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"Археологические вести". Спб., 2022. Выпуск 37. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 37 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2022. — 306 c.: ил.



В очередной номер журнала «Археологические вести» включены статьи, посвященные новейшим исследованиям в области археологии, истории и культуры. В серии работ, входящих в раздел «Новые открытия и исследования», рассматриваются отдельные категории археологических древностей от каменного века до XX в.; вводятся в научный оборот материалы поселения времен неолита и раннего железного века Голик в низовьях р. Луги (Ленинградская обл.); анализируется технология изготовления керамики цедмарской культуры IV тыс. до н. э. в Юго-Восточной Прибалтике, а также застройка городища Мирмекий в римский период. В специальный раздел включены статьи по актуальным проблемам археологии, в которых обобщается материал поселений со шнуровой керамикой на юго-западном побережье Финского залива; на основе естественнонаучных методов характеризуется рацион питания населения римского времени в Херсонесе Таврическом; рассматриваются находки, свидетельствующие о христианских (несторианских) традициях в Семиречье. Кроме того, в журнале представлены рецензии на новейшие публикации и работы по организации и истории науки. Среди авторов — ученые из различных центров России, Киргизии, Швеции и Японии.


The current issue of the Archaeological News includes articles devoted to the most recent researches in the sphere of archaeology, history and culture. The series of papers New discoveries and studies considers particular categories of archaeological antiquities dated from the Stone Age to the 20th century; materials from the Neolithic and early Iron Age site of Golik at the lower reaches of the Luga River (Leningrad Oblast) are published; the technology of pottery making of the Zedmar culture of the 4th millennium BC in the South-West Baltic region is analyzed, as well as the topography of buildings at the site of Myrmekion in the Roman period. A special section presents papers on the present-day problems of archaeology summarizing the evidence from settlements with corded ware at the South-Western littoral of the Gulf of Finland; on the basis of natural scientific methods, the diet type of the population of Tauric Chersonesos of the Roman time is characterized; the finds indicating Christian (Nestorian) traditions in the Semirechye (Zhetysu) area are discussed. In addition, in this yearbook, reviews of the most recent publications and works on the organization and history of science are presented. Among the present authors there are scholars from different centres in Russia, Kirghizia, Sweden and Japan.


Хвощинская Н. В. От редакции. К 30-летию издания журнала ИИМК РАН «Археологические вести»

Khvoshchinskaya. N. V. From the editor.To the 30th anniversary of the publication of the journal “Archaeological news”




Городилов А. Ю., Раззак М. А. Результаты раскопок на поселении Галик 11 в 2021 г.

Аннотация. Поселение Галик 11 расположено в нижнем течении р. Луги в регионе юго-восточной части Финского залива и было открыто в 2020 г. В раскопе 2021 г. основными находками являются древности шнуровой керамики, обнаруженные в нескольких скоплениях. На поселении впервые выявлены немногочисленные фрагменты неолитических сосудов поздней гребенчатой керамики. Также впервые на памятнике и в целом в регионе найдено поселение раннего железного века со штрихованной керамикой. В результате двух лет исследований получены опорные комплексы для различных культурно-хронологических групп населения региона от эпохи неолита вплоть до раннего железного века.

Ключевые слова: поселение, юго-восточное побережье Финского залива, неолит, культура шнуровой керамики, штрихованная керамика.

Gorodilov A. Yu., Razzak M. A. Results of excavation at the settlement site of Galik 11 in 2021

Annotation: Settlement of Galik 11 is situated on the lower Luga River in the south-eastern area of the Gulf of Finland. It is tied with the Galik palaeo-spit ranged along the western slope of the Kurovitsy Plateau at the distance of 0,7 km from the right bank of the Luga River. The excavations at the site were started in 2020 and 1550 sq. m were then investigated. The excavation of 2021 was located 100 m to the north from the place of the precedent works and had an area of 2,456 sq. m. The investigation yielded materials of different cultural and chronological groups while the predominant majority of the finds belong to the Corded Ware culture (86 % of fragments of the pottery). The finds from different periods were planigraphically separated. The antiquities of the Pit-Comb Ware ceramic tradition (first half — middle of the 4th mil. BC) are dated to the earliest stage of the settlement of this territory. Fragments of at least two vessels of this type have been found. They lay within the limits of a single area where the majority of pottery fragments, an accumulation of stones, a fireplace, and a pit were revealed. Rather rare finds of this type ware were retrieved also from the excavation of the previous year. Fragments of the later comb pottery represent a Neolithic type ware previously unknown at the settlement. They belonged to two different jars. The antiquities of the Corded Ware culture from the excavation of the previous year are radiocarbon dated to the second half of the 3rd mil. BC. At the excavation of 2021, they formed five distinct accumulations. Accumulation “Д” was the largest and richest in finds being found near the western edge of the excavation area and the seaward bank. Its dimensions were about 35 × 10 m. It contained the remains of a bonfire and traces of a cultural layer lithologically expressed in the form of humic spots. Here, fragments of pottery were found as well as a series of stone abrasives, some stone artefacts related to production of quartz tools, and three fragments of drilled stone axes. The other accumulations were of a lesser area; in three of them a fireplace and remains of a bonfire were found. Totally at least 73 vessels have been revealed belonging to the corded ware. They contained admixtures of burnt organics constituting chaotically arranged cavities left by thin fibres and small caverns. The majority of the vessels were kitchen ware represented by examples of two types: weakly profiled broad-mouthed flat-bottomed jars and broad-mouthed flat-bottomed examples with a slightly marked S-like profile. Also fragments of a few miniature thin-walled vessels were present. The predominant majority of the pottery was decorated with imprints of cord, impressed lines, pits and prickings. At the settlement of Galik 11, antiquities of the Early Iron Age with hatched ware were first revealed. They were found in the south-eastern section of the excavation around two fireplaces. At least 14 vessels have been identified; in addition, a pair of iron pincers were retrieved. Some of the pots were decorated with pits ranged in a row on the cut of the rim or in groups on the upper body of the vessels. The closest parallels to these finds are represented by antiquities found in tarand burial cemeteries (burial grounds with stone fences around the graves) located on the Izhora Heights 30–50 km from the site of Galik 11. The two years of excavation have resulted in obtaining reference assemblages for different cultural and chronological groups of population of the region under study from the Neolithic epoch until the Early Iron Age.

Keywords: settlement, south-east of the Gulf of Finland, Neolithic, Corded Ware culture, hatched ware.


Ткач Е. С., Кулькова М. А., Шумкин В. Я. Посуда цедмарской культуры: технологический аспект (на основании керамики памятника Цедмар Д, Юго-Восточная Прибалтика)

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты изучения технологии изготовления керамики на поселении Цедмар Д (Калининградская область, Юго-Восточная Прибалтика). Схожие по технологии и хронологии сосуды прослеживаются среди материалов Южной Польши (поздний этап припятно-неманской культуры — памятники типа Дубичай), а также среди материалов культур воронковидных кубков. Широкое распространение примеси раковины в тесте сосудов может быть связано с влиянием традиции населения нарвской культуры.

Ключевые слова: лесной неолит, цедмарская культура, Юго-Восточная Прибалтика, технология изготовления керамики, петрографический анализ.

Tkach E. S., Kulkova M. A., Shumkin V. Ya. Zedmar culture pottery: technological aspects (based on ceramic from Zedmar D site, South-Eastern Baltic)

Annotation: The materials from the Zedmar D site were first distinguished in the beginning of the 20th cen. and the further regular investigations here were conducted in the 1970s. The majority of the finds are represented by artefacts of the Zedmar culture dated to the 4th mil. BC. Similar sites were revealed in Kaliningrad Oblast and in north-east Poland. The pottery is constituted of two groups: vessels with mineral or organic tempers in the ceramic paste. Analysis of the technology of manufacture of this pottery showed that the both groups little differ from each other. For making the vessels the clay was used from outcrops found beyond the limits of the site and rather far from it. Mostly lean and fat clay species of a smectite-carbonate composition were employed and they were characteristic of vessels with addition both of shells and gruss. Either organic tempers (mollusc shells, plants) or mineral additions (gruss, ceramic grog, sand) served as nonplastic materials. Admixtures of sand and grog are however encountered rather rarely. The vessels were modelled in the coil technique with the bands fixed with an overlap (N-, S-junction). The surface of the vessels is smoothed on inside and outside (mostly as the ware with shell admixtures is concerned), however also traces of multidirectional “combing” often are found. The surface was treated before applying the decoration. The jars were then shortly baked in fires. According to the radiocarbon dates and chronological column worked out by W. Guminski, the materials from Zedmar D site belong to the late, advanced stages of the Zedmar culture i.e. to the period of 5100–4200 cal BP (Gumiński, 2020. P. 127, 128). These dates also are confirmed by the data obtained through analysis of the charcoal crust on the pottery under consideration (Ткач, Кулькова, 2020. С. 99, рис. 1). Vessels similar in technology and chronology are identifiable among the materials from southern Poland (late stage of the Pripyat-Neman culture — sites of the Dubichay type), as well as among materials of the Funnel Beaker Culture. The wide distribution of shell tempering of the ceramic paste is possibly due to the influence of the tradition of people of the Narva culture (the results of petrographic analysis demonstrate intentional crushing of the shells and their admixture to the ceramic paste. For another opinion see Gumiński, 2011. P. 95).

Keywords: forest Neolithic, Zedmar culture, South-Eastern Baltic, technology of pottery-making, petrographic analysis.


Саблин М. В., Иохина И. И., Ильцевич К. Ю. Фаунистический комплекс поселения Голубицкая 2

Аннотация. В статье изложены результаты исследования остеологического материала с античного «сельского» поселения Голубицкая 2 на Таманском полуострове из раскопок 2007–2021 гг. В VI–III вв. до н. э. его жители вели оседло-земледельческий образ жизни. Рыболовство играло существенную роль в хозяйственной деятельности поселенцев. Проведено сравнение с данными коллег-археозоологов с других античных поселений Восточного Крыма и Таманского полуострова.

Ключевые слова: Таманский полуостров, греческая колонизация, остеологический материал, охота, рыболовство, состав стада.

Sablin M. V., Iokhina I. I., Iltsevich K. Yu. The faunistic complex of the site of Golubitskaya 2

Annotation: This paper presents the results of an investigation of the osteological material from the Classical settlement of Golubitskaya 2 (Krasnodar Kray, Taman Peninsula Russia). In total, 11,249 identifiable osseous fragments have been recorded from six excavations (2007–2021) of cultural layers of the 6th–3rd cen. The osteological material comes from the zone of the defensive ditch and rampart, as well as from numerous objects in the adjoining area of the settlement site. At Golubitskaya, hunting was only a supplementary source of food: hunted wild animals included hares, wolves, brown bears, wild boars and red deer. The ratio of bird remains among the osteological finds is rather small. At the same time, fishing was actively pursued at Golubitskaya 2. The ratio of the remains of domestic animals from the settlement of Golubitskaya 2 definitely suggests the settled agricultural way of life of its residents. The herds were pastured most probably in the closest surroundings. The article presents a comparison of our materials with the data on the fauna at other Classical settlements of East Crimea and the Taman Peninsula.

Keywords: Taman Peninsula, Greek colonization, osteological material, fishery, composition of the fish species.


Бочкарев В. С., Климушина А. И., Кожуховская Ю. В., Полевода В. А. Новый клад металлических изделий эпохи бронзы из Северо-Западного Крыма

Аннотация. В статье публикуется новый клад металлических изделий с территории Северо-Западного Крыма. Он был обнаружен случайно, вне культурного контекста. Комплекс в основном состоит из плоских топоров-тесел одного из ранних типов бронзового века. На основании типологического анализа предметов клада предлагается его датировка и связь с металлопроизводством, как местным, так и соседних территорий. Если подтвердится предложенная датировка, то этот комплекс будет одним из самых ранних кладов эпохи бронзы в степной зоне Восточной Европы.

Ключевые слова: клад металлических изделий, типологический анализ, эпоха бронзы, Крым.

Bochkarev V. S., Klimushina A. I., Kozhukhovskaya Yu. V., Polevoda V. A. A new hoard of metal objects of the Bronze Age from the North-Western Crimea

Annotation: This paper publishes a new hoard of metal objects from the area of the North-Western Crimea. It was discovered accidentally in 2015 near the village of Severny (Chernomorsk District, Republic of Crimea). No other cultural remains were revealed at the findspot of the hoard. The finder submitted the articles of the hoard to the Central Museum of Tauris (city of Simferopol). The complex consisted of 12 pieces of metal (copper or bronze). The basis of the hoard was constituted by flat axes/adzes (9 items). In terms of their morphology, they are divided into two groups. Three other objects (two tetrahedral rods and still another one with a hammered rectangular head) were difficult to identify functionally. In order to date and define the cultural belonging of this collection, the authors of this paper have concentrated their attention at analysis of the flat axes/adzes. The adzes have the closest and most numerous parallels among East-European materials of the steppe Eneolithic and at sites of the Early and Middle Bronze Age. The classification of the adzes from the hoard was conducted applying the statistic method, i.e. through the correlation of two indices (A and B). Index A takes in account the proportional ratio between the length of the tool and the width of its blade (A = L/S1). Index B is the ratio between the width of the blade and the width of the axe back (B = S1/S2). In order to define the place of the axes/adzes from the Severny hoard among analogous tools of the Bronze Age and thus to date it, a comparison was made using the mentioned indices (A and B) with adzes from the Eneolithic Age and examples from sites of the Early and Middle Bronze Age (Maykop, Yamnaya and early Catacomb cultures). The results of the comparison are presented in the plot (Fig. 3). The adzes from the hoard under consideration are found in the plot within the zone of concentration of tools of the Maykop and, predominantly, Yamnaya (Pit-Grave) cultures. This fact has allowed the authors to presume that the hoard is dated to the Early Bronze Age. If the proposed date of the complex under study is confirmed through further investigations then we are dealing with the earliest Bronze Age hoard from the steppe zone of East Europe.

Keywords: hoard of metal objects, typological analysis, Bronze Age, Crimea.


Кристиансен К. Орнаментированные удила бронзового века из оленьего рога: связующее звено между Данией, Венгрией и Грецией

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются находки конских псалий из оленьего рога, свидетельствующие о распространении колесниц в бронзовом веке от Карпат и Балкан до Дании.

Ключевые слова: конские псалии, распространение колесниц, Дания, Греция, Венгрия, бронзовый век.

Kristiansen Kr. Middle Bronze Age decorated antler horse bits: bridging Denmark, Hungary and Greece

Annotation: The 16th century BCE chariot horizon in Europe. Vadim Bocharev has contributed greatly to our understanding of the wider connections of the Bronze Age Age around the Black Sea (Dergacev, Bochkarev, 2006) as well as the chariot horizon between 2000– 1500 BCE. Here I wish to speculate about what created such a widespread distribution by comparing three rather similar, and yet geographically separated horse bits from Denmark, Hungary and Greece (Vandkilde, 2014. Fig, 7; Earle, Kristiansen, 2010. Fig. 8: 4; Maran, van de Moortel, 2014. Fig. 6). Helle Vandkilde has documented a corridor of cultural, technological and probably social innovations, which during the 17–16thcenturies BCE connected the Carpathians and south Scandinavia (Vandkilde, 2014. Fig. 5). However, we find a similar corridor, if not as well documented, connecting the Carpathians with the Balkans and Greece during the same period. It included rapiers as well as silver as documented by Laura Dietrich (Dietrich, 2010), and more extensively by Wolfgang David (David, 2001). Common for all three regions is the first occurrence of decorated antler horse bits, which belonged to the expansion of the chariot horizon, that unified large areas of western Eurasia during the early to mid 2nd millennium BCE (Chechushkow, Epimakhov, 2018; Kristiansen, Larsson, 2005. Fig. 79). In addition the chariot horizon also shared an elaborate style of wavy bands and rolling spirals, suggesting an elite horizon with widespread connections (Kristiansen, Larsson, 2005. Fig. 77). But who belonged to this elite horizon and how did it spread — through conquest, or through specialist horse trainers and chariot builders? Or some combination? How did the antler horse bits and the chariot horizon expand? In order to provide some possible answers let us move from the known to the unknown. It is well documented from Late Bronze Age written sources in the Near East that horse trainers were moving around and attached to royal courts to teach their training skills, a result of which was the surviving Kikkuli manual for training of chariot horses (Raulwing, Meyer, 2004). Dressage begins here, as you must be able to control your horses in the battlefield. Thus, while chariots and horses can be traded, they are worthless without specialists to train them. And you also need training programs for the charioteer, in order to maneuver horses and chariot. Not to speak of craft specialists to produce the new complicated sets of horse gear, even if that could also for a start be traded in from specialist centers. But to adopt chariotry is to adopt a new complex institution with demands on specialist training and maintenance in everything from horses, their training and nurturing, to the production and maintenance of chariots and horse gear, not to speak of a new class of elite warriors. Therefore we must envisage that the spread of the chariot horizon among Bronze Age chiefly elites was accompanied by groups of trainers of both horses and charioteers, that is, unless we speak about military conquest, which would then introduce the whole package by force. We know from the Near East the two often walked hand in hand, but could also be separated. For Europe then, I suggest a related pattern: we should see the chariot horizon as the materialization of a new institution of aristocratic warriors who could use the demands of chariotry to establish a new powerful institution, which put new demands on economic support in the form of tribute. Even if the chariots were not engaged in organized chariot warfare as in the Middle East, their use by elites for racing, and show, among other things, demanded the same kind of specialist training and economic support. This again would spur demands for conquering or controlling larger territories with more producers. The tell settlements of the Balkans and Carpathians could, at least in part, be seen as a response to such a new more hierarchical political organization/economy (Earle, Kristiansen, 2010. Fig. 8, 9). In Denmark it coincides with the introduction of new elaborate metalwork and weapons, decorated with the same wavy bands and rolling spirals, as well as the construction of new three aisled long houses, some of enormous proportions with stables for cattle, and why not — horses? (Kveiborg, 2019). The rise of Mycenean culture during the same period was undoubtedly also linked to the formation and establishment of such a new ruling warrior aristocracy (Maran, van de Moortel, 2014). The traveling specialists which accompanied the introduction of this new institution whether through trade or conquest were responsible for expanding the horse gear and its highly elaborate decoration linked to this new institution. It explains why we find similarly decorated antler bits from Denmark to Greece during the formative centuries between 1750–1500 BCЕ, and it explains why we find chariots on rock art in Scandinavia and on early Mycenaean grave stelae during the same period. Traders, warriors and horse trainers/crafts specialists were on the move, and in addition to horses they also brought new knowledge of how to train them, and the knowledge of how to produce the new chariots and their elaborate horse gear from strappings to decorated bridles.

Keywords: horse bits, distribution of chariots, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Bronze Age.


Зуев В. Ю. Четвертая серия зеркал борисфенитского типа

Аннотация. В статье публикуются сведения о 20 бронзовых зеркалах, относящихся по классификации автора к четвертой серии зеркал борисфенитского типа. Дается обоснование разделения этих зеркал на два варианта, охарактеризованы признаки этих вариантов. Автор полагает, что все зеркала данной серии были изготовлены методом литья по утрачиваемой восковой модели в одной мастерской города-полиса Борисфен на о. Березань во второй половине VI в. до н. э. Ареал их распространения характеризует наиболее важные центры культуры Скифии эпохи архаики, которые имели тесную связь с полисом, основанным в Побужье выходцами из Милета.

Ключевые слова: Скифия эпохи архаики, Борисфен, бронзовые зеркала борисфенитского типа.

Zuev V. Yu. Borysthenite type mirrors of the fourth series

Annotation: The mirrors considered in the article undoubtedly form a single series of artistic casting, performed in one workshop in two versions. The difference in the details of these mirrors, taking into account the general conditions of their manufacture by casting on a wax model, excludes the possibility of their manufacture in different workshops of Scythia or in different production centers of the Greek city-states of the North coast of the Black Sea in the second half of the 4th cen. BC. The discovery of several mirrors of this series in well-dated complexes of the Olbia necropolis and sets of implements from Scythian burials preserved for archaeological dating allow the entire collected series of mirrors to be dated to this particular time period, as well as their belonging to the Greek and Scythian archaic eras. The introduced term — mirrors of the Borysthenite type gives grounds to assert that the place of their production was the city of Borysthenes, whose economic ties with various regions of Scythia explain the breadth of their distribution.

Keywords: Scythia of the Archaic era, Boristhen, bronze mirrors of the Borysthenite type.


Лимберис Н. Ю., Марченко И. И., Кондратенко А. В. Меотские сероглиняные амфоры

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются типология и хронология особого вида меотских сосудов — сероглиняных амфор на кольцевом поддоне. Большинство сосудов было встречено в погребениях вместе с греческими тарными амфорами. Появление этого вида сосудов у меотов относится к первой четверти IV в. до н. э., а производились и использовались они на протяжении всего IV в. до н. э., заходя в первую четверть III в. до н. э. Морфологические признаки сосудов демонстрируют разнообразие технических приемов и навыков в гончарном ремесле местного населения правобережья Кубани.

Ключевые слова: Прикубанье, меотская культура, сероглиняные амфоры, типология, хронология.

Limberis N. Yu., Marchenko I. I., Kondratenko A. V. Maeotian grey-ware amphorae

Annotation: Grey-ware amphorae with ring-footed base manufactured on a rapidly rotating potter’s wheel constitute a special type of Maeotian pottery of the 4th cen. BC. The number of grey-ware amphorae currently known from the burial grounds on the right bank of the Kuban River (22 specimens) makes it possible to develop their typology and chronology. According to the technique of attaching the handles, these vessels are divided into four groups, within which different variants are distinguishable according to the shape of the neck. The dimensional characteristics of the amphorae allowed to single out among them table vessels of small volume (from 20 to 33 cm high) and large examples (36–46 cm high) that were used to store liquid and, possibly, dry foods. In general, the grey-ware vessels repeat the morphology of Greek household amphorae, which are attributed to table and storage purposes among materials from the Athenian Agora excavations. The Maeotians adopted not only the shape of a two-handled vessel on a ring base, but also specific techniques for making rims (collar rim, tie-on rim), which are clearly discernible on some specimens. For most specimens of grey-ware amphorae found in assemblages together with Greek container amphorae, fairly narrow dates are established. The chronology of the earliest burials with vessels of variants 2a, 2б, and 3б is limited to the first quarter of the 4th cen. BC. One of the amphorae of variant 2б is dated to the first half of the 4th cen. BC. One amphora of variant 1a, four amphorae of variants 2a, 2г and an amphora group 4 are dated to within the limits of the second — third quarters of the 4th cen. BC. The most ‘compact’ proved to be variant 3a, the chronology of which can be limited to within the span of the last quarter of the 4th — the first quarter of the 3rd cen. BC. Amphorae of variants 3б and 3в were used approximately from the middle to the end of the 4th cen. BC or perhaps until the beginning of the next century. The chronological group of the 4th — early 3rd cen. BC comprises three burials with amphorae of variants 2a, 2в and 3в, as well as a separate find of variant 1б. It follows from the chronology of the burials and types of the grey-ware amphorae that vessels of this kind appeared among the Maeotians in the first quarter of the 4th cen. BC and they were produced and used throughout the 4th cen. BC going into the first quarter of the 3rd cen. BC. The morphological features of these vessels (shape of the body, neck, rim and the way of fastening the handles) demonstrate a variety of techniques and skills in the pottery of the local population on the right bank of the Kuban River.

Keywords: Kuban region, Maeotian culture, grey-ware amphorae, typology, chronology.


Милихина Н. М. Проблемы исследования Мирмекия римского времени (топографический аспект)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются основные результаты археологического изучения комплексов римского времени, открытых на городище Мирмекий. Накопленные данные позволяют вновь обратиться к вопросу об особенностях пространственной организации поселения, предположить наличие плотной застройки в западной и центральной частях памятника, а также наметить пути будущих исследований.

Ключевые слова: Боспор Киммерийский, Мирмекий, проблемы топографии, I–III вв. н. э.

Milikhina N. M. Problems in the studies of Myrmekion of the Roman period (topographical aspect)

Annotation: The article presents the main results of excavations of complexes of the 1st–3rd cen. AD at the archaeological site of Myrmekion. Despite the absence of summarizing works devoted to the development of this settlement during the Roman period, the materials obtained since 1934 until now through field investigations allow us to understand in general the peculiarities of its special organization and to contemplate the directions of the future researches. Building remains of the Roman time have been discovered practically throughout all the excavated areas (Fig. 1). Their majority is represented by ordinary dwelling and economic houses. In addition, production complexes of this period are known — six wineries and several fish-salting cisterns. The discovery of them in 1934–1966 allowed the archaeologists to consider Myrmekion of the mid-1st — late 3rd cen. AD as a small agrarian town or village (Гайдукевич, 1958б. С. 213). The absence of fortification installations, public buildings, as well as of traces of a densely built area in the first century AD led the researchers to the conclusion that buildings occupied only isolated plots of aland in Myrmekion, the latter having lost its compactly built-up area during that period. The presence of expansive spaces without houses is suggested by materials from excavations at sector “И” where no late structures have been revealed over a considerable area of the former Hellenistic block. However the results of investigations of 1956 in the central section of the site should also be noted. Possibly, two of the masonries up to 20 m long revealed here could have served as the fences of a large economic property functioning throughout the 1st–3rd cen. AD (Fig. 2, в). This courtyard was surrounded on the west, south and east by many-room dwelling houses while on the north it was flanked by a high ashy hill of the Hellenistic epoch (Fig. 2, а). Moreover, the excavations of the last years have allowed the researchers to gain more precise data on the structure of the built-up area adjoining the acropolis of Myrmekion. The excavations continued from 2008 until now at sector “TC” have shown that within the area of ca 600 sq. m, a large farmhouse was functioning in the 1st–3rd cen. AD including numerous dwelling and economic rooms organized around several expansive properties (Fig. 3, 1; 4). The northern boundary of this complex still has not been excavated but the rooms uncovered at sector “P” presumably also made parts of this farmhouse. If this is true we may suppose that the hilly western area of Myrmekion was built-up with a number of farmhouses of a very considerable size. These houses can have belonged to representatives of the Bosporan elite. In the central section there were some more modest properties; some of their owners also were fairly prosperous as may be judged from the retrieved pieces of painted stucco and finds of valuable objects. At the same time, the production complexes were concentrated at the periphery of the settlement.

Keywords: Cimmerian Bosporos, Myrmekion, problems of topography, 1st–3rd cen. AD.


Аминов Ф. Ш. Один из локальных стилей орнаментации глазурованной керамики домонгольского Пенджикента (Таджикистан)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена одному из типов глазурованной керамики пенджикентского происхождения. Материалы, рассмотренные в данной работе, состоят из чаш, блюдец и чашечки. Они орнаментированы надглазурной росписью из лент с процарапанными полосками, а также ромбическими фигурами. Подобные мотивы росписи не встречаются за пределами Пенджикента и его округи.

Ключевые слова: Пенджикент, Средняя Азия, домонгольский период, глазурованная керамика, локальная продукция, орнамент.

Aminov F. Sh. A local decoration style of glazed ceramics in pre-Mongolian Panjakent (Tajikistan)

Annotation: During the six seasons (from 2015) of archaeological investigations of pre-Mongolian Panjakent, a large collection of objects of material culture has been obtained, of which a major part is constituted of glazed pottery of the 9th — early 13th century. The retrieved glazed ware of the 9th — early 11th century consisting of Samarkand types demonstrates a strong dependence from the Samarkand site situated 60 km to the east. Beginning from the second quarter of the 11th century, more diverse glazed vessels, including those of a local origin, appear in Panjakent. In terms of their artistic design they yield to the glazed ware of the 10th — early 11th centuries, however a degradation of the quality of the design of ceramics during that period is observed throughout the whole of Central Asia. The present study is devoted to one of the types of the Panjakent ware. It presents complete and reconstructed bowls (Figs. 1; 2, 1–6; 3, 1–6), saucers (Fig. 3, 7–9) and a cup (Fig. 2, 7). No vessels with analogous motifs of the painting (bands and rhombuses against a brown background) are found among the materials from Central-Asian centres and other synchronous sites.

Keywords: Panjakent, Central Asia, pre-Mongolian period, glazed pottery, local production, ornamental pattern.


Хвощинская Н. В. Об одной группе скандинавских находок на Рюриковом городище

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются фигурные навершия, украшавшие мелкие инструменты (пинцеты, шилья) или булавки, дана их типология, проведено сравнение со скандинавскими образцами из могильника Бирка. На Городище найдено 17 экз. — это наибольшее количество на памятниках Восточной Европы, часть их является некачественными отливками местного производства.

Ключевые слова: Рюриково городище, IX–X вв., фигурные навершия, типология, аналогии, интерпретация.

Khvoshchinskaya N. V. On one group of Scandinavian finds from Ryurik Gorodishche

Annotation: This study considers objects which according to the evidence from Scandinavian sites were finials (tops) of small tools such as pincers and awls/needles or pins. Occasionally these objects were one-piece casts but more often they consisted of two parts: finials, usually manufactured from non-ferrous metal, and the implement proper made of iron. A fairly representative collection of finds of this type retrieved during excavations at the cemetery of Birka was examined and classified by Jutta Waller (fig. 1). On the basis of her typology, we have distinguished through the form of their heads five types among the collection from Ryurik Gorodishche. Type I. This group includes three one-piece casts. The main part of their finials was a polyhedral figure in the form of a cube or a parallelepiped with cut corners (fig. 2) corresponding to group B9–12 in Ju. Waller’s classification. Type II. This type is represented by a single find. The form of the head here reminds type I but is more complicated. Instead of one multifaceted figure, the central part of the finial consists of three linked fourteen-sided pieces (fig. 3, 1). Among the finds from Birka it has no direct parallels, the closest version being represented by type C16. Type III. This group is composed of two items which have the central parts of the biconical form with a distinct rib but their upper and lower parts are different fig. 3, 2, 3). The closest parallels from the Birka collection are found among finials of group C16-18. Type IV. This is the most numerous and typologically homogeneous group comprising seven finds — two complete objects (fig. 4) and five tops (fig. 5, 1–5). The base of the finials is a figure representation of a human head. On the head, a headdress in the form of a helmet is distinctly recognizable. Of note is that among this series of artefacts, defective examples with indentations, caverns and cracks are encountered along with skilfully manufactured articles. This fact supports the already available evidence for local manufacture of objects of the Scandinavian type at Gorodishche. This type has direct parallels among the objects from Birka distinguished by Ju. Waller as type E30-31 exceeding in its quantity all the other categories of such finds (27 items). Type V. This last group of the objects includes four finials. Three of them are one-piece casts (fig. 5, 6–8) while still another one consists of two soldered halves (fig. 6). The main feature of this type is a double-sided symmetric representation of masks. The most relief shape is demonstrated by a finial consisting of parts soldered together but it is difficult to interpret the representation definitely. It is executed seemingly after a Scandinavian prototype however in an entirely different technique. The other objects of this series are casts of poor quality but nevertheless the representations on them can be reliably recognized as human faces. The eyes, nose and mouth are traceable here with different extent of distinctness. The schematic and simplified character of the images, as well as the very level of the execution suggests that they were a “test of the pen” of local Gorodishche’s craftsmen. In this case it is naturally difficult to find their parallels in Birka but finials from group D27-28 seem most likely to have been the examples for imitation. In the territory of East Europe, objects of similar type have been found only among the materials from the Gnezdovo archaeological complex: two in burials, one at the unfortified settlement and one at the fortified site. According to N. V. Eniosova, five of these examples are represented by type С16 and one is С13 (in Ju. Waller’s classification). In two cases, the finials in the form of human heads resemble subtype E30 while one is practically entirely identical to type D28. Besides Gnezdovo, in terms of the little human head resembling type D28, notable is a pair of pincers from the cemetery of Novoselki (fig. 7, 1) and a pin with a polyfaceted cubic finial found together with other Scandinavian objects in a manufacturing shop in Ladoga (fig. 7, 2). Chronologically, all the finds from the territory of Rus belong to the boundary between the 9th/10th cen. or the first half of the 10th cen. While the purpose of the pincers is quite clear, there are different views as to the interpretation of the awl-like objects. These hypotheses are based mostly on their positions in inhumation burial complexes. On the one hand, the finds from the cemetery of Birka were found accompanied by other small tools — knives, scissors and ear spoons and, as a rule, were put on the bosom under an oval brooch, occasionally in the area of the waist or below it possibly being suspended to the costume. Ju. Waller therefore interprets this set as a certain complex of female toilette implements. On the other hand, this researcher does not rule out that some of the objects included by her into the group of awls were ordinary costume pins. This supposition finds proofs both at the Birka cemetery itself and among the finds from cemeteries on Gotland Island where female burials have yielded about 1000 pins revealed always in pairs and on the shoulders of the interred. The researchers not once noted the similarity of the character of Scandinavian objects found in Birka, at Gorodishche and Gnezdovo; the category of artefacts here considered confirms this conclusion.

Keywords: Ryurik Gorodishche, 9th–10th cen., figure finials, typology, analogues, interpretation.


Медникова Е. Ю. Восстановление плинф и кирпичей в средневековом Новгороде

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются результаты анализа на оптико-электронной полиполяризационной системе состава черного слоя, покрывающего поверхность, а также проникающего в трещины и выемки плинф и кирпичей в средневековом Новгороде.

Ключевые слова: плинфа, кирпич, черный слой, оптико-электронная полиполяризационная система, анализ, ракушки, обжиг.

Mednikova E. Yu. Restoration of plinthoi and bricks in mediaeval Novgorod

Annotation: The paper presents the results of analysis of the composition of the black mass noted on the surface and filling fissures and cavities of plinthoi and bricks in mediaeval Novgorod. The investigations were conducted using an opticoelectronic polipolarization system designed at the IHMC RAS. As a result it was established that the black substance consists of clay and finely ground shells with molluscs. The mass thus obtained was fired at the temperature of 600–750 °C and served for restoration of plinthoi and bricks with the purpose of their further use in construction.

Keywords: plinthos, brick, black mass, opticoelectronic polipolarization system, analysis, mollusc shells, reduction firing.


Васильев Б. Г., Медникова Е. Ю. Исследование строительных материалов Старой Ладоги (или Новгородской земли) методом полиполяризации

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются результаты анализов строительных растворов Староладожской крепости и плинф из церквей Старой Ладоги и Новгорода, проведенных на оптико-электронной полиполяризационной системе, разработанной в ИИМК РАН.

Ключевые слова: оптико-электронная полиполяризационная система, анализ, Староладожская крепость, строительные растворы, Старая Ладога, Новгород. плинфы, ракушки.

Vasilyev B. G., Mednikova E. Yu. Investigation of building materials from Staraya Ladoga (Novgorod Land) by the method of polipolarization

Annotation: The paper presents the results of analyses of building mortars in the Staraya Ladoga fortress and plinthoi from churches of Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod. This research was conducted using an opticoelectronic polipolarization system designed at the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS. It has been established that mollusc shells with the molluscs were added to the building mortars in the Staraya Ladoga fortress. The finely ground mollusc shells with the molluscs were revealed in plinthoi from churches in Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod. Since mortars containing mollusc shells with molluscs have been found before at Classical sites, the authors suppose that these technologies of preparation of building mortars and plinthoi were no local ones but had originated from antiquity.

Keywords: opticoelectronic polipolarization system, analysis, Staraya Ladoga fortress, building mortars, Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, plinthoi, mollusc shells.


Горлов К. В., Лапшин В. А., Михайлов К. А., Лазарев А. А., Хлуднев К. В., Конончук К. В., Филиппенко Р. В., Бессуднов А. А. Нумизматические находки в Твери и Тверской области в 2019, 2020 гг. (по материалам работ ИИМК РАН)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается коллекция из 209 единичных монет XV — первой половины XX в. и двух кладов середины XVIII в., обнаруженных в 2019 и 2020 гг. Тверской городской археологической экспедицией Отдела охранной археологии ИИМК РАН в ходе проведения археологических раскопок в Твери и Тверской области.

Ключевые слова: Тверь, пула, монеты, культурный слой, время обращения, хронология.

Gorlov K. V., Lapshin V. A., Mikhaylov K. A., Lazarev A. A., Khludnev K. V., Kononchuk K. V., Filippenko R. V., Bessudnov A. A. Numismatic finds from Tver and Tver Oblast in 2019 and 2020 (after investigations by IHMC RAS)

Annotation: In 2019 and 2020, the Tver City Archaeological Expedition of the Department of Rescue Archaeology of IHMC RAS carried out scientific research in the form of archaeological excavations in Tver, Zatmatsky Posad, and outside its limits: in the modern micro-district of Migalovo, as well as in the Konakovsky District of Tver Oblast at the settlement site of Shosha-1. In the course of these works, a collection of 209 single coins and two hoards was obtained (Table № 1–6; Figs. 1–7). A comprehensive study of numismatic evidence and written documents allows us at present to consider these monetary signs as a highly informative interdisciplinary source. The coins found in Tver and Tver Oblast were employed as one of the most important chronological indicators for obtaining more precise dates of the formation of the cultural layer. It has been established that the removal from circulation of the large pulos found during excavations in Yefimov Street was taking place most probably throughout the 15th cent. Finds of small pulos and rather rare silver coins possibly mark the period from the 15th cent. until the Time of Troubles, although their removal from circulation had taken place most possibly not before the crushing of Tver in 1569 by the oprichnic armies of Ivan the Terrible. The absence of coins of the 17th cent. among the revealed artefacts reflects the situation mentioned in written sources which tell about the desertion of a considerable area of Zatmatsky Posad and using it as tillable lands during that period. The segment of the numismatic collection obtained during the excavation in Troitskaya Street, including a series of pulos, marks the formation of the cultural layer in the end of the 15th — early 16th cent. The monetary hoard hidden in the 1760s was related with the use of the area in the second half of the 18th cent. The numismatic material recorded in the course of excavations of the settlement site of Migalovo 1 allows the researchers to distinguish two chronological spans when the monetary signs could have been removed from circulation. The first stage is dated to the late 15th — 16th cent. The absence of examples of the 17th cent. among the coin finds, in particular kopecks of Aleksey Mikhaylovich, repeats the situation observed during excavations in other districts of Tver. The second chronological span covering the 1730s and 1740s is marked by monetary signs of ten-rouble denominations recorded as single finds and among a small complex. Coins found in the course of excavations in Tver in Lidiya Bazanova Str., house 48, indicate an active development of this area from the middle of the 19th cent. to the beginning of the 20th cent. Of special importance here is a finding of two coins of Alexander II and Nickolas II, which distinctly reflect the structure of everyday monetary circulation and date the cultural layer. The numismatic collection obtained during excavations of the settlement site of Shosha-1 allows us to trace the economic development of this area from the early 16th to the mid-1930s generally coinciding with the evidence of written sources. The largest quantity of coins was lost here in the 18th century and at the turn between the 19th and 20th cen.

Keywords: Tver, pulo (copper coin), coins, cultural layer, coin circulation period, chronology.


Актуальные проблемы археологии
Topical Problems of Archaeology


Городилов А. Ю. Памятники культуры шнуровой керамики юго-восточного побережья Финского залива между реками Лугой и Ковашей

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются данные о найденных в 2018–2021 гг. Ленинградской областной археологической экспедицией ИИМК РАН поселениях и стоянках юго-восточного побережья Финского залива, на которых присутствуют материалы культуры шнуровой керамики. В результате проведенных полевых работ были получены опорные коллекции материалов культуры шнуровой керамики для рассматриваемого региона. Анализируются их культурная принадлежность, а также топографическая приуроченность памятников, характер культурного слоя и основные связанные с ним объекты.

Ключевые слова: поселение, стоянка, эпоха раннего металла, культура шнуровой керамики, юго-восточное побережье Финского залива.

Gorodilov A. Yu. Corded Ware culture pottery from the south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland between the Luga and Kovashi rivers

Annotation: Throughout the south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland, antiquities of the Corded Ware culture for a long time have been represented only by single finds. The situation started to change in the early 2000s when over ten sites of the Corded Ware culture were discovered by Russian and foreign archaeologists during the course of investigations of many years in the area between the Narva and Luga rivers. In addition, since 2018 the Leningrad Oblast Archaeological Expedition of IHMC RAS has revealed over 30 sites of the Stone Age and Bronze Age of which nine yielded artefacts of the Corded Ware culture (Fig. 1). At the sites revealed, a series of common features are identifiable, such as topographical ties, the character of the cultural layer, the composition of the finds assemblage, etc. The majority of the sites are located on sand formations at height marks from 7,5 m BSH (Koskolovo 10) to 11 m BSH (Koskolovo 5). Bearers of the Corded Ware culture often chose previously occupied places for their settlements. At seven of the nine sites, antiquities of earlier periods (Narva culture, Pit-Comb Ware cultures and the later Comb-Ware culture) have been recorded as well as those of later periods (Bronze Age and Early Iron Age). “Genuine” complexes have been revealed only at the open-air sites of Koskolovo 6 and in the village of Kovashi. The majority of sites of the Corded Ware culture are represented by rather small open-air camps. The settlement-site of Galik 11 is a unique one in this relation — its area is about 20,000 sq. m. A common feature of all the sites of the Corded Ware culture is the absence of a lithologically marked cultural layer. As the works of 2018–2021 have shown, the south-eastern littoral of the Gulf of Finland eastwards from the Luga River possesses a high potential for research of antiquities related with the Corded Ware culture. The distance between the groups of sites already discovered does not exceed 25 km enabling us to speak about a continuous settlement of the littoral in the 3rd mil. BC. Conduction of a regular investigation of the coast will possibly increase manifold the number of camp sites and long-term settlements. This is suggested by the density of the sites in the basin of the Khabolovka River where an examination to this purpose has been carried out. Antiquities of the Corded Ware culture from the south-eastern shore of the Gulf of Finland have direct parallels both in the territory of Estonia and in the areas to the north — Finland and Sweden. Some of the finds belong to common European antiquities allowing us to include the area under investigation into the range of distribution of the cultures of Corded Ware.

Keywords: settlement, open-air site, Early Metal epoch, Corded Ware culture, south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland.


Каспаров А. К., Вахонеев В. В., Лохова О. В. О типе питания людей, захороненных в склепах на некрополе в Южном пригороде древнего Херсонеса Таврического

Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию изотопного состава останков людей с некрополя римского времени античного города Херсонес (Севастополь, Республика Крым). Различие в изотопных отношениях углерода и азота в тканях погребенных в одних и тех же семейных склепах людей говорит о том, что, несмотря на принадлежность к одной родовой группе, тип питания ее членов мог сильно различаться по качеству и обильности. Установлено, что большинство погребенных умерли в межсезонье, в осенне-весеннее время, возможно, от простудных заболеваний.

Ключевые слова: Херсонес, некрополь, склеп, человек, изотопный анализ, диета, сезон смерти.

Kasparov A. K., Vakhoneev V. V., Lokhova O. V. On the diet type of the individuals buried in vaults at the necropolis of the southern suburb of ancient Tauric Chersonesos

Annotation: This article presents the results of isotopic analysis of samples of human bones from four mediaeval vaults and one tomb of the Roman period at the excavated area “Southern suburb of Chersonesos” which from the turn of this era until ca 10th cen. served as a cemetery of this large polis (fig. 1–5). In total, skeletal samples from approximately 130 individuals have been examined. The results obtained demonstrate that persons of different prosperity manifestly belonging to different social groups were interred in one and the same vault (fig. 6–10). The consumption of fish was very limited. A low agricultural season, e.g. autumn or spring, was the time of death of the majority of the interred. It seems that the diet of women did not much differ from that of men although it was nevertheless somewhat cheaper. Among the buried, two representatives of foreign cultures with deformed elongated skulls have been encountered. Judging from the ratio of isotopes, their life way did not differ from that of the ordinary residents of Chersonesos.

Keywords: Chersonese, necropolis, crypt, man, isotopic analysis, diet, season of death.


Аманбаева Б. Э., Михеева А. А., Ямаучи К. Нательные кресты из монастырского комплекса церквей на городище Ак-Бешим

Аннотация. В 2021 г. на комплексе церквей (X–XI вв.; объект VIII) городища Ак-Бешим (Кыргызстан) были возобновлены археологические раскопки, в процессе которых нами был обнаружен равноконечный нефритовый крест хорошей сохранности. К настоящему времени известно о пяти нефритовых крестах, найденных на городищах, расположенных в Чуйской долине Семиречья. Датировка крестов — с VIII по XI в.

Ключевые слова: Семиречье, Суяб, городище Ак-Бешим, нефритовый крест, христианство, хотанский нефрит, несторианство в Китае, Восточный Туркестан, Внутренняя Монголия, ордосские кресты.

Amanbaeva B. E., Mikheeva A. A., Yamauchi K. Cross pendants from the monastic complex of churches at the ancient settlement of Ak-Beshim

Annotation: In spring of 2021, archaeological excavations were resumed after a long interruption at a monastic complex of churches of the 10th–11th centuries in the south-eastern section of the site of Ak-Beshim (Kyrgyzstan). While digging in the area of the external southern wall of structure “А”, we retrieved a well-preserved nephrite equal-arm cross. A similar nephrite cross was found in room No. 5 of the same complex during G. L. Semenov’s excavations; two crosses were found not far from our site at the settlement of Krasnaya Rechka, and a nephrite pendant with a green stone in the centre of the cross was revealed in the Kazakhstan part of the Chuya valley — at the fortified site of Aktobe (Stepninskoye). An examination and comparative analysis of the Ak-Beshim cross showed that this object had not been finished possibly thrown away because of the loss of one of the bars of the cross. The terminals of the cross arms are schematically shaped, the eye for threading a cord had not been made, the bars of the cross were not levelled — all these facts suggest that we are dealing not with a completed/ready object but rather with its blank. Taking in account the dimensions of the cross it is likely that it would have been worn over the clothes. The stylistic features and the shape of the cross have parallels at sites of the Nestorian Christianity in China, East Turkestan and, in the subsequent period, in Inner Mongolia. It must be noted that no direct analogues are here involved — at present, nephrite crosses are known only in the region of Semirechye (Zhetysu). The finding of the Ak-Beshim cross allows us to suggest the presence of manufacturing workshops at the monastic complex of churches when it was functioning. Nephrite, both in the form of ready products and as raw material was imported to the region under consideration from East Turkestan, from Khotan and Yarkand, or with trade caravans passing from China.

Keywords: Semirechye (Zhetysu), Suyab, site of Ak-Beshim, nephrite cross, Christianity, Khotan nephrite, Nestorianism in China, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia, Ordos crosses.


История науки
History of Science


Казарян А. Ю., Кукина Д. А., Медведева М. В. Дело «о командировании Н. Я. Марра в Русскую Армению для производства там археологических розысканий». Первый опыт раскопок в Ани

Аннотация. В статье впервые проводится анализ представления научных результатов первой комплексной научной экспедиции в Армении, организованной в 1892 г. Императорской археологической комиссией, под руководством Николая Яковлевича Марра на основе составленного им дневника. Внимание авторов сосредоточено на деятельности экспедиции в Ани, где в 1892 г. были произведены раскопки небольших археологических памятников, что значительно повысило интерес к археологии, архитектуре и монументальному искусству этого городища. Подчеркивается значение архивных материалов, хранящихся в научном архиве ИИМК РАН. Анализ последовательного исследования разнообразных по своему характеру памятников Ани выявляет широкий диапазон научных интересов Н. Я. Марра.

Ключевые слова: Н. Я. Марр, Анийская археологическая экспедиция, армянская архитектура, Ани, Императорская археологическая комиссия, архивные документы.

Kazaryan A. Yu., Kukina D. A., Medvedeva M. V. Records “on the N. Ya. Marr’s mission to Russian Armenia for carrying out archaeological researches there”. The first experience of excavations at Ani

Annotation: This paper first conducts an analysis of the scientific results of the first interdisciplinary expedition under the guidance of Nikolay Yakovlevich Marr in Armenia organized in 1892 by the Imperial Archaeological Commission. The study is based on the diary written by the scholar. The attention of the present authors is focused on the activities of the expedition at Ani where in 1892 excavations of small archaeological objects were conducted having considerably enhanced the interest for archaeology, architecture and monumental art of this site. The importance is highlighted of the archive materials kept in the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS. Analysis of a consecutive research of monuments of Ani of diverse character exposes the wide range of N. Ya. Marr’s scientific interests.

Keywords: N. Ya. Marr, Ani Archaeological Expedition, Armenian architecture, Ani, Imperial Archaeological Commission, archive documents.


Григорьева О. В., Медведева М. В. Архив И. В. Фабрициус в ИИМК РАН: новые материалы к подготовке издания археологической карты Северного Причерноморья

Аннотация. В статье анализируются документы из личного фонда известной исследовательницы истории и культуры скифских племен, археолога Ирины Васильевны Фабрициус (1882–1966), работавшей в 1930-е гг. в Академии истории материальной культуры. Особую ценность среди ее архивных материалов в собрании ИИМК РАН представляет рукопись монографии «Археологическая карта Причерноморья Украинской ССР». Вновь выявленные документы раскрывают подробности подготовки этого важного издания к печати, длившейся 17 лет, и открывают новые факты о «ленинградском периоде» научной биографии И. В. Фабрициус.

Ключевые слова: И. В. Фабрициус, В. И. Гошкевич, ГАИМК, ИИМК АН СССР, ИА АН УССР, археологическая карта, Северное Причерноморье, Украина, Научный архив, рукописные и фотографические документы.

Grigoryeva O. V., Medvedeva M. V. Archives of I. V. Fabritsius at IHMC RAS: new materials for publication of “The Archaeological Map of the Black Sea Region”

Annotation: The paper analyses documents from the personal archives of the prominent researcher of the history and culture of Scythian tribes Irina Vasilyevna Fabritsius (1882–1966) who worked in the 1930s at the Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK). Of special value among the archive documents kept at the collection of IHMC RAS is the manuscript of the monograph “Archaeological Map of the Black Sea Region”. The newly revealed documents disclose the particulars of the seventeen years long preparation of this important edition for print and present new facts about the “Leningrad period” of the scientific biography of Irina V. Fabritsius.

Keywords: I. V. Fabritsius, V. I. Goshkevich, GAIMK, IIMK (IHMC) AS USSR, IA AS UkSSR, archaeological map, Northern Black Sea Region, Ukraine, Scientific Archives, manuscript and photographic documents.


Батасова А. В. «Археологическая карта Причерноморья Украины» И. В. Фабрициус: состояние источниковой базы и перспективы применения для современных исследований

Аннотация. Статья посвящена обзору «Археологической карты Причерноморья Украины» И. В. Фабрициус, включая ее неопубликованную рукопись, которая хранится в научном архиве ИИМК РАН. Раскрывается содержание, географический охват рукописи, отличия от опубликованной части («Археологическая карта Украинской ССР»), а также проблемы и перспективы работы с этими материалами на современном этапе археологических исследований.

Ключевые слова: Причерноморье, археологические карты, И. В. Фабрициус, новые архивные материалы, ГИС.

Batasova A. V. “The Archaeological Map of Ukrainian Black Sea Region” by I. V. Fabritsius: the state of the source base and prospects of its use in modern studies

Annotation: This paper is devoted to a review of “The Archaeological Map of Ukrainian Black Sea Region” by Irina V. Fabritsius including her unpublished manuscript kept in the scientific archives of IHMC RAS. The study displays the contents, the geographic scope of the manuscript, and its difference from the published part (“The Archaeological Map of the Ukrainian SSR”). Also problems and prospects of working with these materials for the modern stage of archaeological studies are described.

Keywords: Black Sea region, archaeological maps, I. V. Fabritsius, new archive materials, GIS.


Кузнецова В. Н. «Скифский роман» И. В. Фабрициус: творческие материалы в личном фонде ученого

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются творческие материалы, входящие в состав личного фонда И. В. Фабрициус. Среди документов — обрывки стихотворений, рукописи «Великий Новгород и немецкие рыцари (Первый разгром немцев — Ледовое побоище 1242 г.)» и «Скифский роман» (сценарий) (НА ИИМК РАН. РО. Ф. 61. Оп. 1. Д. 68, 69, 70). В произведениях нашли отражение научные интересы И. В. Фабрициус, переживания, связанные с трагическими событиями Второй мировой войны, и яркий живой слог автора.

Ключевые слова: И. В. Фабрициус, творческое наследие, Вторая мировая война, Геродот, архивные документы, Скифский роман, Александр Невский.

Kuznetsova V. N. Scythian Romance by I. V. Fabritsius: creative documents from the private archives of the researcher

Annotation: The paper presents creative documents from the private archives of Irina V. Fabritsius. Among the documents there are fragments of a poem and the manuscript “Veliky Novgorod and German knights (The first defeat of the Germans — The Ice Battle of 1242)”, as well as “A Scythian Romance” (scenario) (Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS. Manuscript Department). These compositions have reflected the scientific interests of I. V. Fabritsius, her emotional experience concerned with the tragic events of the Second World War and the vivid lively style of the author.

Keywords: I. V. Fabritsius, creative heritage, Second World War, Herodotus, archive documents, Scythian Romance, Alexander of Neva.


Заднепровская А. Ю. Письма Б. А. Латынина (из семейного архива Т. Н. и Ю. А. Заднепровских)

Аннотация. Письма выдающегося российского археолога Б. А. Латынина (1899–1967), сотрудника ГАИМК и Государственного Эрмитажа, человека трагической судьбы, обращены к его младшему коллеге Ю. А. Заднепровскому (1924–1999). Остроумные и ироничные, они содержат также вполне конкретные практические советы молодому ученому, начинающему серьезные археологические исследования в Ферганской долине. Письма представляют интерес для изучения раннего этапа российских археологических работ 1930–1950-х гг. в Средней Азии.

Ключевые слова: Б. А. Латынин, Ю. А. Заднепровский, история археологической науки в СССР, археология Ферганской долины.

Zadneprovskaya A. Yu. Letters from B. A. Latynin (from the family archive of T. N. and Yu. A. Zadneprovsky)

Annotation: These letters of an outstanding Russian archaeologist Boris A. Latynin (1899–1967), a member of the State Academy for the History of Material Culture and of the State Hermitage, as well as a man of tragic fate, are addressed to his younger colleague, Yurii A. Zadneprovsky (1924–1999). Being witty and ironic, they also contain very practical advices for the young scholar who just began to start serious archaeological explorations in the Fergana Valley. The letters are of interest for studying the early period of Russian archaeological works in western Central Asia during the 1930s — 1950s.

Keywords: Boris A. Latynin, Yurii A. Zadneprovsky, history of archaeological science in the USSR, archeology of the Fergana Valley.


Курбатов А. В. О превратностях науки. Заметки к статье А. А. Липатова «История Ивангородской неолитической стоянки»

Аннотация. В советский период истории нашей страны несвоевременная постановка на государственную охрану вновь выявленных археологических объектов нередко являлась следствием несогласованности взаимодействия научных учреждений и властных структур в области археологии. Примером может служить постановка на государственную охрану как археологического объекта «неолитической стоянки» «на берегу р. Наровы».

Ключевые слова: памятники каменного века, неолит, Нарвско-Лужское междуречье, Ивангород.

Kurbatov A. V. About the vicissitudes of science. Notes on A. A. Lipatov’s “History of the Ivangorod Neolithic site”

Annotation: During the Soviet period in the history of our country, an ill-timed registration for public protection of newly revealed archaeological objects not infrequently resulted of mis-coordination in the interaction between scientific institutes and authoritative structures in the sphere of archaeology. An example perhaps is the state registration for public protection of the archaeological object “Neolithic site” “on the bank of the Narova River”.

Keywords: sites of the Stone Age, Narva-Luga interfluve.


Обзоры и рецензии
Review Articles and Book Reviews


Анисюткин Н. К. Важный источник изучения среднего палеолита Восточной Европы. Рецензия на книгу: Праслов Н. Д., Кузнецова Л. В. Палеолитическое поселение Сухая Мечетка (по материалам раскопок С. Н. Замятнина) / Ред. М. Н. Желтова, А. К. Очередной. СПб.: Невская типография, 2020. 144 с. ISBN: 978-5-907298-02-6

Ключевые слова: Восточная Европа, низовья Волги, средний палеолит, мустьерская стоянка Сухая Мечетка.

Anisyutkin N. K. An important source for studying the Middle Paleolithic of Eastern Europe Review of Праслов Н. Д., Кузнецова Л. В. Палеолитическое поселение Сухая Мечетка (по материалам раскопок С. Н. Замятнина) / Ред. М. Н. Желтова, А. К. Очередной. СПб.: Невская типография, 2020. 144 с. ISBN: 978-5-907298-02-6.

Keywords: East Europe, lower reaches of the Volga, Middle Palaeolithic, Mousterian site of Sukhaya Mechetka.


Курбатов А. В. Открывая тьму cредневековья. Рецензия на книгу: Колединский Л. В. Верхний замок Витебска (IX–XVIII вв.). Гродно: ЮрСаПринт, 2021. 632 с.: ил.

Ключевые слова: древнерусские города, Верхний замок Витебска, Л. В. Колединский.

Kurbatov A. V. Revealing the Darkness of the Middle Ages. Review of Колединский Л. В. Верхний замок Витебска (IX–XVIII вв.). Гродно: ЮрСаПринт, 2021. 632 с.: ил.

Keywords: Old Russian towns, Upper Castle of Vitebsk, L. V. Koledinskiy.



Восток — Запад
East — West


Васильев С. А. VI (XXII) Всероссийский археологический съезд (Самара, 5–9 июня 2022 г.)

Ключевые слова: Всероссийские археологические съезды.

Vasil’ev S. A. VI (XXII) All-Russian Archaeological Congress (Samara, June 5–9, 2022)

Keywords: All-Russian archaeological congresses.


Кашуба М. Т., Стоянов Е. О., Трубникова В. Б., Фрибус А. В. М. П. Грязнов — 90/100/110/120 лет. Первые итоги Международной научной конференции «Евразия в энеолите — раннем средневековье (инновации, контакты, трансляции идей и технологий)» (ноябрь 2022 г., Санкт-Петербург)

Ключевые слова: горно-степная Евразия, М. П. Грязнов, неолит, энеолит, эпоха бронзы, железный век, раннее средневековье, искусство, понятийный аппарат археологии, археологические культуры, хронология, междисциплинарные исследования, интерпретация, история науки, научное взаимодействие.

Kashuba M. T., Stoyanov Yv. O., Trubnikova V. B., Fribus A. V. M. P. Gryaznov — 90/100/110/120. First results of the International conference Eurasia from the Aeneolithic (Chalcolithic) Era to the Early Middle Ages (Innovations, Contacts, Transmission of Ideas and Technologies) (November 2022, St. Petersburg)

Keywords: mountain-steppe zone of Eurasia, Mikhail P. Gryaznov, Neolithic, Aeneolithic (Chalcolithic), Bronze Age, Iron Age, Early Middle Ages, art, conceptual framework of archaeology, archaeological cultures, chronology, interdisciplinary studies, interpretation, history of science, academic (scholarly?) interaction.


Кашуба М. Т. СТЕК — новая площадка научного взаимодействия

Ключевые слова: СТЕК (сырьё — технология — культура), научное взаимодействие, современные исследовательские сети контактов.

Kashuba M. Т. STEK is a new platform for academic interaction

Keywords: STEK (raw materials — technology — culture), academic interaction, modern research networks.



Ad memoriam


Медведева М. В. Татьяна Анатольевна Ершова (16 декабря 1948 — 21 декабря 2021)

Medvedeva M. V. Tatyana Anatolyevna Ershova (December 16, 1948 — December 21, 2021)


Лапшин В. А. Сергей Васильевич Белецкий (21 августа 1953 — 19 февраля 2022)

Lapshin V. A. Sergei Vasilyevich Beletsky (August 21, 1953 — February 19, 2022)


Лапшин В. А. Александр Иванович Сакса (11 августа 1951 — 14 августа 2022)

Lapshin V. A. Alexander Ivanovich Saksa (August 11, 1951 — August 14, 2022)


Кашуба М. Т., Красниенко С. А. Маргарита Николаевна Пшеницына (6 сентября 1937 — 10 сентября 2022)

Kashuba M. T., Krasnijenko S.V. Margarita Nikolaevna Pshenitsyna (September 6, 1937 – September 10 2022)




Ткач Е.С. Институт истории материальной культуры РАН в 2021 г.

Tkach E. S. Institute for the History of the Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences in 2021


Список сокращений

List of abbreviations