfit of warriors in the early Iron Age and Roman period.

Keywords: leather objects, leather working, early Iron Age, Roman Empire, military equipment, arms.


Казанский М. М. Трапециевидные подвески в раннесредневековой Галлии: о ранних контактах балтов и славян с франками

Аннотация. В Северной Галлии на могильниках Бюлль, Врон и Арси-Сент-Реститю (Пикардия) найдено несколько бронзовых трапециевидных подвесок со штампованным декором V–VIII вв. Они имеют восточноевропейское происхождение и, вероятно, попадают в Галлию в результате морских контактов через Балтику и Северное море.

Ключевые слова: трапециевидные подвески, меровингское время, Северная Галлия, лесная зона Восточной Европы, смоленские длинные курганы, Ладога, морской путь.

Kazanski M. M. Trapezoid pendants in early medieval Gaul: on the early contacts of Balts and Slavs with Franks

Annotation: In northern Gaul, at the Bulles and Vron (Picardy) burial grounds, several bronze trapezoidal pendants with stamped decor were found. The earliest of them come from female burials of the Protomerovingian Period (440/450– 470/480); these decorations probably have nothing to do with the Slavs. The temporal ring with trapezoidal pendants from the Arcy-Saint-Restitue burial ground, also in Picardy, is of particular interest. These pendants are well represented in the Slavic cultures of the 5th–9th centuries, and in the Avar antiquities of the Middle Danube. However, in Central Europe, such pendants are not part of the temporal rings. But similar temporal rings in the 8th — early 9th centuries. well known in the burials of the Smolensk long mounds (Tsurkovka, Akatovo, Beskatovo), as well as in Staraya Ladoga. The latter find may explain the entry of such a earring into Northern Gaul, since at this time the Northern Sea Route operates through the Baltic and the North Sea, uniting into a single system of emporia from Ladoga to Quentovic on the Channel.

Keywords: trapezoidal pendants, Merovingian time, Northern Gaul, forest zone of Eastern Europe, Smolensk long mounds, Ladoga, sea route.


Сениченкова Т. Б. Керамика горизонта Е3-3 Старой Ладоги (по материалам раскопок Е. А. Рябинина в 1973–1985 гг. на Земляном городище)

Аннотация. В статье публикуется керамика горизонта Е3-3 Земляного городища Старой Ладоги из раскопок Е. А. Рябинина 1973–1985 гг. Эти артефакты уже в процессе раскопок были соотнесены с нижним горизонтом культурного слоя, обозначенным по полевой номенклатуре как «бурый гумус II» и предматерик. Анализ керамического материала позволил вновь обратиться к нерешенным пока вопросам об этапности заселения территории при впадении Ладожки в Волхов, о начальной дате раннесредневекового поселения.

Ключевые слова: Старая Ладога, ранний железный век, раннее средневековье, керамика.

Senichenkova T. B. Pottery from horizon Е3-3 of Staraya Ladoga (after materials from excavations by E. A. Ryabinin in 1973–1985 at Zemlyanoye Gorodishche)

Annotation: This paper publishes pottery from horizon Е3-3 at Zemlyanoye Gorodishche (Earthen Hillfort) from E. A. Ryabinin’s excavations of 1973–1985 at Staraya Ladoga. These artefacts already in the process of excavations were attributed to the lower horizon of the cultural layer marked in the field nomenclature as “brown humus II” and the layer immediately above the virgin soil. It was dated by the method of dendrochronology to the 750s AD. The technology of the pottery manufacture, the forms of the ware and methods of the treatment of the surface of the vessels have parallels at sites of the Iron Age and early Middle Ages: Dyakovo culture, the culture of the hatched ware, at sites of the Udomel type, Culture of Pskov Long Barrows, culture of sopkas and some other. It is rather difficult to identify exactly the origin of the earliest complex of pottery from Ladoga. Some types are encountered at synchronous and earlier sites throughout a vast territory from the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Western Dvina to as far as the Upper Volga region. Examination of the distribution of fragments of pottery in horizon Е3-3 shows that they, together with building debris, were used for filling pits, gutters and lowland areas contributing to the gradual levelling of the territory of the early mediaeval settlement. The initial date of Ladoga lately is being reviewed. The researchers have long ago noticed that among its materials and in the closest surroundings there was an entire series of finds belonging to an earlier period than that to which the lower horizon Е3-3 is dated. Unfortunately it is not always possible to identify their context. At A. N. Kirpichnikov’s excavation of 2005–2013 at Zemlyanoye Gorodishche, traces of a ploughed field have been revealed in the buried soil under the cultural layer. The radiocarbon dates of the arable horizon indicate the second half of the 7th — first half of the 8th century or are distributed over a wider range. These facts allow the researchers to propose a more ancient date for the early mediaeval settlement. Single finds of fragments of pottery dated to the Early Iron Age from the area of Zemlyanoye Gorodishche and the Stone Fortress possibly will allow us, with the further accumulation of the materials in future and reconstruction of the palaeolandscape, to distinguish another stage in the history of settlement in this territory.

Keywords: Staraya Ladoga, Early Iron Age, Early Middle Ages, pottery.


Каинов С. Ю., Новиков В. В. Шпоры из Гнёздова

Аннотация. Шпоры в материалах древнерусских памятников раннегосударственного периода встречены крайне редко. На этом фоне выделяется Гнёздовский археологический комплекс, где найдено не менее четырех шпор, датируемых последними веками I тыс. н. э. и относящихся к разным типам шпор, имевшим распространение в более западных регионах. Уникальной является находка каролингской шпоры, датируемой рубежом VIII–IX вв. К редким находкам относятся шпоры с зацепами, загнутыми внутрь, большинство аналогий которых относят к VIII–IX вв.

Ключевые слова: шпора, Гнёздово, Древняя Русь, Каролингская империя, Центральная Европа.

Kainov S. Yu., Novikov V. V. Spurs from Gnezdovo

Annotation: This paper publishes items of horsemen’s spurs rare in the territory of Rus of the late 1st millennium AD. These examples were found in the area of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex situated at the upper reaches of the Dnieper where in the 10th century there was the largest early urban centre in Rus. Here, at least five spurs have been found of which four are dated to the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD. A find of a Carolingian spur manufactured at the turn of the 8th/9th centuries is a unique one in the 10th century context. The circumstance and the time of the occurrence of this prestigious object in Rus still are unclear. Of Western origin are also two spurs with a hook end bent inwards. Unfortunately, in one case the context of the finding is unclear while in the second case it does not allow us to date narrowly the item. The majority of parallels of similar spurs are dated to the 8th–9th centuries although some examples come from younger associations. Considering the imported character of the abovementioned spurs it cannot be ruled out that also the fourth find from Gnezdovo also was an imported one. It was revealed among an association of the second half of the 10th century and is marked by roughness of its manufacture. The Gnezdovo collection of spurs of the late 1st millennium AD is the most numerous and representative reflecting the initial period of the penetration by this category of rider’s equipment to the territory of Rus where spurs became widespread in the material culture only in the 11th century.

Keywords: spur, Gnezdovo, Old Rus, Carolingian Empire, Central Europe.


Зозуля С. С., Каинов С. Ю. Мечи типа «W» на территории Древней Руси

Аннотация. Мечи типа «W» по типологии Я. Петерсена относятся к достаточно редким находкам, особенно на территории Восточной Европы. Картографирование материала подтверждает предположение Я. Петерсена о норвежском происхождении мечей этого типа, однако их обнаружение в камерных ингумационных захоронениях в Большом Тимерёво и Шестовице, сопровождавшихся большим разнообразием погребального инвентаря, позволяет пересмотреть предложенную хронологическую локализацию мечей типа «W» для территории Древней Руси.

Ключевые слова: меч, эпоха викингов, Древняя Русь, Большое Тимерёво, Шестовица.

Zozulya S. S., Kainov S. Yu. Swords of type W in the territory of Old Rus

Annotation: By now, 17 finds of type W swords after the typology of Jan Petersen are known throughout the territory of North and East Europe. The ornamental features allow the researchers to distinguish two major variants of type W swords: variant 1 with a zigzag decoration and variant 2 with a circular pattern. It is of note that not all of the known swords correspond to these two variants. The further treatment (firstly of the Norwegian material) possibly will allow us to identify still several other types. Swords of type W had influenced the emergence of hybrid examples of the sword hilts — “W/E” and “I/W”. Perhaps the general morphology and technology of the manufacture of type W swords were the basis for emergence of the new types of the sword grips decorated with a guilloche, geometric and zoomorphic patterns. Within the territory of what is now Russia and Ukraine, four finds of type W swords are known. Two items (Timerevo — barrow 100 and Shestovitsa — barrow 42) are represented by complete swords, one (Timerevo, barrow 287) by the pommel and the guard, and still another one (Cherkassy) by a pommel attached to a blade with a guard of another type. Some items of grave goods, the numismatic evidence and the inhumation rite in wooden chambers suggest the most probable date of burials in barrow 100 of Timerevo and barrow 42 at Shestovitsa within the limits of the last quarter of the 10th century. This fact, in turn, raises the question as to the correctness of the proposed by Jan Petersen dating of this type to only the first half of the 10th century.

Keywords: sword, Viking Age, Old Rus, Bolshoye Timerevo, Shestovitsa.


Щедрина А. Ю. Мечи особых типов из курганов Юго-Восточного Приладожья

Аннотация. Статья посвящена трем раннесредневековым мечам особых типов из курганов Юго-Восточного Приладожья. Подробно рассматриваются их морфологические особенности. Обсуждаются аналоги, хронология, возможное происхождение и место этих мечей в типологии европейского оружия.

Ключевые слова: Юго-Восточное Приладожье, раннее средневековье, эпоха викингов, мечи, типология.

Shchedrina A. Yu. Swords of peculiar types from barrows of the South-Eastern Ladoga region

Annotation: Kurgans of the South-Eastern Ladoga region have yielded a large collection of items of armament of the 9th–11th century including at least 26 swords. Three of the latter belong to rare and peculiar types exceeding the bounds of the traditional typology by Jan Petersen. These swords are dated to within the range from the mid-10th to early 11th century. They all have iron parts of the grip without a finish with nonferrous metals. The first sword was found by N. E. Brandenburg in kurgan XLV near the village of Shchukovshchina on the Syaznega River (Fig. 1; 2). Previously the pommel of that sword was erroneously mentioned as presumably coming from Rurik Gorodishche. This sword belongs to the type of “Z-special” after A. N. Kirpichnikov or type Wallingford after V. Evison — similar swords are related to types “L” and “Z” according to Jan Petersen (Fig. 3). Possibly, this sword is of Anglo-Saxon provenance. The second sword comes from a disturbed barrow near the village of Ruchyi on the Svir River (Fig. 4; 5). It is rather peculiar but according to some features (a salient head of the pommel and the guard slightly widening towards the edges) it is related with type “S” after Jan Petersen. The third sword comes from the collection obtained in the course of excavations by A. M. Linevskiy on the Oyat River (Fig. 6). It has an unusual pommel with an imitation of a two-part construction using peculiar “steps” and evidently is a simplified local product.

Keywords: South-Eastern Ladoga region, Early Middle Ages, Viking Age, swords, typology.


Кочкуркина С. И. Приладожская курганная культура (этапы формирования погребальной обрядности и особенности периода ее становления)

Аннотация. Рассматриваются хронологические этапы формирования Приладожской курганной культуры: первый (конец IX — начало XI в.) — период становления погребальной обрядности; второй (XI–XII вв.) — формирование прибалтийско-финской культуры, третий — затухание курганной погребальной традиции. В предлагаемой статье автор более подробно рассматривает особенности материальной культуры периода становления и развития Приладожской курганной культуры.

Ключевые слова: Приладожье, курганная культура, хронологические этапы, ювелирные изделия.

Kochkurkina S. I. The Ladoga kurgan culture (stages of the formation of the burial rite)

Annotation: The article discusses the chronological stages of the formation of the Ladoga burial culture: the period from the end of the 9th century to the beginning of the 11th century is a time of formation of funeral rituals; the second period during 11th–12th centuries is a period of the formation of the Baltic-Finnish culture; the third period is characterized by the decay of the mound burial tradition, the Slavic-Russian development of the region and the Christianization of the population. The grave goods of the first chronological group of monuments are characterized by artefacts of the North European cultural tradition: oval-convex brooches, neck rings, bracelets and jewellery. This paper considers in detail original bronze beads encountered mostly in barrows on the Oyat River. An assumption is made about the production of bronze beads in Ladoga which was the first trade, cultural and craft centre of Ancient Russia.

Keywords: Ladoga region, kurgan cult, chronological stages, jewellery.


Плавинский Н. А. Курганный могильник Новосёлки в контексте погребальных памятников Верхнего Повилья начала ІI тыс. н. э.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются результаты исследований курганного могильника Новосёлки Мядельского района Минской области Республики Беларусь, проводившихся в 1961–1962 и 1988–1990 гг. В функционировании некрополя выделяются два культурно-хронологических горизонта, наиболее поздний из которых датируется XI — первой половиной XII в. и связан с процессом распространения в регионе Верхнего Повилья древнерусской системы управления.

Ключевые слова: погребальные памятники, курганный могильник, Верхнее Повилье, Древняя Русь.

Plavinski M. A. Barrow cemetery Novoselki in the context of the burial monuments of the Upper Vilija Region of the beginning of the II millennium AD

Annotation: The article discusses the results of studies of the Novoselki barrow cemetery, Miadziel District, Minsk Region of the Republic of Belarus, carried out in 1961–1962 and 1988–1990. As a result, 35 barrows were excavated, which belong to two cultural-chronological horizons, the first of which is represented by two barrows and dates back to the third quarter of the 1st millennium AD. The second cultural-chronological horizon dates back to the 11th — first half of the 12th century. The members of the Old Rusian collective, which left the barrows of the second cultural-chronological horizon of the necropolis in Novoselki, from the very beginning had stable ideas about the norms of burial of the dead, which remained unchanged throughout the entire period of its functioning. The main of these norms were the placement of the body of the deceased on the basis of the future burial mound and its orientation with its head to the west. A characteristic feature of the barrow cemetery is the obvious predominance of male burials over female ones. At the same time, for male burials throughout the entire period of the existence of the necropolis, almost universal equipment with weapons was characteristic. There is every reason to believe that the emergence of the second cultural-chronological horizon of the Novoselki barrow cemetery marks the process of the spread of the Old Rusian administration in the Upper Vilija Region.

Keywords: burial monuments, barrow cemetery, Upper Vilija Region, Old Rus.


Михайлова Е. Р., Соболев В. Ю. Комплекс памятников у деревни Сковородка. История исследования и современное состояние

Аннотация. Статья посвящена комплексу раннесредневековых археологических памятников, открытых у дер. Сковородка (Струго-Красненский район Псковской области). Рассмотрены история изучения памятников комплекса, его топография и сделанные находки. Высказано предположение, что, несмотря на топографическую близость, в Сковородский комплекс оказались объединены две не вполне синхронные группы памятников.

Ключевые слова: средневековье, Новгородская земля, Сковородка, комплекс памятников, городище, поселение, погребальные памятники.

Mikhaylova E. R., Sobolev V. Yu. Complex of archaeological sites near the village of Skovorodka. History of investigations and the present state

Annotation: This paper considers a complex of sites near the village of Skovorodka situated in Strugo-Krasnensky District of Pskov Oblast. The sites on the bank of Lake Barskoye (Plotishno) were noted by archaeologists in 1909. There students headed by K. D. Trofimov and V. A. Gorodtsov from the Moscow Archaeological Society recorded a fortified settlement and burial sites of different periods and investigated a sopka and three zhalnik graves. In 1927, the complex was examined during the palaeoethnological investigation of the district by G. P. Grozdilov and N. N. Chernyagin who draw a visual plan of the sites. The next investigation was conducted in 1986 by S. L. Kuzmin who also draw a visual plan. In 1988, he excavated two sopkas in the group of Skovorodka II and dug exploratory trenches at a settlement site revealed by him. In the opinion of S. L. Kuzmin, this complex was constituted by a synchronous fortified site, an unfortified settlement and high cult-memorial mounds — sopkas. On the basis of analysis of materials from the excavations and the topographical situation, the authors made a supposition about a non-simultaneous character of the abovementioned sites and a relation of the fortified settlement with a different earlier cultural community having parallels in Eastern Estonia.

Keywords: Middle Ages, Novgorod Land, Skovorodka, complex of archaeological sites, hillfort, settlement, burial sites.


Пескова А. А., Кононович А. Ю. Церковные осветительные приборы в древнерусском городе (по материалам из раскопок Большого Шепетовского городища)

Аннотация. В материалах из раскопок Большого Шепетовского городища (Городище у с. Городище Шепетовского р-на Хмельницкой обл., Украина) конца XII — первой половины XIII в. было выделено 23 металлических фрагмента осветительных приборов, относящихся к церковному убранству. Конструктивный и стилистический анализ этих предметов показал, что они принадлежали светильникам разного типа.

Ключевые слова: древнерусский город, церковь, осветительные приборы, византийская и западноевропейская традиции.

Peskova A. A., Kononovich A. Yu. Church lighting appliances in Old-Russian towns (after materials from excavations of the Large Fortified Settlement near Shepetovka)

Annotation: Among the finds from excavations of the Large Fortified Settlement near Shepetovka of the late 12th — first half of the 13th century, 23 metal fragments of lighting appliances related with church interiors have been identified. Construction and stylistic analysis of these objects showed that they belonged to lamps of different kinds. Some are elements of at least two church chandeliers of different size and manufacturing quality going back to the Byzantine tradition (parts of candlesticks: prongs/brackets — 4 items; rods/studdings — from 1 to 5 (?) items and cups/plates for the flowing candle-wax — 10 items). Another part of finds (a half of a cross-shaped/quadrifoliate bronze plate with cut slots and four cups of the corresponding size for melted wax) served as the basis for reconstruction of a candlestick uncommon in the Old-Russian archaeology and manufactured by a local artisan using in his own way elements typical of Byzantine lamps of a quadrifoliate structure. The third assemblage is constituted by three chandeliers — single-type hemispherical shallow cups on a ring base.

Keywords: Early Russian town, church, lighting appliances, Byzantine and West-European traditions.


Джаксон Т. Н. «Финны» в «Саге о Кетиле Лососе»

Аннотация. Статья посвящена «финнам» древнеисландской «Саги о Кетиле Лососе» (XIII в.). Под «финнами» автор саги и его аудитория понимали не обитателей современной Финляндии, а саамов, жителей Финнмарка и соседних регионов Севера, которых они наделяли чертами, присущими мифическим существам — троллям и великанам.

Ключевые слова: древнеисландские саги, саги о древних временах, саамы, Финнмарк, тролли, миф.

Jackson T. N. “Finnar” in “Ketil Trout’s Saga”

Annotation: The ethnic name Finnar in sagas mostly is related not with the Finns who are natives of the south and south-west of modern Finland but with the Saami who live in Finnmarksvidda and regions of the North neighbouring upon it. The Saami differed from the Norwegians in their appearance, language, clothes, life mode and beliefs. The Saamian ethno-cultural space was foreign and little known to the Norwegians. Icelandic authors created this “image of an alien” endowing with magic qualities and skills the Finns-Saami living beyond the northern boundary of the land inhabited by the Norwegians. However, in the same undeveloped and unsettled regions, their imagination placed strange creatures, flying dragons and mythic figures — giants of different kinds and trolls. The present author puts forth the goal of understanding more closely how the Finns-Saami were interpreted by the authors and the audience of the sagas: whether they were simply “alien, foreign” people or were considered altogether beyond the limits of the humankind. As a source for this study, the Ketil Trout’s Saga is used which belongs to the genre of fornaldarsögur and was composed in the first third of the 13th century. The saga narrates about Ketil, a native of the Ramstad Island in the north of Trøndelag in Norway, the son of Hallbjorn nicknamed “Halftroll” (most possibly meaning a “Halffinn”, i.e. born by a Saami woman). His descendants are mentioned in The Book of Settlements which listed more than four hundred clans of the first settlers in Iceland, and in Icelandic family sagas. Having analysed all the saga characteristics of Ketil, the author of this article comes to the conclusion that this character was not a monster or a half-human for the saga audience. All the features ascribed to Ketil indicate his foreignness but only that foreignness that differs the Saami from the Norwegians and Icelanders. It was important for the Norwegians that the kings from the dynasty of Harald the Harsh Ruler had a Saami girl among their ancestors while the earls of Lade traced their family from Seming (Sæmingr), i.e. possibly a Proto-Saami. This fact served as a symbolic expression of the commonness — i.e. of the fact that the ruling houses of Norway had their familial roots among the both peoples of the kingdom. The Icelanders also named with confidence the “Finns” (Finnar or Saami) as forefathers of their noble families and this is real because this fact is registered in the Book of Settlements. Accordingly, all the additional fairy stories were just a necessary constituent of the later sagas, or so-called “sagas about ancient times” (fornaldarsögur).

Keywords: Old Norse-Icelandic sagas, fornaldarsögur, the Sami, Finnmörk, Trolls, myth.


Кулешов Ю. А., Олейников О. М., Усольцев П. В., Каменский А. Н. Еще раз о латных перчатках в комплексе вооружения древнерусского воина XIV–XV вв.

Аннотация. В представленной работе публикуются новые находки фрагментов латных перчаток на территории Древней Руси. Данный элемент защитного снаряжения был известен в XIV–XV вв. не только в северо-западной, но и в центральной части. Этот факт имеет большое значение в свете дискуссии об ориентализации в позднесредневековом древнерусском комплексе защитного вооружения.

Ключевые слова: Древняя Русь, военное дело, ориентализация, доспех, латные перчатки.

Kuleshov Yu. A., Oleynikov O. M., Usoltsev P. V., Kamenskiy A. N. Once more on the gauntlets in the complex of weaponry of a Medieval Russian warrior in the 14th–15th cen.

Annotation: Here a fragment of a gauntlet is scientifically published. This object was intended to protect the finger phalanx. It was found during archaeological investigations in 2021 in Ilyina Street in Veliky Novgorod. The subject of gauntlets itself is not a new one for the present authors. Some time ago, they considered previous finds from Veliky Novgorod in their studies. Those were the first evidence of the use of such an element in the complex of armour of a Medieval Russian warrior. However, after their paper saw the light, beyond the boundaries of the Novgorod Land a series of objects have been revealed and published. Having examined the new finds the authors arrived at the conclusion that this material suggests a wider scope of use of gauntlets in Old Rus both in terms of the territorial and chronological aspects. In turn, this fact can present an additional testimony to the argument between the opponents and supporters of the orientalism in the late mediaeval Russian complex of protective armour.

Keywords: Medieval Russia, medieval weapons, “orientalism”, armour, gauntlets.


Салмин С. А., Салмина Е. В. «…а около полисадъ окладывали с обѣих сторон дерном»: археологическое изучение куртины земляной крепости 1700–1702 гг. в Пскове

Аннотация. В ходе спасательных археологических работ в Пскове был произведен разрез участка укреплений земляной крепости (XVIII–XIX вв.). Были изучены составляющие линию обороны инженерные сооружения: гласис, палисад, банкет, фронтальная стена каземата/потерны и выход из нее на стрелковые позиции. Сделаны наблюдения по этапам формирования сооружений и особенностям хода земляных работ 1701–1702 гг.

Ключевые слова: земляная крепость, куртина, гласис, каземат, палисад, Псков.


Salmin S. A., Salmina E. V. “…and the palisade was faced with turf on both sides”: archaeological investigation of the curtain wall of the earthen fortress of 1700–1702 in Pskov

Annotation: In 2014–2015, an area of 270 sq. m between the Savina and Blagoveshchenskaya batteries of the curtain wall of the Pskov earthen fortress was investigated through rescue archaeological excavations. After the defeat of the Russian army in the battle of Narva (1700) the Russian command took measures for strengthening and modernization of the Pskov fortress situated on the route of the potential Swedish offensive. In the course of these activities, additional works were constructed within the main line of the defensives of the city of Pskov on the left (eastern) bank of the Pskova River. The excavations revealed two glacises of different times and a stone structure (passage to a casemate/gallery) and an adjoining banquette constructed of beds of turf fastened with wooden spikes and a stockade from wooden beams sharpened at both ends. It was established that the structures of the original curtain (1701) were piled up simultaneously while the used volumes of earth were transported from the open urban areas during the cold season of the year. This fact is suggested by the presence of parts of human and animal skeletons remained in the anatomical order. Probably the finds of cross pendants and fragments of icon lamp chains also were related with the use of the soil from the area of the nearby church cemeteries of the 16th–17th centuries. The fragments of the ceramic ware are dated mostly to the 17th century suggesting that in the conditions of the winter earth-moving works, mostly the upper layers of the deposits were possible to use. The main composition of the found artefacts is monotonous: gunflints and firestriker flints, fragments of shtof (bottle) glass, footwear tips and fragments of leather footwear. Along with the obtaining of the scientific data proper, we can consider as an important result of the investigations of 2014–2015 also the construction alterations of the project of the new technical tracks so that the trenches would not disturb the stone structures of the 18th century buried under the deposits. The historical relief of the area after the completion of the investigations has been restored.

Keywords: earthen fortress, curtain, glacis, casemate, stockade, Pskov.


Сакса А. И. Кякисалми — Корела (Корельский город). Этапы истории

Аннотация. Статья посвящена истории и результатам археологических раскопок крепости Корела в г. Приозерске на Карельском перешейке, ее эволюции от средневекового племенного городка карел 1294/1295 г. до крепости бастионного типа нового времени. Разные этапы истории «Старой крепости» со всеми изменениями в этническом составе ее жителей наглядно представлены в культурных слоях крепостного двора.

Ключевые слова: крепость Корела, Вуокса, раскопки, культурный слой, материальная культура, карелы, новгородцы, шведы.

Saksa A. I. Kyakisalmi — Korela (Korelian town). Stages of the history

Annotation: First information about Korela is dated to 1294/1295 when the Swedes attempted to seize a small insular Karelian fortress of Kyakisalmi in the mouth of the Vuoksa River. Novgorodians drove away the Swedes and in the same year considerably strengthened the fortress. In 1310, on the Uzerve River (Uusijarvi, i. e. the New River) they built of logs a new wooden town on the rapids having “destroyed the old one”. The chronicle information induced a discussion about the location of the fortress of 1294/1295. It was placed either on the island itself where even now the “Old Fortress” is situated or on the islands in the region of the mouth of the Vuoksa in the area of the modern town of Priozersk. With the purpose of finding the answer to this question and to obtain data on the cultural deposits of the Korelsky Gorodok (“Korela Townlet”), A. N. Kirpichnikov in the 1970s undertook excavations at different parts of the fortress. The author of the excavations when considering the question about the relation between the fortress of Kyakisalmi, originally mentioned in the chronicle (1295), and the “new town” built by the Novgorodians in 1310 arrives at the conclusion that the newly built “Korelsky Gorodok” (Korela) was founded in a new place. The construction of 1310 was conducted according to a single plan and during a short term. The excavations revealed that the mediaeval cultural remains are divided into two building horizons with the general thickness of 0,5–2,6 m growing towards the edges of the isle. The upper horizon according to the dendrochronological evidence is dated to 1360–1380. The boundary between this horizon and the layer lying beneath is constituted by a charry which can be corresponding to the fire of 1360 mentioned in the chronicle. The lower horizon is dated to 1310–1360. Along with Novgorodians, also Karelians lived in the “town” according to the information mentioned in the chronicle. Below, the horizon of 1310–1360 was underlain by a layer of coarse-grained sand which was taken by the archaeologists for the virgin soil. The conclusion of the author was that on the island there was the fortress of Korela newly built by the Novgorodians in 1310 and hence the precedent Karelian fortress should be sought for in another place. In 1989, 1990 and 1992, we conducted excavations (80 sq. m) in the north-eastern corner of the fortress, to the west from the excavations by A. N. Kirpichnikov of 1975 and 1976. The most of the excavated area was occupied by the lower part of a massive stone Swedish building of the 17th cen. Inside the latter, on a layer of sand, two lower rows of constructions of the 13th cen. were cleared out. In 1989–1990, in the western section of the excavation, under a thick layer of the building debris and lenses of clay there were recorded a layer of black soil with wood splinters and finds of pottery, bones of domestic animals and different artefacts including eight lead seals belonging to deputies of the Novgorod church hierarch of the middle — third quarter of the 15th cen. Beneath, at a depth of 130–150 cm, a horizon of wood dated to the 1330–1370s was revealed. Under it, at a depth of 180–220 cm from the modern surface, a layer of coarse-grain sand began which previously had been considered as virgin soil. In it, intercalations of wooden chips were recorded as well as a considerable number of different artefacts. The presence of ornaments of Karelian types and pottery, as well as earlier wares and ornaments of the 8th–11th cen. lead to the supposition that the sand was brought to the edge of the island in order to expand its area from a place where possibly a settlement of the 13th cen. and a still earlier burial ground of the 8th–11th cen. were located. At the depth of 260 cm in the southwestern section of the excavation, still another horizon of wood was revealed lying immediately on the virgin soil of blue clay. This was the very edge of the initial settlement represented by logs laid in the west–east direction and constituting the bank platform. It was occupied in the 13th cen. and was considerably smaller in dimensions. Thus in the territory of the island, the both fortresses under consideration were situated. At this small excavated area we found traces of the events of 1294/1295 and 1310 reflected in the Novgorod chronicle and the Swedish Erik’s Chronicle. These events were probably related with the presence of the Swedes in the already existing Karelian fortress soon afterwards occupied by the Novgorodians, its strengthening and, finally, with the construction of the new “town” of Korela— “Korelsky Gorodok” by the Novgorodians.

Keywords: Fortress of Korela, Vuoksa, excavations, cultural layer, material culture, Karelians, Novgorodians, Swedes.




Иов О. В., Метельский А. А. (подготовка) Дискуссионные вопросы ранней истории Турова Х — начала ХI в.

Аннотация. В статье исследуется вопрос о локализации летописного Турова Х — начала ХІ в. На основании анализа археологического и картографического материала автор предлагает рассматривать в его качестве археологический комплекс у дер. Юровичи Калинковичского района Гомельской области.

Ключевые слова: Туров, Юровичи, Киевская Русь, Ярослав Мудрый, Святополк Ярополчич.

Iov O. V., Metel’skiy A. A. (preparing for publication) Arguable questions of the early history of Turov of the 10th — early 11th cen.

Annotation: The archaeological investigations conducted in Turov in the second half of the 20th cen. showed that the city began to be actively developed there only since the mid-11th cen. that posed the question of where the town was located in the 10th — beginning of the 11th cen. Analysis of the archaeological and cartographic evidence, written documents and other indirect sources suggested the hypothesis that Turov of the 10th — early 11th cen. was located in the area of the modern village of Yurovichi of the Kalinkovich district of Gomel Oblast where there is an archaeological complex (a detinets or kremlin, surrounding fortifications, suburbs, a kurgan burial ground and a separate hillfort ‘Tserkovishche’) dated to the 10th— early 11th cen. Turov of the 10th — early 11th cen. in the area of the modern village of Yurovichi was destroyed by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the course of the struggle against Svyatopolk Yaroslavich. Afterwards its population was moved to a new place where Turov is now situated and which has retained the name of the precedent city. Occupation of the settlement in the place of Turov of the 10th — early 11th cen. continued in the second half of the 11th — 13th cen. but it had not reached the flowering of the old Turov because the beginning of the development of the towns of Bragin and Mozyr situated nearby. After the devastation of Turov of the 10th— beginning of the 11th cen. by Yaroslav the Wise the remaining settlement was renamed by him in his own honour to Yuryev which was his name by baptism. This name with time was transformed to Yurovichi.

Keywords: Turov, Yurovichi, Kievan Rus, Yaroslav the Wise, Svyatopolk Yaropolchich.


Сорокин П. Е. Крепость Ниеншанц в первой половине — середине XVII в.

Аннотация. В статье рассказывается о фортификационных сооружениях крепости Ниеншанц до середины XVII в., изученных на основе историко-археологических сведений, связи ранних земляных укреплений Ниеншанца с Ландскроной и незавершенном проекте их перестройки. Подробно рассматриваются конструктивные элементы: крепостные рвы, фоссебрея, частоколы, мост, каменное основание замковой постройки.

Ключевые слова: крепость, Ниеншанц, замок, цитадель, частокольные заграждения, фоссебрея, оборонительный ров, бастион, куртина, дерновые кладки, крепостной мост.

Sorokin P. E. The fortress of Nyenskans in the first half/middle of the 17th cen.

Annotation: Through the results of the investigations, three major building periods of Nyenskans are distinguishable: I — 1611–1643, II — 1643–1656, and III — 1658–1703. They are characterized by a complete reconstruction and changes in the configuration of the main fortifications. The fortifications of the first period (1611–1643) retained the planigraphic continuity from the defences of Landskrona. This circumstance defined the system of fortifications built by the Swedes basing on the defensive structure of the previous period. Judging through historical plans of the 1640, the basis of the defensive installations of early Nyenskans was represented by a regular castle — the royal court built in the central part of the Okhta promontory in the place of the half-destroyed wood and earth platform of Landskrona. Its buildings were arranged in the form of a square and, judging through the archaeological evidence, were wood-and-earthen with a stone basement. From the outside, the fortress was protected by three lines of the mediaeval ditches which had remained in the locality. Evidently, the construction was far from being completed, as the events of 1656 demonstrated when the fortress was seized by Russian forces without striking a blow. After the cease of the war activities in the early 1660s, the construction was resumed but already according to a new project moving the fortress to the south onto a broader part of the promontory that allowed to expand the dimensions of its defensive lines and thus to raise the defence capacity.

Keywords: fortress, Nyenskans, castle, citadel, palisade barriers, fausse-braie, defensive ditch, bastion, curtain wall, turf masonry, fortress bridge.


Васильев С. А., Григорьева Н. В., Павлова М. С., Семенов С. А., Семенов К. В. Результаты ландшафтно-археологических наблюдений на территории Ладожского Земляного городища и перспективы дальнейших исследований

Аннотация. В ходе работы по изучению современного ландшафта территории Земляного городища была выявлена ошибка в разметочной сетке центральной и южной частей раскопов В. И. Равдоникаса, которая сохранялась и при исследованиях А. Н. Кирпичникова в южной части памятника. Это важные наблюдения, при верификации которых существует возможность подкорректировать и уточнить существующие схемы планиграфии застройки древнего поселения.

Ключевые слова: Старая Ладога, средневековье, Земляное городище, В. И. Равдоникас, междисциплинарные исследования.

Vasilyev S. A., Grigoryeva N. V., Pavlova M. S., Semenov S. A., Semenov K. V. Results of landscape-archaeological studies of the area of Staraya Ladoga Zemlyanoye Gorodishche and prospects of further investigations

Annotation: In 2022 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Staraya Ladoga Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture (IHMC, formerly the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archaeology AS USSR). The expedition was headed for many years by Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov. The archaeological investigations at Zemlyanoye Gorodishche (Earthen Hillfort) have been continued with some interruptions already for over a hundred years, in the course of which more than 2000 sq m of the old settlement have been investigated. In 2021–2022, the Staraya Ladoga Archaeological Expedition and the Leningrad Oblast Expedition of IHMC RAS conducted joint studies at Zemlyanoye Gorodishche. The field investigations have resulted in drawing of an actual levelling plan of Zemlyanoye Gorodishche (Fig. 1), an orthophotoplan (Fig. 2) and obtaining of a digital model of its modern relief (Fig. 3). Through comparison of the features of the modern landscape of the site and drawings of the excavation areas by expeditions of precedent years, it has been succeeded to reconstruct the marking grid of excavations by the expedition of V. I. Ravdonikas. The direction of the latter excavation areas does not correspond to the outlines of the unfilled excavation pit of 1957–1959 in the south-western section of the hillfort (Fig. 4). Also excavation 3 conducted by A. N. Kirpichnikov in 1999 has been referenced against the edge of that old excavation. This fact produced erroneous marking for the newly investigated areas. The revealed error has not been accounted for in creation of the plan of the old settlement so that now the latter needs an additional check.

Keywords: Staraya Ladoga, Middle Ages, Zemlyanoye Gorodishche, V. I. Ravdonikas, interdisciplinary investigations.




Медведева М. В., Кукина Д. А. Страницы семейной хроники. Неизвестное фотографическое наследие Г. Ф. Корзухиной и Н. Н. Воронина

Аннотация. Статья вводит в научный оборот неизвестные ранее фотографии из личного семейного архива археологов Г. Ф. Корзухиной и Н. Н. Воронина. На основании ряда фактов и деталей устанавливается возможная датировка снимков 1920–1930-ми гг., воссоздается контекст, в котором они были сделаны: аспирантская жизнь и научная работа семейной пары.

Ключевые слова: Г. Ф. Корзухина, Н. Н. Воронин, история науки, ГАИМК, аспирантура в СССР в 1920-е гг., фотографии, архив ИИМК РАН, археология.

M. V. Medvedeva, D. A. Kukina Pages of the family chronicles. Unknown photographic heritage of G. F. Korzukhina and N. N. Voronin

Annotation: Among the visual sources for archaeology, photographic portraits of the researchers are represented by rather rare examples. Still more infrequently we find photos of archaeologists in their young years in the times of their first expeditions and studies at postgraduate courses. In 2020, at the photographic department of the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS, an interesting series of glass negatives was revealed among the family photocollection of the well known mediaeval archaeologists Nikolay Nikolaevich Voronin and Gali Feodorovna Korzukhina. These photos belong to the period of the late 1920s–1930s. G. F. Korzukhina and N. N. Voronin married in 1926. They were united not only through the family life but also by common scientific interests. They were taught together in the Leningrad State University and then almost simultaneously entered the postgraduate courses at GAIMK (State Academy for the History of Material Culture); they both studied the history of Russian architecture with one and the same supervisor of studies, Prof. of Architecture K. K. Romanov, and together went to expeditions. N. N. Voronin, taken to the postgraduate courses at GAIMK in 1928, was occupied mostly with monuments of the Russian architecture of the 16th–17th century. During the years of his training he actively participated in expeditions and business trips, was occupied with measurements and photographing of already known sites and new ones just discovered. The scientific interests of G. F. Korzukhina during the postgraduate courses were concentrated on the architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal region of the 12th–13th century. The supervisor of studies invariably highly estimated the work of the postgraduate students. The two researchers both successfully graduated from the courses and after some time became workers of GAIMK. The photographs here published reflect the life of the postgraduate students and workers of the Academy of the History of Material Culture in the second half of the 1920s — early 1930s and allow us to feel the situation in that epoch. The photos supplement much our views of N. N. Voronin and G. F. Korzukhina presenting documentary evidence about the best years of their family history.

Keywords: G. F. Korzukhina, N. N. Voronin, history of science, GAIMK, postgraduate courses in the USSR in the 1920s, photographs, Archives of IHMC RAS, archaeology.


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